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Tsvetan Tsvetanov - Stats and titles won
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Tsvetan Tsvetanov

Born on :  June 22, 1988 (36 years)
Nationality  : Bulgaria 
Height : 1m81
Weight : 78 kg
Main position

Tsvetanov's career statisticsLast updated on 10/01/2025 at 07:49

SeasonClubLeagueContinentNat. cupsInternationalTotal
tier Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff.
2021/2022 Drenovec3
2020/2021 Drenovec3
2019/2020 Drenovec322902290
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Drenovec Treta Liga 2290
Drenovec Bulgarian Cup
2018/2019 Bdin Vidin3
2017/2018 Bdin Vidin311901190
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Bdin Vidin Treta Liga 1190
2016/2017 Bdin Vidin3
2015/2016 Bdin Vidin323602360
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Bdin Vidin V AFG 2360
2014/2015 Bdin Vidin
2013/2014 Parva Atomna
2012/2013 Mezdra55
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Mezdra Bulgarian Cup 5
2011/2012 Mezdra
2010/2011 Mezdra
2009/2010 Krivodol2241134212511385
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Krivodol B PFG 2411342
Krivodol Bulgarian Cup 1
2008/2009 Krivodol211
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Krivodol Bulgarian Cup 1
The data represented with this background color are not complete. The figures may not reflect reality.



Player's evolution

*The FBDB Index is an automatically engineered figure based on player's statistical performances during each game he is involved in.


01/07/19 > 01/07/22 Drenovec
01/07/14 > 01/07/19 Bdin Vidin
01/07/13 > 01/07/14 Parva Atomna
16/07/10 > 01/07/13 Mezdra
01/07/08 > 02/07/10 Botev Krivodol

Player career by clubLast updated on 10/01/2025 at 07:49

Club Games Played matches Goals for Goals Assists Assists Efficiency Efficiency Minutes played Minutes played Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards Match starts Match starts V Victories L Losses
logo Bdin Vidin Bdin Vidin3468270100%333%167%2
logo Botev Krivodol Krivodol26113921392454%1427%746%12
logo Drenovec Drenovec2290180100%2100%20%0
logo Lokomotiv Mezdra Mezdra5325100%540%260%3

Results with or without him

Season Club When present When absent Influence
v l Total v l Total
2021/2022 Drenovec 0% 0% 0 32% 61% 31 -
2020/2021 Drenovec 0% 0% 0 39% 33% 36 -
2019/2020 Drenovec 100% 0% 2 33% 50% 12 -
2018/2019 Bdin Vidin 0% 0% 0 40% 40% 30 -
2017/2018 Bdin Vidin 0% 100% 1 55% 28% 29 -
2016/2017 Bdin Vidin 0% 0% 0 57% 29% 14 -
2015/2016 Bdin Vidin 50% 50% 2 36% 61% 28 -
2014/2015 Bdin Vidin 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2013/2014 Parva Atomna 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2012/2013 Mezdra 40% 60% 5 0% 0% 0 -
2011/2012 Mezdra 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2010/2011 Mezdra 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2009/2010 Krivodol 24% 48% 25 20% 80% 5 -
2008/2009 Krivodol 100% 0% 1 34% 41% 32 -

First times

Date Competition Games Score First times

Botev Krivodol

07/12/2008 BC Rodopa Smoljan - Botev Krivodol 1 - 3 First match with the club, first victory
08/08/2009 B PFG Botev Vratsa - Botev Krivodol 1 - 0 First loss
03/10/2009 B PFG Rilski - Botev Krivodol 2 - 0 First start
31/10/2009 B PFG Botev Krivodol - Marek Dupnitza 1 - 0 First goal

Lokomotiv Mezdra

13/10/2012 BC General Toshevo - Mezdra 1 - 3 First match with the club, first start, first victory
24/11/2012 BC Kaliakra - Mezdra 4 - 1 First loss

Bdin Vidin

06/09/2015 V AFG Kariana Erden - Bdin Vidin 2 - 3 First match with the club, first start, first victory, first goal
23/10/2015 V AFG Botev Vratsa - Bdin Vidin 4 - 2 First loss, first time scoring 2 goals


11/08/2019 TL Drenovec - Vihar Slavyanovo 2 - 0 First match with the club, first start, first victory, first goal, first time scoring 2 goals

