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2016/2017 Liga Primera's Transfers Table: all official deals
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2016/2017 Liga Primera's Transfers Table

Official transfer tableLast updated on 30/01/2025 at 00:31


Date Name Previous club Transfers
01/07 Erwin Cabrera
01/07 Óscar GarcíaFree
01/07 Jorge Nuñez
01/07 Yosimar Rivera
01/07 Ricardo VegaOcotal
01/07 Bismarck VelizJuventus FC


Date Name Destination club Transfers
01/07 Erick AlcázarDiriangén


Date Name Previous club Transfers
01/07 Anderson Acosta
01/07 Roger Alarcon
01/07 Sixto JarquinOcotal
01/07 Kesler PérezUnknown
01/07 Jose Silva
01/01 Miguel SosaEl Vigía


Date Name Destination club Transfers


Date Name Previous club Transfers
01/07 Estarling Acuna
01/01 N. MunguíaUnknown


Date Name Destination club Transfers
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