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Divizia A 2001/2002 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Divizia A2001/2002

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Romania
GamesGames played : 240
Goals forGoals scored : 609 (2.54 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 247
Red cardsRed cards : 15

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 26.26 years
Number of players participating : 311
Relegated to lower tier : Rocar Bucarest, Gaz Metan Medias, Foresta Suceava

Divizia A 2001/2002's fixtures and results

Round 16

March 09, 2002
Petrolul1 1Sportul
Gloria Bistrita1 2U Craiova
Otelul Galati2 0Progresul
Arges Pitesti2 0Astra Ploeisti
FC Brașov0 0Farul Constanta
Steaua Bucaresti2 1FCM Bacau
March 10, 2002
Ceahlaul1 2Dinamo Bucarest
Rapid Bucarest6 0UMT Timisoara

General rankingLast updated on 01/06/2002

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo Dinamo BucarestDinamo Bucarest603017946333+30
logo Progresul BucarestProgresul5830161044420+24
logo Rapid BucarestRapid Bucarest503015695031+19
logo Steaua BucarestiSteaua Bucaresti5030155104731+16
logo Otelul GalatiOtelul Galati493014793424+10
logo FCM BacauFCM Bacau4630144124340+3
logo Universitatea CraiovaU Craiova4430128104035+5
logo Ceahlaul Piatra NeamtCeahlaul4330134133537-2
logo Gloria BistritaGloria Bistrita4130132152941-12
logo Arges PitestiArges Pitesti4030117123639-3
logo FC BrașovFC Brașov3930109113334-1
logo Astra PloeistiAstra Ploeisti3730910112928+1
logo Sportul StudentescSportul343097144053-13
logo Farul ConstantaFarul Constanta323088143244-12
logo Petrolul PloiestiPetrolul2530510153048-18
UMT Timisoara153036212471-47

One match scorers

Ionut Maziluhas scored 3 goals during the match Sportul 3-0 Petrolul (03/08/2001)


