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Eisner Loboa - Stats and titles won
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Eisner Loboa


Born on :  May 17, 1989 (35 years) at Caloto 
Nationality  : Colombia  Mexico 
Height : 1m64
Weight : 60 kg
  • Eisner Loboa
Main position
Defensive Midfielder11%


Eisner Loboa

Eisner Iván Loboa Balanta

Loboa's career statisticsLast updated on 15/03/2025 at 00:05

SeasonClubLeagueContinentNat. cupsInternationalTotal
tier Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff.
2020/2021 Achuapa1
2020 Olmedo13118531185
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Olmedo LigaPro Banco Pichincha 31185
2017 América Cali19211
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
América Liga Águila 9
América Copa Águila 2
2016/2017 León B
2016 América MG133
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
América MG Série A 3
2015/2016 Monarcas11414
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Monarcas Liga MX 14
2015/2016 Atlas1151120021711308
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Atlas Liga MX 1511200
Atlas Copa México Apertura 2
2014/2015 Puebla11429143223121211
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Puebla Liga MX 142
Puebla Copa México Apertura 2
Puebla Copa México Clausura 71312
2013/2014 León136162441
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
León Liga MX 361
León Copa México Apertura 2
León Copa Libertadores 6
2012/2013 León1323270923432750
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
León Liga MX 3232709
León Copa Libertadores 2
2011/2012 León2
2011 Sh. Shenhua1141658141658
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Sh. Shenhua Wanda Plaza CSL 141658
2011 Pasto
2010 Pasto
2009 Dep. Cali122
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Dep. Cali Copa Mustang 2
2008 Dep. Cali1
2007 Academia
2007 Dep. Cali1
2006 Dep. Cali1
The data represented with this background color are not complete. The figures may not reflect reality.



Player's evolution

*The FBDB Index is an automatically engineered figure based on player's statistical performances during each game he is involved in.

Player's titles


Liga MX 2logo León2013(Apertura)logo León2014(Clausura)
Copa México 1logo Puebla2015


Copa México 1logo Puebla2014


21/10/20 > 10/02/21 AchuapaFree
01/01/20 > 21/10/20 OlmedoFree
13/06/17 > 01/01/18 América Cali
28/07/16 > 19/09/16 América MGLoan
13/12/15 > 28/07/16 MonarcasLoan
01/07/15 > 13/12/15 AtlasLoan
04/06/14 > 01/07/15 PueblaLoan
05/01/12 > 13/06/17 León
09/07/11 > 19/11/11 Sh. ShenhuaLoan
01/01/10 > 05/01/12 Pasto
01/01/08 > 01/01/10 Deportivo Cali
01/07/07 > 01/01/08 Academia
01/07/06 > 01/07/07 Deportivo Cali

Player career by clubLast updated on 15/03/2025 at 00:05

Club Games Played matches Goals for Goals Assists Assists Efficiency Efficiency Minutes played Minutes played Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards Match starts Match starts V Victories L Losses
logo América Cali América11412127%39%127%3
logo América MG América MG33910%00%033%1
logo Atlas Atlas17113081308382%1435%659%10
logo Atlético Morelia Monarcas1481064%936%529%4
logo Deportivo Cali Dep. Cali2145100%20%0100%2
logo León León7833160548161360%4742%3324%19
logo Olmedo Olmedo3118518567%20%067%2
logo Puebla Puebla2312121112115161%1435%830%7
logo Shanghai Shenhua Sh. Shenhua141658658143%629%457%8

Results with or without him

Season Club When present When absent Influence
v l Total v l Total
2020/2021 Achuapa 0% 0% 0 38% 63% 8 -
2020 Olmedo 0% 67% 3 31% 62% 13 -
2017 América 9% 27% 11 47% 24% 17 Extremely negative
2016/2017 León B 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2016 América MG 0% 33% 3 25% 50% 8 -
2015/2016 Monarcas 36% 29% 14 36% 45% 11 Very slightly negative
2015/2016 Atlas 35% 59% 17 38% 25% 8 Very slightly negative
2014/2015 Puebla 35% 30% 23 34% 24% 29 -
2013/2014 León 43% 20% 44 47% 24% 17 Very slightly negative
2012/2013 León 41% 29% 34 25% 33% 12 Positive
2011/2012 León 0% 0% 0 65% 5% 20 -
2011 Sh. Shenhua 29% 57% 14 25% 75% 4 -
2011 Pasto 0% 0% 0 60% 20% 10 -
2010 Pasto 0% 0% 0 14% 36% 14 -
2009 Dep. Cali 0% 100% 2 38% 33% 42 -
2008 Dep. Cali 0% 0% 0 39% 41% 49 -
2007 Academia 0% 0% 0 0% 50% 2 -
2007 Dep. Cali 0% 0% 0 50% 13% 24 -
2006 Dep. Cali 0% 0% 0 33% 28% 18 -

First times

Date Competition Games Score First times

Deportivo Cali

18/07/2009 CM Independiente - Deportivo Cali 1 - 0 First match with the club, first start, first loss

