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logo National First Division

National First Division2017/2018

Nivél : 2
Tipo de club : A
País : Sudáfrica
PartidosPartidos jugados : 240
Goles paraGoles marcados : 547 (2.28 goles per partido )

Victorias a casa


Victorias fuera

Descensos en la división inferiora : Santos Ciudad del Cabo, Magesi FC
Ascensos en la división superiora : AmaZulu
Descensos de la división superiora : Highlands Park

Lista de partidos de National First Division 2017/2018

Jornada 9

27 octubre 2017
Ubuntu CT1 1Richards Bay
28 octubre 2017
Black Leopards0 1Highlands Park
Royal Eagles0 1All Stars
Mbombela United0 2Witbank Spurs
29 octubre 2017
Stellenbosch0 0U. of Pretoria
Real Kings1 0Mthatha Bucks
Uthongathi0 0Tshakhuma
Super Eagles0 2Jomo Cosmos

Clasificación generalUltima actualización el 06/05/2018

pts p g e d GP GC dif
logo Highlands ParkHighlands Park693021636513+52
logo Black LeopardsBlack Leopards503014884221+21
logo Jomo CosmosJomo Cosmos493014794635+11
logo Real KingsReal Kings4530111273425+9
logo Witbank SpursWitbank Spurs4530111273530+5
logo Tshakhuma Tsha MadzivhandilaTshakhuma4130118113244-12
logo Cape Town All StarsAll Stars403091382926+3
logo StellenboschStellenbosch40301010102936-7
logo Royal EaglesRoyal Eagles3630812104041-1
logo University of PretoriaU. of Pretoria363099123546-11
logo UthongathiUthongathi3430713102125-4
logo Richards BayRichards Bay3430810122740-13
logo Mbombela UnitedMbombela United3330106142840-12
logo Ubuntu CTUbuntu CT3230711123138-7
logo Super EaglesSuper Eagles3230711122640-14
logo Mthatha BucksMthatha Bucks2230410162747-20


1 Highlands ParkVTshakhuma 0-4 31/03/2018V 5-1 U. of Pretoria07/04/2018V 3-0 Mthatha Bucks14/04/2018EAll Stars 1-1 20/04/2018V 2-1 Black Leopards29/04/2018VStellenbosch 0-3 06/05/2018
2 Jomo CosmosVRichards Bay 2-4 31/03/2018V 3-1 Tshakhuma08/04/2018ERoyal Eagles 0-0 15/04/2018VMthatha Bucks 0-3 21/04/2018V 3-2 Super Eagles29/04/2018DBlack Leopards 3-0 06/05/2018
3 Black LeopardsV 3-1 Stellenbosch01/04/2018V 1-0 Uthongathi07/04/2018DWitbank Spurs 2-0 15/04/2018V 4-0 Richards Bay21/04/2018DHighlands Park 2-1 29/04/2018V 3-0 Jomo Cosmos06/05/2018
4 Witbank SpursV 1-0 Mthatha Bucks31/03/2018VAll Stars 0-1 08/04/2018V 2-0 Black Leopards15/04/2018DStellenbosch 3-2 22/04/2018V 1-0 Mbombela United29/04/2018DRoyal Eagles 1-0 06/05/2018
5 Royal EaglesE 0-0 U. of Pretoria01/04/2018EStellenbosch 1-1 07/04/2018E 0-0 Jomo Cosmos15/04/2018VUbuntu CT 0-1 21/04/2018EAll Stars 1-1 29/04/2018V 1-0 Witbank Spurs06/05/2018
6 StellenboschDBlack Leopards 3-1 01/04/2018E 1-1 Royal Eagles07/04/2018VMbombela United 0-2 14/04/2018V 3-2 Witbank Spurs22/04/2018VU. of Pretoria 2-3 29/04/2018D 0-3 Highlands Park06/05/2018
7 UthongathiE 1-1 Super Eagles31/03/2018DBlack Leopards 1-0 07/04/2018E 1-1 Ubuntu CT14/04/2018V 1-0 Mbombela United21/04/2018DTshakhuma 2-1 29/04/2018V 1-0 U. of Pretoria06/05/2018
8 Ubuntu CTE 0-0 Real Kings03/04/2018VSuper Eagles 0-3 07/04/2018EUthongathi 1-1 14/04/2018D 0-1 Royal Eagles21/04/2018DRichards Bay 2-1 29/04/2018V 3-1 Tshakhuma06/05/2018
9 Richards BayD 2-4 Jomo Cosmos31/03/2018EMthatha Bucks 2-2 08/04/2018D 1-2 Super Eagles14/04/2018DBlack Leopards 4-0 21/04/2018V 2-1 Ubuntu CT29/04/2018VMbombela United 0-1 06/05/2018
10 Real KingsEUbuntu CT 0-0 03/04/2018E 0-0 Mbombela United07/04/2018ETshakhuma 1-1 14/04/2018E 1-1 U. of Pretoria21/04/2018VMthatha Bucks 0-2 29/04/2018D 1-2 All Stars06/05/2018
11 All StarsEMbombela United 1-1 01/04/2018D 0-1 Witbank Spurs08/04/2018DU. of Pretoria 4-3 14/04/2018E 1-1 Highlands Park20/04/2018E 1-1 Royal Eagles29/04/2018VReal Kings 1-2 06/05/2018
12 Super EaglesEUthongathi 1-1 31/03/2018D 0-3 Ubuntu CT07/04/2018VRichards Bay 1-2 14/04/2018E 0-0 Tshakhuma21/04/2018DJomo Cosmos 3-2 29/04/2018E 1-1 Mthatha Bucks06/05/2018
13 TshakhumaD 0-4 Highlands Park31/03/2018DJomo Cosmos 3-1 08/04/2018E 1-1 Real Kings14/04/2018ESuper Eagles 0-0 21/04/2018V 2-1 Uthongathi29/04/2018DUbuntu CT 3-1 06/05/2018
14 U. of PretoriaERoyal Eagles 0-0 01/04/2018DHighlands Park 5-1 07/04/2018V 4-3 All Stars14/04/2018EReal Kings 1-1 21/04/2018D 2-3 Stellenbosch29/04/2018DUthongathi 1-0 06/05/2018
15 Mthatha BucksDWitbank Spurs 1-0 31/03/2018E 2-2 Richards Bay08/04/2018DHighlands Park 3-0 14/04/2018D 0-3 Jomo Cosmos21/04/2018D 0-2 Real Kings29/04/2018ESuper Eagles 1-1 06/05/2018
16 Mbombela UnitedE 1-1 All Stars01/04/2018EReal Kings 0-0 07/04/2018D 0-2 Stellenbosch14/04/2018DUthongathi 1-0 21/04/2018DWitbank Spurs 1-0 29/04/2018D 0-1 Richards Bay06/05/2018