1 Dinamo BucarestLProgresul 1-0 04/05/2002V 1-0 Gloria Bistrita15/05/2002DSteaua Bucaresti 2-2 19/05/2002V 2-1 Arges Pitesti22/05/2002VPetrolul 1-2 25/05/2002V 4-0 FC Brașov01/06/2002
2 U CraiovaV 3-0 Farul Constanta04/05/2002VSportul 2-3 15/05/2002V 1-0 Astra Ploeisti18/05/2002DFCM Bacau 0-0 22/05/2002LOtelul Galati 2-1 25/05/2002V 2-1 Progresul01/06/2002
3 ProgresulV 1-0 Dinamo Bucarest04/05/2002VFarul Constanta 0-3 15/05/2002D 1-1 Sportul18/05/2002VAstra Ploeisti 0-1 22/05/2002V 2-1 FCM Bacau25/05/2002LU Craiova 2-1 01/06/2002
4 Steaua BucarestiV 2-1 Rapid Bucarest04/05/2002VUMT Timisoara 0-3 15/05/2002D 2-2 Dinamo Bucarest19/05/2002VFarul Constanta 0-2 22/05/2002L 1-2 Sportul25/05/2002DAstra Ploeisti 1-1 01/06/2002
5 FC BrașovDPetrolul 2-2 04/05/2002V 1-0 Otelul Galati15/05/2002V 2-0 Ceahlaul18/05/2002DRapid Bucarest 1-1 22/05/2002V 6-1 UMT Timisoara25/05/2002LDinamo Bucarest 4-0 01/06/2002
6 CeahlaulLArges Pitesti 1-0 04/05/2002L 1-3 Petrolul15/05/2002LFC Brașov 2-0 18/05/2002V 2-1 Otelul Galati22/05/2002V 1-0 Rapid Bucarest25/05/2002VUMT Timisoara 0-1 01/06/2002
7 SportulDFCM Bacau 2-2 04/05/2002L 2-3 U Craiova15/05/2002DProgresul 1-1 18/05/2002V 2-0 Gloria Bistrita22/05/2002VSteaua Bucaresti 1-2 25/05/2002D 3-3 Arges Pitesti01/06/2002
8 Arges PitestiV 1-0 Ceahlaul04/05/2002DRapid Bucarest 1-1 15/05/2002V 4-1 UMT Timisoara18/05/2002LDinamo Bucarest 2-1 22/05/2002D 1-1 Farul Constanta25/05/2002DSportul 3-3 01/06/2002
9 Gloria BistritaV 3-1 UMT Timisoara04/05/2002LDinamo Bucarest 1-0 15/05/2002V 2-1 Farul Constanta18/05/2002LSportul 2-0 22/05/2002V 2-1 Astra Ploeisti25/05/2002LFCM Bacau 2-0 01/06/2002
10 Rapid BucarestLSteaua Bucaresti 2-1 04/05/2002D 1-1 Arges Pitesti15/05/2002VPetrolul 0-2 18/05/2002D 1-1 FC Brașov22/05/2002LCeahlaul 1-0 25/05/2002V 2-1 Otelul Galati01/06/2002
11 Otelul GalatiD 0-0 Astra Ploeisti04/05/2002LFC Brașov 1-0 15/05/2002V 2-1 FCM Bacau18/05/2002LCeahlaul 2-1 22/05/2002V 2-1 U Craiova25/05/2002LRapid Bucarest 2-1 01/06/2002
12 FCM BacauD 2-2 Sportul04/05/2002LAstra Ploeisti 1-0 15/05/2002LOtelul Galati 2-1 18/05/2002D 0-0 U Craiova22/05/2002LProgresul 2-1 25/05/2002V 2-0 Gloria Bistrita01/06/2002
13 Astra PloeistiDOtelul Galati 0-0 04/05/2002V 1-0 FCM Bacau15/05/2002LU Craiova 1-0 18/05/2002L 0-1 Progresul22/05/2002LGloria Bistrita 2-1 25/05/2002D 1-1 Steaua Bucaresti01/06/2002
14 PetrolulD 2-2 FC Brașov04/05/2002VCeahlaul 1-3 15/05/2002L 0-2 Rapid Bucarest18/05/2002DUMT Timisoara 2-2 22/05/2002L 1-2 Dinamo Bucarest25/05/2002LFarul Constanta 2-1 01/06/2002
15 Farul ConstantaLU Craiova 3-0 04/05/2002L 0-3 Progresul15/05/2002LGloria Bistrita 2-1 18/05/2002L 0-2 Steaua Bucaresti22/05/2002DArges Pitesti 1-1 25/05/2002V 2-1 Petrolul01/06/2002
16 UMT TimisoaraLGloria Bistrita 3-1 04/05/2002L 0-3 Steaua Bucaresti15/05/2002LArges Pitesti 4-1 18/05/2002D 2-2 Petrolul22/05/2002LFC Brașov 6-1 25/05/2002L 0-1 Ceahlaul01/06/2002

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 07/03/2025 at 19:43

Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
logo Dinamo BucarestDinamo Bucarest431254443222111111111111222221
logo Progresul BucarestProgresul7149366554443322322332222111112
logo Rapid BucarestRapid Bucarest222111111111234443223333443453
logo Steaua BucarestiSteaua Bucaresti513422222334443234456766534334
logo Otelul GalatiOtelul Galati751061010129796710119665544444355545
logo FCM BacauFCM Bacau1112812121311121085557101198787555666666
logo Universitatea CraiovaU Craiova166109567810986555566688910877777
logo Ceahlaul Piatra NeamtCeahlaul1391214141414131412131111108977875677911121098
logo Gloria BistritaGloria Bistrita161178333355797878101110111010897109989
logo Arges PitestiArges Pitesti1112141515151515151514141415131213121110991011109881110
logo FC BrașovFC Brașov741177898971010891110119121213131313121211121011
logo Astra PloeistiAstra Ploeisti585589810111112121212121312131313121211811810111212
logo Sportul StudentescSportul274947101112131515151315151414151514141414141414131313
logo Farul ConstantaFarul Constanta7141513131276668696678109911111212131313141414
logo Petrolul PloiestiPetrolul141013111111131413141113131614141515141415151515151515151515
UMT Timisoara141616161616161616161616161416161616161616161616161616161616

