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Serie A 1964/1965 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Serie A1964/1965

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Italy
GamesGames played : 306
Goals forGoals scored : 640 (2.09 goals per match )
Red cardsRed cards : 1

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 26.36 years
Number of players participating : 139
Promoted : Cagliari, Foggia, Varese
Relegated to lower tier : Modena, Bari, SPAL

Serie A 1964/1965's fixtures and results

Round 26

March 28, 1965
AS Roma0 0Lazio
Sampdoria1 0Juventus
Mantua2 0Genoa
  • 58'Beniamino Di Giacomo
  • 70'Torbjörn Jonsson
  • AC Milan2 5Inter Milan
  • 17'Amarildo
  • 75'Amarildo
  • 5'Jaïr
  • 64'Angelo Domenghini
  • 68'Mario Corso
  • 81'Sandro Mazzola
  • 85'Sandro Mazzola
  • Catania2 0Vicenza
    Bologna3 1Fiorentina
  • 58'Kurt Hamrin
  • Atalanta0 1Cagliari
  • 7'Luigi Riva
  • Foggia3 0Varese
    Torino1 0ACR Messina

    General rankingLast updated on 06/06/1965

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo Inter MilanInter Milan5434221026829+39
    logo AC MilanAC Milan513421945223+29
    logo TorinoTorino4434161264827+21
    logo JuventusJuventus4134151184324+19
    logo FiorentinaFiorentina413416995237+15
    logo BolognaBologna34341112114342+1
    logo CagliariCagliari3434138133335-2
    logo CataniaCatania3234128144651-5
    logo FoggiaFoggia31341011132630-4
    logo AS RomaAS Roma3134815112935-6
    logo VareseVarese3034814122837-9
    logo AtalantaAtalanta3034716111928-9
    logo VicenzaVicenza30341010143344-11
    logo SampdoriaSampdoria2934911141930-11
    logo LazioLazio2934813132538-13
    logo GenoaGenoa2834812143046-16
    logo ACR MessinaACR Messina223478192644-18
    logo MantuaMantua213477202040-20

    One match scorers

    Antonio Angelillohas scored 3 goals during the match AS Roma 3-3 Fiorentina (11/10/1964)
    Alberto Orlandohas scored 3 goals during the match Fiorentina 5-0 Genoa (17/01/1965)
    Giampaolo Menichellihas scored 3 goals during the match Juventus 4-1 Catania (07/02/1965)