Player's career by competitionLast updated on 10/01/2025 at 07:49

Competition Games Played matches Goals for Goals Efficiency Efficiency Assists Assists Own goals Own goals Minutes played Minutes played Match starts Match starts Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards V Victories D Draws L Losses
Bulgarian Cup Bulgarian Cup737571%543%357%4
V Vtora profesionalna liga2411342134258%1425%629%746%11
Treta liga Treta liga5675450100%560%340%2

Player's results for each season

Season Club Tier Rk. pts MP V D L GF GA
2021/2022 Drenovec 3 11 35 32 11 2 19 39 66
2018/2019 Bdin Vidin 3 6 42 30 12 6 12 55 43
2017/2018 Bdin Vidin 3 4 53 30 16 5 9 57 33
2016/2017 Bdin Vidin 3 5 26 14 8 2 4 40 12
2015/2016 Bdin Vidin 3 12 34 30 11 1 18 48 75
2009/2010 Krivodol 2 13 31 30 8 7 15 21 40
2008/2009 Krivodol 2 10 38 30 10 8 12 32 46

Last games

Date Competition Round Team 1 Score Team 2 Score Minutes played Goals for Own goals Assists Yellow cards Red cards
June 04, 202204/06TLRound 34Drenovec3 - 2Spartak PlevenAbsent
May 28, 202228/05TLRound 33Mezdra2 - 0DrenovecAbsent
May 22, 202222/05TLRound 32Drenovec1 - 2Vihar SlavyanovoAbsent
May 14, 202214/05TLRound 31Polski Trambesh2 - 0DrenovecNo data
May 11, 202211/05TLRound 30Drenovec3 - 0Peshtera GalataNo data
May 07, 202207/05TLRound 29Svishtov8 - 0DrenovecAbsent
April 30, 202230/04TLRound 28Drenovec3 - 1PavlikeniAbsent
April 22, 202222/04TLRound 27Cherven0 - 1DrenovecNo data
April 09, 202209/04TLRound 25Drenovec0 - 2SevlievoAbsent
April 02, 202202/04TLRound 24Lokomotiv Dryanovo3 - 0DrenovecNo data
March 26, 202226/03TLRound 23Drenovec3 - 3Juventus MalchikaNo data
March 19, 202219/03TLRound 22Etar B2 - 1DrenovecAbsent
March 12, 202212/03TLRound 21Drenovec1 - 2Lokomotiv GOAbsent
March 05, 202205/03TLRound 20Levski 2007 Levski3 - 1DrenovecNo data
February 26, 202226/02TLRound 19Drenovec0 - 1Botev Vratsa BAbsent
February 19, 202219/02TLRound 18Bdin Vidin3 - 1DrenovecAbsent
November 27, 202127/11TLRound 17Spartak Pleven2 - 0DrenovecAbsent
November 19, 202119/11TLRound 16Drenovec2 - 1MezdraAbsent
November 12, 202112/11TLRound 15Vihar Slavyanovo1 - 0DrenovecAbsent
November 06, 202106/11TLRound 14Drenovec2 - 0Polski TrambeshNo data
October 30, 202130/10TLRound 13Peshtera Galata5 - 0DrenovecNo data
October 23, 202123/10TLRound 12Drenovec2 - 1SvishtovAbsent
October 16, 202116/10TLRound 11Pavlikeni2 - 0DrenovecAbsent
October 09, 202109/10TLRound 10Drenovec3 - 0ChervenNo data
September 25, 202125/09TLRound 8Sevlievo5 - 0DrenovecAbsent
September 18, 202118/09TLRound 7Drenovec2 - 0Lokomotiv DryanovoNo data
September 11, 202111/09TLRound 6Juventus Malchika0 - 1DrenovecNo data
September 04, 202104/09TLRound 5Drenovec3 - 0Etar BAbsent
August 28, 202128/08TLRound 4Lokomotiv GO4 - 2DrenovecAbsent
August 21, 202121/08TLRound 3Drenovec4 - 6Levski 2007 LevskiNo data
August 14, 202114/08TLRound 2Botev Vratsa B0 - 0DrenovecAbsent
August 07, 202107/08TLRound 1Drenovec0 - 3Bdin VidinAbsent
First XI
On the bench

Match ratings and personal notes

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Closest teammates

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Most visited opponents

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Tsvetelin Ralchovski Compare 3 Games
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photo Elias Elias Compare 2 Games
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