Goals per quarterLast updated on 07/03/2025 at 19:43

0 - 1521
Best scorer : Slavisa Mitrovic - 3 Goals
16 - 3022
Best scorer : Daniel Pancu - 2 Goals
31 - 45+23
Best scorer : Ionel Danciulescu - 3 Goals
46 - 6020
Best scorer : Horatiu Cioloboc - 3 Goals
61 - 7523
Best scorer : Daniel Pancu - 2 Goals
76 - 90+35
Best scorer : Ionut Mazilu - 4 Goals

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 07/03/2025 at 19:43

Score Frequence
0 - 0 16 times
1 - 0 56 times
1 - 1 27 times
2 - 0 30 times
2 - 1 34 times
2 - 2 10 times
3 - 0 21 times
3 - 1 9 times
3 - 2 7 times
Score Frequence
3 - 3 3 times
4 - 0 5 times
4 - 1 9 times
4 - 2 4 times
5 - 0 1 times
5 - 1 5 times
5 - 3 1 times
6 - 0 1 times
6 - 1 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 07/03/2025 at 19:43

General statistics by teamLast updated on 07/03/2025 at 07:24

Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
Progresul 22 7 7 Slavisa Mitrovic (4 goals)
FCM Bacau 22 7 5 Catalin Cursaru (3 goals)
U Craiova 21 7 7 Ionut Cristian Savu (2 goals)
Arges Pitesti 21 7 4 Adrian Dragos Iordache (1 goals)
Petrolul 20 3 4 Daniel Stefan Costescu (3 goals)
UMT Timisoara 20 7 2 Sorin Vlaicu (1 goals)
Steaua Bucaresti 20 6 9 Ionel Danciulescu (5 goals)
Dinamo Bucarest 20 5 7 Claudiu Niculescu (5 goals)
Farul Constanta 20 6 5 Vasilica Cristocea (3 goals)
Sportul 19 7 5 Ionut Mazilu (4 goals)
FC Brașov 19 6 3 Mugurel Mihai Buga (3 goals)
Gloria Bistrita 19 5 4 Horatiu Cioloboc (4 goals)
Astra Ploeisti 18 6 6 Giani Liviu Negoita (2 goals)
Otelul Galati 17 2 3 Mihai Gurita (3 goals)
Rapid Bucarest 17 6 6 Daniel Pancu (6 goals)
Ceahlaul 17 6 4 Adrian Solomon (3 goals)

Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 24/02/2025 at 16:46

Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
Sportul 21.3 Romeo Paduret (26 years) Valentin Marian Negru (18 years)
Petrolul 23.7 Vasile Voinea (31 years) Darius Alin Badea (19 years)
Steaua Bucaresti 24 Ion Vladoiu (32 years) Victor Alexandru Piturca (17 years)
Farul Constanta 24.5 Marcel Abaluta (29 years) Cristian Priescu (18 years)
U Craiova 24.6 Stefan Preda (30 years) Stefan Grigorie (18 years)
Rapid Bucarest 25.2 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (32 years) Razvan Rat (19 years)
Arges Pitesti 25.2 Vasile Bardes (32 years) Gheorghe Stanca (18 years)
Progresul 25.4 Adrian Matei (32 years) Ovidiu Petre (18 years)
Astra Ploeisti 25.6 Marin Duna (33 years) Stelian Stancu (19 years)
Otelul Galati 25.6 Tudorel Pelin (31 years) Cristian Sirghi (14 years)
Dinamo Bucarest 25.6 Florin Prunea (32 years) Catalin Rata (16 years)
FCM Bacau 25.7 Daniel Iftodi (32 years) Robert Iacob (19 years)
FC Brașov 26.4 Iuliu Andrasi (32 years) Daniel Marius Onofras (20 years)
UMT Timisoara 26.6 Ioan Almasan (38 years) Gheorghe Gosa (19 years)
Ceahlaul 26.7 Mihai Ionescu (32 years) Senis Feizula (19 years)
Gloria Bistrita 27.7 Costel Câmpeanu (35 years) Dorin Tuturas (18 years)

Countries statisticsLast updated on 07/03/2025 at 07:24

Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
Romania 1498 301 138
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 2 4
Ghana 8 2 0
Serbia 8 2 0
Cameroon 4 1 0
Brazil 4 1 0
Nigeria 4 2 0


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