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Serie A 1985/1986 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Serie A1985/1986

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Italy
GamesGames played : 240
Goals forGoals scored : 495 (2.06 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 95
Red cardsRed cards : 4

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 26.61 years
Number of players participating : 276
Promoted : Lecce, Bari, Pisa Calcio
Relegated to lower tier : Lazio, Cremonese, Ascoli

Serie A 1985/1986's fixtures and results

Round 14

December 15, 1985
Udinese2 2Fiorentina
  • 39'Daniel Passarella
  • 81'Paolo Monelli
  • Torino0 0Atalanta
    Sampdoria2 0Napoli
  • 14'Giuseppe Lorenzo
  • 41'Roberto Mancini
  • Pisa Calcio0 1Hellas Verona
  • 9'Hans-Peter Briegel
  • AC Milan0 0Juventus
    Lecce0 3AS Roma
  • 58'Dario Bonetti
  • 64'Zbigniew Boniek
  • 90'Sandro Tovalieri
  • Avellino0 0Bari
    Como1 0Inter Milan

    General rankingLast updated on 15/12/1985

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo JuventusJuventus24141121226+16
    logo NapoliNapoli18146621810+8
    logo AS RomaAS Roma17148151814+4
    logo FiorentinaFiorentina16145631610+6
    logo Inter MilanInter Milan16145632118+3
    logo TorinoTorino16145631512+3
    logo AC MilanAC Milan16146441210+2
    logo Hellas VeronaHellas Verona14145451621-5
    logo SampdoriaSampdoria13145361412+2
    logo UdineseUdinese13142931615+1
    logo AvellinoAvellino13144551418-4
    logo AtalantaAtalanta12143651011-1
    logo ComoComo11143561519-4
    logo Pisa CalcioPisa Calcio10143471621-5
    logo BariBari914257817-9
    logo LecceLecce614149926-17

    One match scorers

    Michel Platinihas scored 3 goals during the match Juventus 4-0 Bari (20/10/1985)
    Roberto Pruzzohas scored 5 goals during the match AS Roma 5-1 Avellino (16/02/1986)
    Alessandro Altobellihas scored 3 goals during the match Inter Milan 3-2 Como (20/04/1986)