    1 Inter MilanVSampdoria 0-1 25/04/1965V 6-2 Fiorentina09/05/1965VJuventus 0-2 16/05/1965VAtalanta 1-3 23/05/1965V 5-1 Catania30/05/1965D 2-2 Torino06/06/1965
    2 CagliariVVarese 0-2 25/04/1965VFoggia 1-2 09/05/1965L 0-1 Torino16/05/1965V 2-1 Genoa23/05/1965VBologna 1-3 30/05/1965V 2-1 AC Milan06/06/1965
    3 TorinoV 2-0 Lazio25/04/1965DCatania 1-1 09/05/1965VCagliari 0-1 16/05/1965V 5-0 Bologna23/05/1965V 3-1 AS Roma30/05/1965DInter Milan 2-2 06/06/1965
    4 FiorentinaV 4-1 Vicenza25/04/1965LInter Milan 6-2 09/05/1965VACR Messina 0-3 16/05/1965V 5-0 Catania23/05/1965V 2-0 Mantua30/05/1965LGenoa 4-1 06/06/1965
    5 GenoaVAtalanta 0-2 25/04/1965L 0-1 Varese09/05/1965V 3-1 Vicenza16/05/1965LCagliari 2-1 23/05/1965D 0-0 AC Milan30/05/1965V 4-1 Fiorentina06/06/1965
    6 ACR MessinaVAS Roma 0-1 25/04/1965V 2-0 Mantua09/05/1965L 0-3 Fiorentina16/05/1965DSampdoria 0-0 23/05/1965LVicenza 2-1 30/05/1965V 4-0 Lazio06/06/1965
    7 LazioLTorino 2-0 25/04/1965V 2-0 Sampdoria09/05/1965V 2-1 Foggia16/05/1965VMantua 1-3 23/05/1965D 0-0 Atalanta30/05/1965LACR Messina 4-0 06/06/1965
    8 AC MilanV 1-0 Juventus25/04/1965VBologna 0-2 09/05/1965L 0-2 AS Roma16/05/1965V 1-0 Varese23/05/1965DGenoa 0-0 30/05/1965LCagliari 2-1 06/06/1965
    9 JuventusLAC Milan 1-0 25/04/1965V 1-0 AS Roma09/05/1965L 0-2 Inter Milan16/05/1965LFoggia 1-0 23/05/1965DVarese 1-1 30/05/1965V 3-1 Vicenza06/06/1965
    10 AS RomaL 0-1 ACR Messina25/04/1965LJuventus 1-0 09/05/1965VAC Milan 0-2 16/05/1965D 0-0 Vicenza23/05/1965LTorino 3-1 30/05/1965V 1-0 Foggia06/06/1965
    11 CataniaLMantua 1-0 25/04/1965D 1-1 Torino09/05/1965V 1-0 Sampdoria16/05/1965LFiorentina 5-0 23/05/1965LInter Milan 5-1 30/05/1965V 4-0 Bologna06/06/1965
    12 MantuaV 1-0 Catania25/04/1965LACR Messina 2-0 09/05/1965LAtalanta 2-1 16/05/1965L 1-3 Lazio23/05/1965LFiorentina 2-0 30/05/1965V 3-1 Varese06/06/1965
    13 AtalantaL 0-2 Genoa25/04/1965DVicenza 2-2 09/05/1965V 2-1 Mantua16/05/1965L 1-3 Inter Milan23/05/1965DLazio 0-0 30/05/1965D 0-0 Sampdoria06/06/1965
    14 VicenzaLFiorentina 4-1 25/04/1965D 2-2 Atalanta09/05/1965LGenoa 3-1 16/05/1965DAS Roma 0-0 23/05/1965V 2-1 ACR Messina30/05/1965LJuventus 3-1 06/06/1965
    15 FoggiaD 2-2 Bologna25/04/1965L 1-2 Cagliari09/05/1965LLazio 2-1 16/05/1965V 1-0 Juventus23/05/1965D 1-1 Sampdoria30/05/1965LAS Roma 1-0 06/06/1965
    16 VareseL 0-2 Cagliari25/04/1965VGenoa 0-1 09/05/1965D 0-0 Bologna16/05/1965LAC Milan 1-0 23/05/1965D 1-1 Juventus30/05/1965LMantua 3-1 06/06/1965
    17 SampdoriaL 0-1 Inter Milan25/04/1965LLazio 2-0 09/05/1965LCatania 1-0 16/05/1965D 0-0 ACR Messina23/05/1965DFoggia 1-1 30/05/1965DAtalanta 0-0 06/06/1965
    18 BolognaDFoggia 2-2 25/04/1965L 0-2 AC Milan09/05/1965DVarese 0-0 16/05/1965LTorino 5-0 23/05/1965L 1-3 Cagliari30/05/1965LCatania 4-0 06/06/1965

