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Faxe Kondi Ligaen 1998/1999 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Faxe Kondi Ligaen1998/1999

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Denmark
GamesGames played : 198
Goals forGoals scored : 626 (3.16 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 81
Red cardsRed cards : 8

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 26.75 years
Number of players participating : 280
Promoted : Viborg, B 93
Relegated to lower tier : Odense, Ikast FS

Faxe Kondi Ligaen 1998/1999's fixtures and results

Round 33

June 16, 1999
Aarhus GF2 1B 93
FC Copenhagen1 0AB
  • 22'Thomas Rytter
  • Herfolge3 2Aalborg
    Lyngby2 6Bröndby
  • 75'Carsten Fredgaard
  • 82'Martin Johansen
  • 26'Ebbe Sand
  • 37'Ebbe Sand
  • 64'Ole Bjur
  • 69'Ruben Bagger
  • 81'Ebbe Sand
  • 85'Ebbe Sand
  • Silkeborg1 2Viborg
    Vejle4 1Aarhus Fremad

    General rankingLast updated on 16/06/1999

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo AalborgAalborg6433171336537+28
    logo BröndbyBröndby6133194107337+36
    logo ABAB5633175114936+13
    logo LyngbyLyngby5233141095560-5
    logo HerfolgeHerfolge47331211104436+8
    logo VejleVejle4733145145448+6
    logo FC CopenhagenFC Copenhagen46331210115552+3
    logo ViborgViborg4433135156159+2
    logo SilkeborgSilkeborg4433101495253-1
    logo Aarhus GFAarhus GF43331110124555-10
    logo Aarhus FremadAarhus Fremad293378185173-22
    logo B 93B 93123333272280-58

    One match scorers

    Sören Frederiksenhas scored 3 goals during the match B 93 1-5 Aalborg (16/08/1998)
    Heine Fernandezhas scored 3 goals during the match Bröndby 2-5 Viborg (11/09/1998)
    David Nielsenhas scored 3 goals during the match FC Copenhagen 5-1 Lyngby (18/10/1998)
    Chris Hermansenhas scored 4 goals during the match AB 7-0 B 93 (18/10/1998)
    Allan Gaardehas scored 3 goals during the match Aalborg 4-2 Vejle (25/10/1998)
    Ebbe Sandhas scored 4 goals during the match Lyngby 2-6 Bröndby (16/06/1999)


    1 ViborgV 5-2 Lyngby16/05/1999VB 93 0-5 21/05/1999D 0-0 Aalborg24/05/1999LHerfolge 4-1 30/05/1999V 3-1 Aarhus GF13/06/1999VSilkeborg 1-2 16/06/1999
    2 AalborgVAarhus Fremad 1-3 16/05/1999V 2-0 AB20/05/1999DViborg 0-0 24/05/1999V 2-0 B 9330/05/1999D 3-3 Lyngby13/06/1999LHerfolge 3-2 16/06/1999
    3 HerfolgeLBröndby 1-0 17/05/1999D 2-2 Aarhus Fremad20/05/1999L 1-2 AB24/05/1999V 4-1 Viborg30/05/1999VB 93 1-2 13/06/1999V 3-2 Aalborg16/06/1999
    4 VejleD 2-2 Aarhus GF14/05/1999LSilkeborg 4-3 20/05/1999V 1-0 FC Copenhagen24/05/1999LLyngby 2-0 30/05/1999VBröndby 1-2 13/06/1999V 4-1 Aarhus Fremad16/06/1999
    5 BröndbyV 1-0 Herfolge17/05/1999DAarhus GF 3-3 20/05/1999V 3-0 Silkeborg24/05/1999LFC Copenhagen 1-0 28/05/1999L 1-2 Vejle13/06/1999VLyngby 2-6 16/06/1999
    6 LyngbyLViborg 5-2 16/05/1999V 3-1 FC Copenhagen20/05/1999VB 93 1-3 24/05/1999V 2-0 Vejle30/05/1999DAalborg 3-3 13/06/1999L 2-6 Bröndby16/06/1999
    7 FC CopenhagenD 2-2 Silkeborg16/05/1999LLyngby 3-1 20/05/1999LVejle 1-0 24/05/1999V 1-0 Bröndby28/05/1999DAarhus Fremad 3-3 13/06/1999V 1-0 AB16/06/1999
    8 Aarhus GFDVejle 2-2 14/05/1999D 3-3 Bröndby20/05/1999LAarhus Fremad 2-1 24/05/1999V 3-1 AB31/05/1999LViborg 3-1 13/06/1999V 2-1 B 9316/06/1999
    9 SilkeborgDFC Copenhagen 2-2 16/05/1999V 4-3 Vejle20/05/1999LBröndby 3-0 24/05/1999V 4-1 Aarhus Fremad30/05/1999LAB 4-2 13/06/1999L 1-2 Viborg16/06/1999
    10 ABL 1-3 B 9316/05/1999LAalborg 2-0 20/05/1999VHerfolge 1-2 24/05/1999LAarhus GF 3-1 31/05/1999V 4-2 Silkeborg13/06/1999LFC Copenhagen 1-0 16/06/1999
    11 Aarhus FremadL 1-3 Aalborg16/05/1999DHerfolge 2-2 20/05/1999V 2-1 Aarhus GF24/05/1999LSilkeborg 4-1 30/05/1999D 3-3 FC Copenhagen13/06/1999LVejle 4-1 16/06/1999
    12 B 93VAB 1-3 16/05/1999L 0-5 Viborg21/05/1999L 1-3 Lyngby24/05/1999LAalborg 2-0 30/05/1999L 1-2 Herfolge13/06/1999LAarhus GF 2-1 16/06/1999

