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Baurzhan Dzholchiev - Stats and titles won
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Baurzhan Dzholchiev


Born on :  May 08, 1990 (34 years) at Bishkek 
Nationality  : Kazakhstan 
Height : 1m90
Weight : 80 kg
Number of international caps : 14 (3 goals)
First international goal : vs Moldova 06/02/2013
  • Baurzhan Dzholchiev

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Main position

Dzholchiev's career statisticsLast updated on 10/12/2024 at 09:33

SeasonClubLeagueContinentNat. cupsInternationalTotal
tier Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff. Games Games played Goals for goals Assists ass. Efficiency eff.
2016 Astana
2015 Astana12435523922393133757520
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Astana Superkubok 1
Astana Premier Liga 2435523
Astana Champions League 922393
Kazakhstan Friendlies 1
Kazakhstan Euro Qualifying 2
2014 Astana1246427273119241115935106236
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Astana Premier Liga 2464272
Astana (C3) Europa League 731192
Kazakhstan Friendlies 21178
Kazakhstan Euro Qualifying 2
2013 Tobol19321833211121253155
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Kazakhstan Friendlies 1245
Kazakhstan World Cup Qualifying - Europe Zone 21
Tobol Premier Liga 932183
2012 Tobol12081883238206
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Tobol Premier League 208188
Kazakhstan Friendlies 2
Kazakhstan World Cup Qualifying - Europe Zone 1
Kazakhstan U-21 UEFA U-21 Championship Qualifying 2
2011 Tobol122
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Tobol Champions League 2
Kazakhstan U-21 UEFA U-21 Championship Qualifying 2
2011 Atyrau1
Club Competition Games Goals forAssistsEfficiency
Kazakhstan U-21 UEFA U-21 Championship Qualifying 1
2010 Atyrau1
2009 Atyrau1
2008 Almaty1
The data represented with this background color are not complete. The figures may not reflect reality.



Player's evolution

*The FBDB Index is an automatically engineered figure based on player's statistical performances during each game he is involved in.

Player's titles


Premier Liga 2logo Astana2014logo Astana2015
Supercoupe 1logo Astana2015


11/01/14 > 01/01/16 AstanaFree
01/07/11 > 11/01/14 Tobol KustanayFree
01/01/09 > 01/07/11 Atyrau
01/01/08 > 01/01/09 Almaty

Player career by clubLast updated on 10/12/2024 at 09:33

Club Games Played matches Goals for Goals Assists Assists Efficiency Efficiency Minutes played Minutes played Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards Match starts Match starts V Victories L Losses
logo Astana Astana67141233847371481%5454%3615%10
logo Kazakhstan Kazakhstan14322637902171%1029%443%6
logo Kazakhstan Kazakhstan U-215303160%30%040%2
logo Tobol Kustanay Tobol311122012209977%2435%1135%11

Results with or without him

Season Club When present When absent Influence
v l Total v l Total
2016 Astana 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 -
2015 Astana 54% 17% 35 50% 25% 8 Very slightly positive
2014 Astana 55% 13% 31 56% 33% 9 -
2013 Tobol 11% 56% 9 57% 30% 23 Extremely negative
2012 Tobol 50% 25% 20 50% 33% 6 -
2011 Tobol 0% 50% 2 54% 46% 13 -
2011 Atyrau 0% 0% 0 24% 47% 17 -
2010 Atyrau 0% 0% 0 38% 47% 34 -
2009 Atyrau 0% 0% 0 42% 31% 26 -
2008 Almaty 0% 0% 0 33% 43% 30 -

First times

Date Competition Games Score First times

Tobol Kustanay

12/07/2011 CL Slovan - Tobol Kustanay 2 - 0 First match with the club, first start, first loss
10/03/2012 PL Tobol Kustanay - Kairat Almaty 4 - 0 First victory, first goal, first time scoring 2 goals


15/03/2014 PL Astana - Jetisy 0 - 0 First match with the club, first start
22/03/2014 PL Ordabasy - Astana 0 - 1 First victory
05/04/2014 PL Astana - Taraz 1 - 0 First goal
10/05/2014 PL Atyrau - Astana 1 - 0 First loss

Player's career by competitionLast updated on 10/12/2024 at 09:33

Competition Games Played matches Goals for Goals Efficiency Efficiency Assists Assists Own goals Own goals Minutes played Minutes played Match starts Match starts Yellow cards Yellow cards Red cards Red cards V Victories D Draws L Losses
Premier Liga Premier Liga782026711534676%5951%4028%2221%16
Supercoupe Supercoupe170100%1100%1
Friendlies Friendlies73139141786%657%429%214%1
WCQEZ World Cup Qualifying - Europe Zone3115733%1100%3
UEFAU21CQ UEFA U-21 Championship Qualifying530360%360%340%2
Euro Qualifying Euro Qualifying421675%3150%250%2
Champions League Champions League122478295592%1125%350%625%3
Europa League Europa League731921575100%757%414%129%2

Player's results for each season

Season Club Tier Rk. pts MP V D L GF GA
2015 Astana 1 1 46 32 20 7 5 55 26
2014 Astana 1 1 45 32 18 10 4 63 26
2013 Tobol 1 7 35 32 14 6 12 48 33
2012 Tobol 1 5 45 26 13 6 7 42 27
2011 Tobol 1 6 45 32 14 3 15 48 44
2011 Atyrau 1 9 17 17 4 5 8 12 22
2010 Atyrau 1 7 44 32 13 5 14 36 44
2009 Atyrau 1 6 40 26 11 7 8 37 29
2008 Almaty 1 8 37 30 10 7 13 33 39

Match ratings and personal notes

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Closest teammates

photo Shomko Dmitriy Shomko Compare 71 Games
photo Nuserbaev Tanat Nuserbaev Compare 66 Games
photo Cañas Róger Cañas Compare 63 Games
photo Anicic Marin Anicic Compare 61 Games
photo Kethevoama Foxi Kethevoama Compare 61 Games

Most visited opponents

photo Islamkhan Bauyrzhan Islamkhan Compare 10 Games
photo Gurman Mark Gurman Compare 9 Games
photo Smakov Samat Smakov Compare 9 Games
photo Kuantaev Ermek Kuantaev Compare 9 Games
photo Ashirbekov Kairat Ashirbekov Compare 8 Games

Player's former teammates

Former National Team teammates


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