Shanghai Shenhua

14/07/2011 WPCSL Sh. Shenhua - Liaoning 1 - 1 First match with the club
31/07/2011 WPCSL Shenzhen - Sh. Shenhua 2 - 0 First loss
10/09/2011 WPCSL Sh. Shenhua - Shaanxi Renhe 2 - 1 First start, first victory
24/09/2011 WPCSL Jiangsu Sainty - Sh. Shenhua 3 - 2 First goal


21/07/2012 Liga MX Querétaro - León 0 - 2 First match with the club, first start, first victory
05/08/2012 Liga MX Toluca - León 2 - 1 First loss, first goal


18/07/2014 Liga MX Tijuana - Puebla 0 - 1 First match with the club, first start, first victory
02/08/2014 Liga MX Puebla - América 0 - 4 First loss
03/02/2015 CMC Puebla - Mérida FC 2 - 1 First goal
17/02/2015 CMC Mérida FC - Puebla 0 - 2 First red card


25/07/2015 Liga MX Atlas - Querétaro 0 - 2 First match with the club, first start, first loss
01/08/2015 Liga MX América - Atlas 1 - 3 First victory
15/08/2015 Liga MX Atlas - Puebla 2 - 1 First goal

Monarcas Morelia

09/01/2016 Liga MX Monarcas - Cruz Azul 2 - 2 First match with the club
16/01/2016 Liga MX Tigres UANL - Monarcas 2 - 0 First start, first loss
30/01/2016 Liga MX Monarcas - Chivas 2 - 0 First victory

América MG

31/07/2016 SA América MG - Grêmio 0 - 0 First match with the club
19/08/2016 SA América MG - Chapecoense 1 - 2 First loss

América Cali

20/07/2017 L Junior - América Cali 3 - 0 First match with the club, first loss
26/07/2017 C Itagüi - América Cali 0 - 0 First start
17/09/2017 L América Cali - Huila 3 - 1 First victory


16/02/2020 LPBP Guayaquil City - Olmedo 4 - 1 First match with the club, first start, first loss
08/03/2020 LPBP Olmedo - Orense 2 - 2 First goal

Player's career by competitionLast updated on 15/03/2025 at 00:05

Competition Games Played matches Goals for Goals Efficiency Efficiency Assists Assists Own goals Own goals Minutes played Minutes played Match starts Match starts Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards V Victories D Draws L Losses
Categoría Primera A Categoría Primera A1140727%39%145%545%5
Copa Colombia Copa Colombia2150100%2100%2
Série A Série A33967%233%1
Serie A Serie A3118518567%233%167%2
Liga MX Liga MX111417715708268%7539%4327%3034%38
Copa México Copa México13164964946%6154%738%58%1
Chinese Super League Chinese Super League14165865843%629%414%257%8
Copa Libertadores Copa Libertadores841438%325%263%513%1

Player's results for each season

Season Club Tier Rk. pts MP V D L GF GA
2020/2021 Achuapa 1A 4 19 16 5 4 7 17 21
2020 Olmedo 1SE 15 0 2 0 0 2 1 3
2020 Olmedo 1PE 16 0 1 0 0 1 1 4
2017 América 1C 6 31 20 8 7 5 19 15
2017 América 1A 7 29 20 8 5 7 26 21
2016 América MG 1 20 18 26 4 6 16 18 40
2015/2016 Monarcas 1C 6 28 17 8 4 5 25 24
2015/2016 Monarcas 1A 10 23 17 7 2 8 26 26
2015/2016 Atlas 1A 16 17 17 5 2 10 17 28
2014/2015 Puebla 1C 14 20 17 5 5 7 21 20
2014/2015 Puebla 1A 15 16 17 2 10 5 15 21
2013/2014 León 1C 8 23 17 6 5 6 23 17
2013/2014 León 1A 3 30 17 8 6 3 25 14
2012/2013 León 1C 15 16 17 3 7 7 14 18
2012/2013 León 1A 3 33 17 10 3 4 34 17
2011/2012 León 2CLA 1 34 14 10 4 0 41 13
2011/2012 León 2ALA 4 23 15 5 8 2 26 16
2011 Sh. Shenhua 1 11 37 30 11 4 15 31 41
2009 Dep. Cali 1CMII 12 22 18 6 4 8 30 32
2009 Dep. Cali 1CMI 5 29 18 8 5 5 23 17
2008 Dep. Cali 1CMII 8 28 18 9 1 8 30 21
2008 Dep. Cali 1CMI 6 27 18 7 6 5 19 21
2007 Dep. Cali 1CMI 1 34 18 9 7 2 33 20
2006 Dep. Cali 1CMII 10 25 18 6 7 5 23 21
2006 Dep. Cali 1CMI 7 28 18 8 4 6 20 17

Match ratings and personal notes

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Closest teammates

photo Magallon José Magallon Compare 74 Games
photo Vázquez José Juan Vázquez Compare 73 Games
photo González Juan Ignacio González Compare 69 Games
photo Hernández Edwin Hernández Compare 68 Games
photo Peña Carlos Peña Compare 67 Games

Most visited opponents

photo Domínguez Julio César Domínguez Compare 10 Games
photo Corona José de Jesús Corona Compare 10 Games
photo Gimenez Christian Gimenez Compare 10 Games
photo Castro Alejandro Castro Compare 10 Games
photo Pavone Mariano Pavone Compare 9 Games


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