Dacia Unirea Braila 1998/1999
Full nameDacia Unirea Braila
Diminutive Braila
Stadium Municipal
Official websitehttp://daciaunireabraila.ro/
Roster Dacia Unirea Braila 1998/1999
left on : 01/07/2002
B.date | 03/08/1963 |
Age | 35 years |
left on : 01/01/2000
B.date | 24/03/1978 |
Age | 21 years |
Height | 1m78 |
Weight | 78 kg |
left on : 01/01/2002
B.date | 08/05/1979 |
Age | 20 years |
Height | 1m82 |
Weight | 75 kg |
left on : 01/07/1999
B.date | 08/09/1962 |
Age | 36 years |
Transfers: In
Players in | |||||
01/07 | 01/07/1998 | Gheorghita | Rocar Bucarest |
Transfers: Out
Players out | |||||
Staff members out | |||||
01/07 | 01/07/1998 | Ionel Iuga | Foresta | manager |
Last 10 years rankingLast updated on 05/01/2025 at 09:23
This ranking is calculated on the total of league games of the country between 1989 and 1999 weighted by the tier of the competition teams played for. The points per match are calculated on the basis of a 3-point victory and a 1-point draw.
14 | Inter Sibiu | 1.4 pts/m | |
15 | U Cluj | 1.08 pts/m | |
16 | Politehnica | 1.35 pts/m | |
17 | Ceahlaul | 1.42 pts/m | |
18 | Caracal | 1.33 pts/m | |
19 | Braila | 1.21 pts/m | |
20 | Jiul Petrosani | 0.96 pts/m | |
21 | Hunedoara | 1.16 pts/m | |
22 | CSM Resita | 1.14 pts/m | |
23 | FCM Targoviste | 1.12 pts/m | |
24 | Bihor Oradea | 1.06 pts/m |
First data collected by footballdatabase.eu on the 23/08/1989. All information before this date, if they exist, might be missing.