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Superliga 2015/2016 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Denmark
GamesGames played : 198
Goals forGoals scored : 549 (2.77 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 642
Red cardsRed cards : 27

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 25.69 years
Number of players participating : 379
Promoted : Viborg, Aarhus GF
Relegated to lower tier : Silkeborg, Vestsjaelland

Superliga 2015/2016's fixtures and results

Round 8

September 11, 2015
Hobro0 3Hobro default lossAarhus GF
  • 27'Gökcan Kaya
  • 89'Martin Mikkelsen
  • 45'Thomas Hansen (o.g)
  • September 12, 2015
    Viborg0 1Nordsjaelland
  • 90'Bruninho
  • September 13, 2015
    Randers1 0SönderjyskE
  • 71'Mikael Ishak
  • Bröndby0 0Midtjylland
    FC Copenhagen4 2Aalborg
  • 18'Andreas Cornelius
  • 49'Kasper Kusk
  • 61'Nicolai Jörgensen
  • 70'Kasper Pedersen (o.g)
  • 10'Thomas Enevoldsen
  • 37'Lukas Spalvis
  • September 14, 2015
    Esbjerg4 2Odense
  • 1'Robin Söder
  • 17'Nicki Bille Nielsen
  • 30'Victor Palsson
  • 36'Kevin Niclas Mensah
  • 43'Kenneth Zohore
  • 54'Mohamed el Makrini
  • General rankingLast updated on 29/05/2016

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo FC CopenhagenFC Copenhagen713321846228+34
    logo SönderjyskESönderjyskE623319595636+20
    logo MidtjyllandMidtjylland593317885733+24
    logo BröndbyBröndby5433166114337+6
    logo AalborgAalborg5033155135644+12
    logo RandersRanders4733138124543+2
    logo OdenseOdense4633144155052-2
    logo ViborgViborg4033117153442-8
    logo NordsjaellandNordsjaelland3833115173551-16
    logo Aarhus GFAarhus GF3733813124749-2
    logo EsbjergEsbjerg303379173864-26
    logo HobroHobro183346232670-44

    The best XI according to FBDB Index

    photo Frederik Rönnow
    Frederik Rönnow
    Age33 years
    photo Johan Larsson
    Johan Larsson
    Age35 years
    photo Mathias Zanka
    Mathias Zanka
    Age35 years
    photo Pierre Kanstrup
    Pierre Kanstrup
    Age36 years
    photo Ludwig Augustinsson
    Ludwig Augustinsson
    Age31 years
    photo Jakob Poulsen
    Jakob Poulsen
    Age42 years
    photo Thomas Delaney
    Thomas Delaney
    Age34 years
    photo Rasmus Falk Jensen
    Rasmus Falk Jensen
    Age33 years
    photo Nicolaj Thomsen
    Nicolaj Thomsen
    Age32 years
    photo Nicolai Jörgensen
    Nicolai Jörgensen
    Age34 years
    photo Federico Santander
    Federico Santander
    Age34 years

    Your best XI

    One match scorers

    Viktor Lundberghas scored 3 goals during the match Randers 3-0 Nordsjaelland (26/07/2015)
    Rasmus Festersenhas scored 3 goals during the match Nordsjaelland 1-5 Odense (02/10/2015)
    Anders K. Jacobsenhas scored 3 goals during the match Odense 5-1 Viborg (17/04/2016)
    Duncan Rasmussenhas scored 3 goals during the match Nordsjaelland 3-3 Aarhus GF (21/05/2016)

    Individual rankingsLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    Player Goals pen. eff. Min.p. M.p. Start Home Away 1H 2H Team % Last goal
    Lukas Spalvis 17 1 124 2113 30 24 11 6 7 10 31% 01/05/2016
    Nicolai Jörgensen 15 4 174 2616 31 30 8 7 4 11 25% 26/05/2016
    Rasmus Festersen 14 2 176 2462 30 29 6 8 7 7 28% 12/05/2016
    Federico Santander 14 0 161 2257 30 29 8 6 6 8 23% 29/05/2016
    Duncan Rasmussen 14 0 144 2012 29 22 7 7 2 12 29/05/2016
    Martin Pusic 13 1 126 1635 25 18 10 3 5 8 24% 29/05/2016
    Johan Absalonsen 12 4 231 2774 31 31 6 6 5 7 21% 20/05/2016
    Thomas Enevoldsen 12 0 187 2242 30 28 7 5 5 7 22% 22/05/2016
    Anders K. Jacobsen 12 0 145 1743 24 19 8 4 3 9 24% 29/05/2016
    Mikael Ishak 12 1 178 2141 28 23 6 6 5 7 28% 29/05/2016
    Jeppe Curth 10 1 236 2359 30 29 5 5 6 4 31% 29/04/2016
    Teemu Pukki 10 0 258 2583 33 28 3 7 5 5 24% 16/05/2016
    Bruninho 9 0 126 1131 15 12 4 5 3 6 26% 25/10/2015
    Tommy Bechmann 9 0 226 2033 30 23 7 2 5 4 16% 20/05/2016
    Mayron George 9 1 159 1429 23 17 5 4 5 4 33% 22/05/2016