Clasificación ronda por rondaUltima actualización el 15/02/2025 a las 08:26

Equipo \ j123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
logo Highlands ParkHighlands Park312995541111111111111111111111
logo Black LeopardsBlack Leopards34812131314101213107109108810774542222232
logo Jomo CosmosJomo Cosmos147104561065333222223345454333323
logo Real KingsReal Kings6968610111410844754332232323445444
logo Witbank SpursWitbank Spurs1447891397776986958888667554555
logo Tshakhuma Tsha MadzivhandilaTshakhuma1416121010111289689678674423235666666
logo Cape Town All StarsAll Stars32127847699108109101099109776777887
logo StellenboschStellenbosch145111112555445797556891010109778
logo Royal EaglesRoyal Eagles612131516126121312151414141314141314141411111211111211109
logo University of PretoriaU. of Pretoria614932223322233344566791088989910
logo UthongathiUthongathi69611141491111111313111111111311111111131413121414121211
logo Richards BayRichards Bay61315161115151515151415151614131214131213151311131315151312
logo Mbombela UnitedMbombela United148115343244685675661091010899810101113
logo Ubuntu CTUbuntu CT121113141516161616161616161516161515161616141215151213141514
logo Super EaglesSuper Eagles1215161212771314141212131212121112121312121514141511131415
logo Mthatha BucksMthatha Bucks633643758101111121315151616151515161616161616161616

Marcadores más frecuentosUltima actualización el 15/02/2025 a las 08:26

Puntaje Frecuencia
0 - 0 31 times
1 - 0 52 times
1 - 1 38 times
2 - 0 19 times
2 - 1 39 times
2 - 2 8 times
3 - 0 14 times
3 - 1 14 times
3 - 2 5 times
Puntaje Frecuencia
3 - 3 2 times
4 - 0 6 times
4 - 1 3 times
4 - 2 2 times
4 - 3 2 times
5 - 0 1 times
5 - 1 2 times
5 - 2 1 times
7 - 1 1 times

Goles marcados por rondaUltima actualización el 15/02/2025 a las 08:26


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