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Azam Premier League 2015/2016 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Azam Premier League2015/2016

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Rwanda
GamesGames played : 239
Goals forGoals scored : 501 (2.1 goals per match )

Home victories


Away victories

Relegated to lower tier : Isonga

Azam Premier League 2015/2016's fixtures and results

Round 17

April 19, 2016
Kiyovu1 0Espoir Cyangugu
Muhanga4 1Amagaju
April 20, 2016
Sunrise0 0Marines Gisenyi
AS Kigali1 1Rayon Sport
Etincelles2 1Rwamagana City
Gicumbi1 1Musanze
Mukura Victory1 2APR
Bugesera2 0Police Kibungo

General rankingLast updated on 17/07/2016

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo APRAPR673021454318+25
logo Rayon SportRayon Sport6129171025011+39
logo Mukura VictoryMukura Victory603019384425+19
logo AS KigaliAS Kigali563016864521+24
logo Police KibungoPolice Kibungo5230141064726+21
logo KiyovuKiyovu4830146103731+6
logo BugeseraBugesera3730107132335-12
logo Sunrise RwamaganaSunrise3430810122834-6
logo GicumbiGicumbi3430810122638-12
logo Marines GisenyiMarines Gisenyi3330712111928-9
logo Espoir CyanguguEspoir Cyangugu3330712112033-13
logo Etincelles GisenyiEtincelles323088142941-12
logo AmagajuAmagaju3030612122038-18
logo MusanzeMusanze293078152740-13
logo Rwamagana CityRwamagana City253067172032-12


1 Police KibungoDEspoir Cyangugu 0-0 18/05/2016V 3-1 Amagaju23/05/2016DMusanze 2-2 08/06/2016VAS Kigali 0-2 15/06/2016V 2-0 Marines Gisenyi10/07/2016V 4-0 Etincelles17/07/2016
2 Mukura VictoryVAmagaju 1-2 18/05/2016V 3-2 Musanze23/05/2016V 1-0 AS Kigali11/06/2016DEtincelles 1-1 14/06/2016LMarines Gisenyi 2-0 07/07/2016V 1-0 Bugesera17/07/2016
3 Espoir CyanguguD 0-0 Police Kibungo18/05/2016V 1-0 APR21/05/2016VRwamagana City 1-2 08/06/2016DSunrise 1-1 15/06/2016D 0-0 Rayon Sport13/07/2016V 1-0 Gicumbi17/07/2016
4 AS KigaliVMarines Gisenyi 0-3 18/05/2016V 4-0 Bugesera23/05/2016V 3-2 Etincelles07/06/2016LMukura Victory 1-0 11/06/2016L 0-2 Police Kibungo15/06/2016VAPR 1-2 17/07/2016
5 APRV 2-0 Kiyovu18/05/2016LEspoir Cyangugu 1-0 21/05/2016VAmagaju 0-1 08/06/2016V 2-0 Musanze12/06/2016VMarines Gisenyi 0-1 15/06/2016L 1-2 AS Kigali17/07/2016
6 Rayon SportD 1-1 Gicumbi17/05/2016D 1-1 Etincelles25/05/2016V 6-0 Amagaju15/06/2016V 2-0 Kiyovu10/07/2016DEspoir Cyangugu 0-0 13/07/2016LMusanze 2-0 17/07/2016
7 BugeseraV 2-1 Sunrise17/05/2016LAS Kigali 4-0 23/05/2016V 3-0 Gicumbi07/06/2016V 2-1 Muhanga15/06/2016LEtincelles 3-0 10/07/2016LMukura Victory 1-0 17/07/2016
8 Rwamagana CityV 1-0 Muhanga18/05/2016VKiyovu 0-1 23/05/2016L 1-2 Espoir Cyangugu08/06/2016DAmagaju 1-1 12/06/2016DMusanze 0-0 15/06/2016L 1-2 Marines Gisenyi17/07/2016
9 Marines GisenyiL 0-3 AS Kigali18/05/2016DEtincelles 1-1 29/05/2016L 0-1 APR15/06/2016V 2-0 Mukura Victory07/07/2016LPolice Kibungo 2-0 10/07/2016VRwamagana City 1-2 17/07/2016
10 KiyovuLAPR 2-0 18/05/2016L 0-1 Rwamagana City23/05/2016V 3-2 Sunrise11/06/2016VGicumbi 0-3 15/06/2016LRayon Sport 2-0 10/07/2016D 2-2 Muhanga17/07/2016
11 MusanzeD 1-1 Etincelles19/05/2016LMukura Victory 3-2 23/05/2016D 2-2 Police Kibungo08/06/2016LAPR 2-0 12/06/2016D 0-0 Rwamagana City15/06/2016V 2-0 Rayon Sport17/07/2016
12 EtincellesDRayon Sport 1-1 25/05/2016D 1-1 Marines Gisenyi29/05/2016LAS Kigali 3-2 07/06/2016D 1-1 Mukura Victory14/06/2016V 3-0 Bugesera10/07/2016LPolice Kibungo 4-0 17/07/2016
13 MuhangaL 0-3 APR15/05/2016LRwamagana City 1-0 18/05/2016D 1-1 Sunrise07/06/2016V 2-1 Gicumbi11/06/2016LBugesera 2-1 15/06/2016DKiyovu 2-2 17/07/2016
14 GicumbiDRayon Sport 1-1 17/05/2016V 2-1 Sunrise21/05/2016LBugesera 3-0 07/06/2016LMuhanga 2-1 11/06/2016L 0-3 Kiyovu15/06/2016LEspoir Cyangugu 1-0 17/07/2016
15 SunriseLBugesera 2-1 17/05/2016LGicumbi 2-1 21/05/2016DMuhanga 1-1 07/06/2016LKiyovu 3-2 11/06/2016D 1-1 Espoir Cyangugu15/06/2016DAmagaju 0-0 17/07/2016
16 AmagajuL 1-2 Mukura Victory18/05/2016LPolice Kibungo 3-1 23/05/2016L 0-1 APR08/06/2016D 1-1 Rwamagana City12/06/2016LRayon Sport 6-0 15/06/2016D 0-0 Sunrise17/07/2016