    1 FC CopenhagenVOdense 0-1 08/05/2016VAalborg 0-2 12/05/2016V 2-0 Nordsjaelland16/05/2016LHobro 4-2 22/05/2016VEsbjerg 1-4 26/05/2016V 2-1 Aarhus GF29/05/2016
    2 MidtjyllandD 1-1 Aarhus GF08/05/2016VHobro 1-4 11/05/2016V 3-2 SönderjyskE14/05/2016VRanders 1-2 22/05/2016DAalborg 0-0 26/05/2016V 4-1 Nordsjaelland29/05/2016
    3 SönderjyskEV 2-0 Esbjerg06/05/2016V 2-0 Viborg11/05/2016LMidtjylland 3-2 14/05/2016V 3-1 Odense20/05/2016D 1-1 Randers26/05/2016VBröndby 1-2 29/05/2016
    4 BröndbyV 2-1 Nordsjaelland09/05/2016VRanders 0-2 12/05/2016VEsbjerg 2-3 16/05/2016L 0-1 Viborg23/05/2016VHobro 0-2 26/05/2016L 1-2 SönderjyskE29/05/2016
    5 Aarhus GFDMidtjylland 1-1 08/05/2016V 5-1 Esbjerg11/05/2016V 2-0 Aalborg17/05/2016DNordsjaelland 3-3 21/05/2016V 2-1 Odense26/05/2016LFC Copenhagen 2-1 29/05/2016
    6 RandersV 2-0 Hobro07/05/2016L 0-2 Bröndby12/05/2016VViborg 2-3 16/05/2016L 1-2 Midtjylland22/05/2016DSönderjyskE 1-1 26/05/2016V 3-1 Esbjerg29/05/2016
    7 ViborgL 0-2 Aalborg08/05/2016LSönderjyskE 2-0 11/05/2016L 2-3 Randers16/05/2016VBröndby 0-1 23/05/2016LNordsjaelland 1-0 26/05/2016V 1-0 Hobro29/05/2016
    8 OdenseL 0-1 FC Copenhagen08/05/2016VNordsjaelland 0-1 12/05/2016L 0-1 Hobro15/05/2016LSönderjyskE 3-1 20/05/2016LAarhus GF 2-1 26/05/2016V 3-2 Aalborg29/05/2016
    9 HobroLRanders 2-0 07/05/2016L 1-4 Midtjylland11/05/2016VOdense 0-1 15/05/2016V 4-2 FC Copenhagen22/05/2016L 0-2 Bröndby26/05/2016LViborg 1-0 29/05/2016
    10 NordsjaellandLBröndby 2-1 09/05/2016L 0-1 Odense12/05/2016LFC Copenhagen 2-0 16/05/2016D 3-3 Aarhus GF21/05/2016V 1-0 Viborg26/05/2016LMidtjylland 4-1 29/05/2016
    11 AalborgVViborg 0-2 08/05/2016L 0-2 FC Copenhagen12/05/2016LAarhus GF 2-0 17/05/2016L 1-2 Esbjerg22/05/2016D 0-0 Midtjylland26/05/2016LOdense 3-2 29/05/2016
    12 EsbjergLSönderjyskE 2-0 06/05/2016LAarhus GF 5-1 11/05/2016L 2-3 Bröndby16/05/2016VAalborg 1-2 22/05/2016L 1-4 FC Copenhagen26/05/2016LRanders 3-1 29/05/2016