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 09/03/2025 at 12:06

    Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233
    logo AalborgAalborg243211111222112343333223211111111
    logo BröndbyBröndby114535644445334432222331322222222
    logo ABAB352343332111221111111112133333333
    logo LyngbyLyngby68119109865588867787575545544444444
    logo HerfolgeHerfolge421122223333475556767789986878755
    logo VejleVejle897676456767656668656666667685866
    logo FC CopenhagenFC Copenhagen535454577874543224444454455567687
    logo ViborgViborg101081011879109101010101010101010101010101010101010991098
    logo SilkeborgSilkeborg666891191081099999875888877778756579
    logo Aarhus GFAarhus GF1271076710896567889999999988999101091010
    logo Aarhus FremadAarhus Fremad911911810111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
    logo B 93B 93111212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 09/03/2025 at 12:06

    0 - 1539
    Best scorer : Bo Hansen - 2 Goals
    16 - 3043
    Best scorer : Ebbe Sand - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+33
    Best scorer : Ebbe Sand - 2 Goals
    46 - 6037
    Best scorer : Ebbe Sand - 3 Goals
    61 - 7546
    Best scorer : Ebbe Sand - 5 Goals
    76 - 90+53
    Best scorer : Ebbe Sand - 4 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 09/03/2025 at 12:06

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 13 times
    1 - 0 33 times
    1 - 1 18 times
    2 - 0 17 times
    2 - 1 24 times
    2 - 2 11 times
    3 - 0 9 times
    3 - 1 18 times
    3 - 2 13 times
    3 - 3 7 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 0 3 times
    4 - 1 9 times
    4 - 2 8 times
    4 - 3 2 times
    5 - 0 2 times
    5 - 1 5 times
    5 - 2 3 times
    6 - 0 1 times
    6 - 2 1 times
    7 - 0 1 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 09/03/2025 at 12:06

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 02/03/2025 at 11:44

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    FC Copenhagen 27 22 13 David Nielsen (13 goals)
    B 93 27 8 3 Anders Höjlund (1 goals)
    Bröndby 26 28 13 Ebbe Sand (19 goals)
    Viborg 25 10 9 Heine Fernandez (9 goals)
    Aarhus Fremad 25 8 8 Wassim El Banna (2 goals)
    Aarhus GF 24 6 6 Peter Degn (2 goals)
    Vejle 24 6 5 Kaspar Dalgas (4 goals)
    Herfolge 23 6 7 Jesper Jacobsen (2 goals)
    Lyngby 22 4 5 Carsten Fredgaard (2 goals)
    AB 21 4 5 Chris Hermansen (6 goals)
    Aalborg 20 6 9 Sören Frederiksen (7 goals)
    Silkeborg 19 4 1 Johnny Anker Hansen (1 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 02/03/2025 at 11:44

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Lyngby 23.6 Per Fahlstrom (30 years) Kim Christensen (17 years)
    B 93 24.7 Flemming Frandsen (30 years) Patrick Mtiliga (16 years)
    Aalborg 25.2 Torben Boye (31 years) Thomas Gaardsoe (18 years)
    Aarhus Fremad 25.5 Ove Hansen (31 years) Wassim El Banna (18 years)
    FC Copenhagen 25.7 Carsten Vagn Jensen (34 years) Kofi Dakinah (17 years)
    Bröndby 25.7 Mogens Krogh (34 years) Dan Anton Johansen (18 years)
    Aarhus GF 25.8 Lars Windfeld (35 years) Allan Borgvardt (17 years)
    Vejle 26.1 Erik Boye (33 years) Christian Keller (17 years)
    Silkeborg 26.1 Morten Bruun (32 years) Thomas Roll Larsen (20 years)
    Viborg 26.3 Leif Nielsen (31 years) Casper Jacobsen (18 years)
    AB 27 Jan Bjur (32 years) Peter Lovenkrands (17 years)
    Herfolge 27.1 Gert Nodin (32 years) Daniel Bärenholt (20 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 02/03/2025 at 11:44

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Denmark 1526 257 194
    Faroe Islands 30 2 8
    Brazil 21 1 3
    Sweden 18 6 2
    Norway 18 4 2
    Morocco 11 1 0
    Pakistan 7 1 0
    Scotland 6 1 1
    Lithuania 6 1 0
    Poland 6 1 0
    Iceland 6 2 1
    England 1 1 0
    Nigeria 1 1 0


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