    1 NapoliV 1-0 Inter Milan16/03/1986LUdinese 2-0 23/03/1986V 1-0 Bari06/04/1986VAC Milan 1-2 13/04/1986V 3-0 Sampdoria20/04/1986VAvellino 0-1 27/04/1986
    2 FiorentinaD 0-0 Hellas Verona16/03/1986VBari 0-1 23/03/1986V 2-0 Juventus06/04/1986LAvellino 3-1 13/04/1986V 1-0 Udinese20/04/1986VPisa Calcio 1-2 27/04/1986
    3 AS RomaV 3-0 Juventus16/03/1986VAC Milan 0-1 23/03/1986V 1-0 Sampdoria06/04/1986VPisa Calcio 2-4 13/04/1986L 2-3 Lecce20/04/1986LComo 1-0 27/04/1986
    4 TorinoV 1-0 Avellino16/03/1986DPisa Calcio 0-0 23/03/1986L 1-3 Como06/04/1986V 1-0 Inter Milan13/04/1986DAtalanta 2-2 20/04/1986V 2-1 Hellas Verona27/04/1986
    5 ComoD 1-1 Pisa Calcio16/03/1986DSampdoria 0-0 23/03/1986VTorino 1-3 06/04/1986V 2-0 Lecce13/04/1986LInter Milan 3-2 20/04/1986V 1-0 AS Roma27/04/1986
    6 JuventusLAS Roma 3-0 16/03/1986V 2-0 Inter Milan23/03/1986LFiorentina 2-0 06/04/1986DSampdoria 0-0 13/04/1986V 1-0 AC Milan20/04/1986VLecce 2-3 27/04/1986
    7 AtalantaD 0-0 Bari16/03/1986VHellas Verona 0-3 23/03/1986V 2-0 Avellino06/04/1986LUdinese 1-0 13/04/1986D 2-2 Torino20/04/1986DAC Milan 1-1 27/04/1986
    8 AvellinoLTorino 1-0 16/03/1986V 2-0 Lecce23/03/1986LAtalanta 2-0 06/04/1986V 3-1 Fiorentina13/04/1986VBari 0-1 20/04/1986L 0-1 Napoli27/04/1986
    9 UdineseLAC Milan 2-0 16/03/1986V 2-0 Napoli23/03/1986DHellas Verona 1-1 06/04/1986V 1-0 Atalanta13/04/1986LFiorentina 1-0 20/04/1986D 2-2 Bari27/04/1986
    10 Inter MilanLNapoli 1-0 16/03/1986LJuventus 2-0 23/03/1986V 1-0 AC Milan06/04/1986LTorino 1-0 13/04/1986V 3-2 Como20/04/1986DSampdoria 0-0 27/04/1986
    11 SampdoriaVLecce 0-1 16/03/1986D 0-0 Como23/03/1986LAS Roma 1-0 06/04/1986D 0-0 Juventus13/04/1986LNapoli 3-0 20/04/1986D 0-0 Inter Milan27/04/1986
    12 BariDAtalanta 0-0 16/03/1986L 0-1 Fiorentina23/03/1986LNapoli 1-0 06/04/1986V 3-1 Hellas Verona13/04/1986L 0-1 Avellino20/04/1986DUdinese 2-2 27/04/1986
    13 Hellas VeronaDFiorentina 0-0 16/03/1986L 0-3 Atalanta23/03/1986D 1-1 Udinese06/04/1986LBari 3-1 13/04/1986V 3-0 Pisa Calcio20/04/1986LTorino 2-1 27/04/1986
    14 AC MilanV 2-0 Udinese16/03/1986L 0-1 AS Roma23/03/1986LInter Milan 1-0 06/04/1986L 1-2 Napoli13/04/1986LJuventus 1-0 20/04/1986D 1-1 Atalanta27/04/1986
    15 LecceL 0-1 Sampdoria16/03/1986LAvellino 2-0 23/03/1986D 1-1 Pisa Calcio06/04/1986LComo 2-0 13/04/1986VAS Roma 2-3 20/04/1986L 2-3 Juventus27/04/1986
    16 Pisa CalcioDComo 1-1 16/03/1986D 0-0 Torino23/03/1986DLecce 1-1 06/04/1986L 2-4 AS Roma13/04/1986LHellas Verona 3-0 20/04/1986L 1-2 Fiorentina27/04/1986

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 14:35

    Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
    logo JuventusJuventus421111111111111111111111111211
    logo AS RomaAS Roma216746566677734322222222222122
    logo NapoliNapoli242455343322222233433333333333
    logo FiorentinaFiorentina4104224655556445456767777765644
    logo TorinoTorino955579877765567565455456557455
    logo Inter MilanInter Milan163663424433353677676565676766
    logo AC MilanAC Milan427332232244676744344644444577
    logo AtalantaAtalanta119121315121211888111212111411121211121110101098888
    logo ComoComo1115161616161615151515151413131312111112111211111111119109
    logo Hellas VeronaHellas Verona713899711810910131088888999898810911910
    logo SampdoriaSampdoria1381012121413101211111011999998889899810101211
    logo AvellinoAvellino137111514109149109891112101313131313131312131213121112
    logo UdineseUdinese912988879111312981010111414151414141414141414131313
    logo Pisa CalcioPisa Calcio161415111111101213121312131414121010101010101213121312141414
    logo BariBari131613101013141314141414151515151515141515151515151515151515
    logo LecceLecce71114141315151616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 14:35