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 12/02/2025 at 10:56

    Team \ Rd12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334
    logo Inter MilanInter Milan10422232222222222222222222222221111
    logo AC MilanAC Milan6211111111111111111111111111112222
    logo TorinoTorino29991097334564355654465355444443333
    logo JuventusJuventus61214121174853333433333334433333334554
    logo FiorentinaFiorentina11377658645445544445543544555555445
    logo BolognaBologna17786710991113878666566656666666666666
    logo CagliariCagliari14151399111414141617171718181818171616161616161515141410911977
    logo CataniaCatania686454647778988814131012121010997778778108
    logo FoggiaFoggia161715141412111313121313121012111010791113131311888789789
    logo AS RomaAS Roma494888576665677777810889111011101191210101210
    logo VareseVarese104111113161212121010101011111399131313121212121412101110811911
    logo AtalantaAtalanta21354610108899791010121212119977791113141312131412
    logo VicenzaVicenza101617171617131199121113129913897778881099121113141113
    logo SampdoriaSampdoria10353323510111112111313128141181011111013121312131415151514
    logo LazioLazio15141616171416161614141414151414111114141414141414131515161514121315
    logo GenoaGenoa5111013151517171715151515141515151515151515151516161616151616161616
    logo ACR MessinaACR Messina661215121315151517161616161616161617171818181818181818181818171717
    logo MantuaMantua17181818181818181818181818171717171818181717171717171717171717181818

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 12/02/2025 at 10:56

    0 - 1529
    Best scorer : Luis Suárez - 4 Goals
    16 - 3042
    Best scorer : Sandro Mazzola - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+40
    Best scorer : Jaïr - 3 Goals
    46 - 6068
    Best scorer : Amarildo - 5 Goals
    61 - 7546
    Best scorer : Angelo Domenghini - 4 Goals
    76 - 90+65
    Best scorer : Sandro Mazzola - 5 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 12/02/2025 at 10:56

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 51 times
    1 - 0 77 times
    1 - 1 35 times
    2 - 0 37 times
    2 - 1 30 times
    2 - 2 10 times
    3 - 0 17 times
    3 - 1 16 times
    3 - 2 9 times
    Score Frequence
    3 - 3 2 times
    4 - 0 5 times
    4 - 1 7 times
    4 - 2 2 times
    5 - 0 3 times
    5 - 1 1 times
    5 - 2 2 times
    6 - 2 1 times
    7 - 0 1 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 12/02/2025 at 10:56

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 08/02/2025 at 14:25

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Mantua 26 31 5 Nicola Ciccolo (8 goals)
    Inter Milan 21 27 10 Sandro Mazzola (17 goals)
    AC Milan 20 24 9 Amarildo (15 goals)
    Fiorentina 18 18 9 Alberto Orlando (17 goals)
    Juventus 17 22 11 Giampaolo Menichelli (11 goals)
    AS Roma 17 29 9 Antonio Angelillo (7 goals)
    Cagliari 17 22 9 Luigi Riva (9 goals)
    Sampdoria 1 1
    Vicenza 1 1
    Catania 1 1

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 09/02/2025 at 14:56

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    AS Roma 24.6 Enzo Matteucci (30 years) Mauro Nardoni (18 years)
    Sampdoria 24.7 Angelo Sormani (24 years) Angelo Sormani (24 years)
    Cagliari 24.8 Enrico Mazzucchi (29 years) Luigi Riva (19 years)
    AC Milan 25.2 Giorgio Ghezzi (33 years) Nello Santin (17 years)
    Mantua 25.3 Giulio Corsini (30 years) Giorgio Bernardis (18 years)
    Inter Milan 25.3 Ottavio Bugatti (35 years) Sergio Gori (17 years)
    Catania 25.5 Remo Bicchierai (25 years) Remo Bicchierai (25 years)
    Juventus 26 Dino Da Costa (32 years) Giovanni Sacco (20 years)
    Fiorentina 26.3 Humberto Maschio (30 years) Mario Brugnera (17 years)
    Vicenza 27.9 Sergio Carantini (27 years) Sergio Carantini (27 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 06/02/2025 at 17:16

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Italy 2164 121 193
    Argentina 138 6 24
    Brazil 72 3 30
    Spain 71 3 14
    Sweden 66 2 12
    Peru 46 2 2
    Germany 29 1 1
    France 24 1 7


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