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 06/03/2025 at 17:46

Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
logo APRAPR51010533253454443211111111111
logo Rayon SportRayon Sport166367642233331122222222222
logo Mukura VictoryMukura Victory1363856535322112333443333333
logo AS KigaliAS Kigali1041211111111224555655444444
logo Police KibungoPolice Kibungo312122424545555446566656665
logo KiyovuKiyovu10125745366666796664334565556
logo BugeseraBugesera1014101412141414121211988897999991010977
logo Sunrise RwamaganaSunrise3814911121291010108979898888877798
logo GicumbiGicumbi101381078887777667787777788889
logo Marines GisenyiMarines Gisenyi161013131413131314141213121311111110101111111111111310
logo Espoir CyanguguEspoir Cyangugu3391210910119111312131213121312121212131414141111
logo Etincelles GisenyiEtincelles151615151515151515151515151515151414141414141312121012
logo AmagajuAmagaju1051268477888101010101010111110101099101213
logo MusanzeMusanze13844911910119911111112131213131313121213131414
logo Rwamagana CityRwamagana City1026111310111213131414141414141516151516161515151515

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 06/03/2025 at 17:46

Score Frequence
0 - 0 32 times
1 - 0 51 times
1 - 1 33 times
2 - 0 38 times
2 - 1 37 times
2 - 2 2 times
3 - 0 15 times
3 - 1 11 times
Score Frequence
3 - 2 6 times
4 - 0 6 times
4 - 1 3 times
4 - 2 1 times
4 - 3 1 times
5 - 1 2 times
6 - 0 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 06/03/2025 at 17:46


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