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233
    logo FC CopenhagenFC Copenhagen743488122211111111111111111111
    logo SönderjyskESönderjyskE652323434345654432233222222222
    logo MidtjyllandMidtjylland211111211122223354544334433333
    logo BröndbyBröndby101111845868633445545455555554444
    logo AalborgAalborg387256575574332223322443345555
    logo RandersRanders575734343456566667977777676666
    logo OdenseOdense136977686788887776666666767777
    logo ViborgViborg96869911991099999999899999999898
    logo NordsjaellandNordsjaelland121012101010757867778888788888888989
    logo Aarhus GFAarhus GF3245529101191010101010101011111111111111111010101010
    logo EsbjergEsbjerg8129111111101110111111111111111110101010101010101111111111
    logo HobroHobro11810121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    0 - 1569
    Best scorer : Teemu Pukki - 3 Goals
    16 - 3080
    Best scorer : Rasmus Festersen - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+87
    Best scorer : Lukas Spalvis - 4 Goals
    46 - 6082
    Best scorer : Martin Pusic - 4 Goals
    61 - 75105
    Best scorer : Duncan Rasmussen - 5 Goals
    76 - 90+126
    Best scorer : Duncan Rasmussen - 6 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 14 times
    1 - 0 33 times
    1 - 1 17 times
    2 - 0 35 times
    2 - 1 34 times
    2 - 2 8 times
    3 - 0 9 times
    3 - 1 10 times
    3 - 2 9 times
    3 - 3 2 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 0 4 times
    4 - 1 6 times
    4 - 2 5 times
    4 - 4 1 times
    5 - 0 1 times
    5 - 1 5 times
    5 - 2 1 times
    5 - 3 1 times
    6 - 0 2 times
    6 - 2 1 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Midtjylland 34 29 15 Martin Pusic (13 goals)
    Nordsjaelland 33 27 14 Bruninho (9 goals)
    Esbjerg 33 26 12 Mick van Buren (6 goals)
    Odense 32 27 11 Rasmus Festersen (14 goals)
    Bröndby 30 32 17 Teemu Pukki (10 goals)
    Hobro 29 30 14 Mayron George (9 goals)
    FC Copenhagen 27 28 12 Nicolai Jörgensen (15 goals)
    Viborg 26 23 9 Jeppe Curth (10 goals)
    Aalborg 26 27 11 Lukas Spalvis (17 goals)
    Randers 26 27 12 Mikael Ishak (12 goals)
    Aarhus GF 25 28 15 Duncan Rasmussen (10 goals)
    SönderjyskE 25 22 17 Johan Absalonsen (12 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Nordsjaelland 21.8 Patrick Mtiliga (33 years) Emil Damgaard (16 years)
    Midtjylland 23.9 Kristian Bak Nielsen (32 years) Alexander Munksgaard (17 years)
    Odense 24.3 Lasse Kryger (32 years) Yao Dieudonne (17 years)
    FC Copenhagen 24.5 Kim Christensen (35 years) Joel Felix (16 years)
    Randers 24.5 Christian Keller (34 years) Marcus Mölvadgaard (15 years)
    Aalborg 24.7 Thomas Augustinussen (33 years) Marco Harboe Ramkilde (16 years)
    Esbjerg 25.1 Hans Henrik Andreasen (35 years) Daniel Anyembe (16 years)
    Bröndby 25.2 Martin Albrechtsen (34 years) Mads Andersen (17 years)
    Aarhus GF 25.3 Steffen Rasmussen (32 years) Benjamin Hvidt (14 years)
    Viborg 25.5 Christopher Poulsen (33 years) Casper Gandrup (15 years)
    SönderjyskE 26 Marin Skender (35 years) Nicolai Laursen (16 years)
    Hobro 26 Hans Henrik Andreasen (35 years) Tanaka Chinyahara (19 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 20:34

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Denmark 3637 210 325
    Sweden 398 21 43
    Iceland 132 8 6
    Norway 85 6 4
    Nigeria 83 6 11
    Croatia 82 4 2
    Finland 73 5 10
    Morocco 58 2 6
    South Africa 55 2 9
    Netherlands 54 3 8
    Austria 48 2 15
    Slovakia 44 2 0
    Brazil 38 2 9
    Australia 36 3 0
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 32 2 1
    Costa Rica 31 2 11
    Burkina Faso 31 1 1
    Lithuania 30 1 17
    Paraguay 30 1 14
    Czech Republic 29 2 2


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