    0 - 1539
    Best scorer : P. Elkjaer Larsen - 3 Goals
    16 - 3039
    Best scorer : Roberto Pruzzo - 5 Goals
    31 - 45+48
    Best scorer : Roberto Mancini - 4 Goals
    46 - 6062
    Best scorer : Michel Platini - 5 Goals
    61 - 7548
    Best scorer : K.-H. Rummenigge - 6 Goals
    76 - 90+59
    Best scorer : Roberto Pruzzo - 6 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 14:35

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 38 times
    1 - 0 56 times
    1 - 1 33 times
    2 - 0 28 times
    2 - 1 26 times
    2 - 2 13 times
    3 - 0 14 times
    3 - 1 16 times
    Score Frequence
    3 - 2 4 times
    3 - 3 1 times
    4 - 0 3 times
    4 - 1 4 times
    4 - 2 1 times
    5 - 0 1 times
    5 - 1 2 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 14:35

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 14:35

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Napoli 20 24 8 Diego Armando Maradona (11 goals)
    Inter Milan 20 19 7 Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (13 goals)
    Fiorentina 20 22 9 Daniel Passarella (11 goals)
    AC Milan 19 23 7 Mark Hateley (8 goals)
    Hellas Verona 18 21 10 Preben Elkjaer Larsen (9 goals)
    Lecce 18 3 2 Juan Barbas (2 goals)
    Atalanta 17 3 1 Marino Magrin (1 goals)
    Sampdoria 17 22 11 Gianluca Vialli (6 goals)
    Juventus 17 16 10 Michel Platini (12 goals)
    Torino 17 3 1 Júnior (1 goals)
    AS Roma 17 26 10 Roberto Pruzzo (19 goals)
    Avellino 16 3 1 Ramón Díaz (4 goals)
    Como 16 3 2 Dan Corneliusson (2 goals)
    Bari 15 3 2 Paul Rideout (2 goals)
    Udinese 15 3 2 Andrea Carnevale (1 goals)
    Pisa Calcio 14 2 2 Wim Kieft (1 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 11:00

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Pisa Calcio 23.7 Bruno Caneo (27 years) Paolo Baldieri (19 years)
    Como 24.5 Dirceu (32 years) Egidio Notaristefano (18 years)
    Bari 24.7 Giuseppe Pellicanò (30 years) Paul Rideout (20 years)
    Avellino 24.8 Franco Colomba (29 years) Angelo Alessio (19 years)
    AC Milan 24.9 Giuliano Terraneo (31 years) Paolo Maldini (16 years)
    Fiorentina 24.9 Paolo Conti (34 years) Michele Gelsi (16 years)
    Sampdoria 25 Ivano Bordon (33 years) Andrea Veronici (18 years)
    Lecce 25.1 Franco Causio (35 years) Giuseppe Colombo (18 years)
    Udinese 25.3 Geronimo Barbadillo (30 years) Massimo Susic (17 years)
    Napoli 25.7 Giuseppe Bruscolotti (33 years) Francesco Baiano (16 years)
    Inter Milan 25.9 Gianpiero Marini (33 years) Paolo Mandelli (17 years)
    AS Roma 25.9 Francesco Graziani (32 years) Settimio Lucci (19 years)
    Juventus 26 Gaetano Scirea (31 years) Stefano Pioli (19 years)
    Torino 26.7 Renato Zaccarelli (33 years) Marco Osio (18 years)
    Atalanta 26.7 Nello Malizia (34 years) Diego Bortoluzzi (18 years)
    Hellas Verona 26.9 Domenico Volpati (33 years) Mauro Roberto (16 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 14:35

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Italy 2806 243 171
    Argentina 92 6 31
    England 69 5 13
    Denmark 52 3 16
    Germany 52 2 16
    San Marino 31 2 1
    France 30 1 12
    Poland 29 1 7
    Republic of Ireland 29 1 3
    Scotland 28 1 3
    Brazil 28 5 5
    Sweden 6 2 2
    Netherlands 4 2 1
    Austria 3 1 0
    Peru 2 1 0


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