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Primera B 2010/2011 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Primera B2010/2011

Tier : 3
Type of clubs : A
Country : Argentina
GamesGames played : 462
Goals forGoals scored : 922 (2 goals per match )

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 20.96 years
Number of players participating : 1
Relegated to lower tier : Central Cordoba Rosario
Promoted to higher tier : Almirante Brown
Relegated from higher tier : Platense, Sportivo Italiano

Primera B 2010/2011's fixtures and results

Round 37

April 30, 2011
Comunicaciones1 0Sarmiento de Junín
May 02, 2011
Tristán Suárez1 1Los Andes
Barracas Central3 0Brown Adrogue
CS Italiano1 0San Telmo
Villa San Carlos2 0Dep. Español
Nueva Chicago0 0Flandria
Estudiantes BA0 2Defensores
Colegiales0 1Acassuso
Temperley2 0CD Armenio
May 03, 2011
Platense2 1Almagro
May 04, 2011
Deportivo Morón1 2Atlanta

General rankingLast updated on 04/06/2011

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo AtlantaAtlanta864226886837+31
logo Estudiantes de Buenos AiresEstudiantes BA73422110115443+11
logo Defensores de BelgranoDefensores7142191494828+20
logo Nueva ChicagoNueva Chicago7142191494235+7
logo Brown de AdroguéBrown Adrogue70421913105436+18
logo Deportivo ArmenioCD Armenio65421714114331+12
logo Barracas CentralBarracas Central6442151985029+21
logo Deportivo MorónDeportivo Morón6142141994437+7
logo Villa San CarlosVilla San Carlos6042186184543+2
logo ComunicacionesComunicaciones60421791641410
logo AlmagroAlmagro58421610165251+1
logo AcassusoAcassuso56421317124643+3
logo FlandriaFlandria54421315143731+6
logo ColegialesColegiales53421314153436-2
logo PlatensePlatense53421120113134-3
logo Sportivo ItalianoCS Italiano47421114172740-13
logo Tristán SuárezTristán Suárez46421113184054-14
logo TemperleyTemperley4442128223857-19
logo San TelmoSan Telmo42421012203552-17
logo Sarmiento de JunínSarmiento de Junín3742813212750-23
logo Deportivo EspañolDep. Español3542714212655-29
logo Los AndesLos Andes3442616204059-19


1 Villa San CarlosV 2-0 Dep. Español02/05/2011VSarmiento de Junín 0-2 07/05/2011V 2-1 Flandria16/05/2011VDefensores 0-2 21/05/2011L 0-2 Acassuso28/05/2011VLos Andes 1-3 04/06/2011
2 Brown AdrogueLBarracas Central 3-0 02/05/2011V 2-0 Platense09/05/2011VTemperley 0-3 16/05/2011D 0-0 CD Armenio21/05/2011VAlmagro 0-1 30/05/2011V 2-1 Tristán Suárez04/06/2011
3 Nueva ChicagoD 0-0 Flandria02/05/2011VDefensores 0-3 07/05/2011V 2-0 Acassuso14/05/2011VLos Andes 1-2 24/05/2011V 2-1 Colegiales28/05/2011LEstudiantes BA 1-0 04/06/2011
4 Estudiantes BAL 0-2 Defensores02/05/2011VAcassuso 1-3 10/05/2011V 2-1 Los Andes16/05/2011LColegiales 1-0 22/05/2011VTristán Suárez 0-2 28/05/2011V 1-0 Nueva Chicago04/06/2011
5 Barracas CentralV 3-0 Brown Adrogue02/05/2011VAtlanta 0-1 07/05/2011V 2-0 San Telmo14/05/2011VDep. Español 0-3 21/05/2011L 1-2 Sarmiento de Junín28/05/2011LFlandria 1-0 04/06/2011
6 CS ItalianoV 1-0 San Telmo02/05/2011DDep. Español 0-0 09/05/2011V 1-0 Sarmiento de Junín16/05/2011LFlandria 1-0 21/05/2011D 0-0 Defensores28/05/2011VAcassuso 1-2 04/06/2011
7 ColegialesL 0-1 Acassuso02/05/2011DLos Andes 1-1 09/05/2011VTristán Suárez 0-1 16/05/2011V 1-0 Estudiantes BA22/05/2011LNueva Chicago 2-1 28/05/2011V 3-1 Comunicaciones04/06/2011
8 FlandriaDNueva Chicago 0-0 02/05/2011D 0-0 Comunicaciones09/05/2011LVilla San Carlos 2-1 16/05/2011V 1-0 CS Italiano21/05/2011DDeportivo Morón 0-0 28/05/2011V 1-0 Barracas Central04/06/2011
9 Deportivo MorónL 1-2 Atlanta04/05/2011DSan Telmo 0-0 09/05/2011V 2-0 Dep. Español16/05/2011DSarmiento de Junín 1-1 21/05/2011D 0-0 Flandria28/05/2011VDefensores 1-2 04/06/2011
10 CD ArmenioLTemperley 2-0 02/05/2011V 1-0 Tristán Suárez07/05/2011L 1-2 Almagro14/05/2011DBrown Adrogue 0-0 21/05/2011D 2-2 Atlanta28/05/2011VSan Telmo 0-1 04/06/2011
11 AtlantaVDeportivo Morón 1-2 04/05/2011L 0-1 Barracas Central07/05/2011LPlatense 1-0 17/05/2011V 2-0 Temperley21/05/2011DCD Armenio 2-2 28/05/2011D 0-0 Almagro04/06/2011
12 AlmagroLPlatense 2-1 03/05/2011V 3-0 Temperley09/05/2011VCD Armenio 1-2 14/05/2011D 1-1 Tristán Suárez22/05/2011L 0-1 Brown Adrogue30/05/2011DAtlanta 0-0 04/06/2011
13 PlatenseV 2-1 Almagro03/05/2011LBrown Adrogue 2-0 09/05/2011V 1-0 Atlanta17/05/2011DSan Telmo 2-2 21/05/2011L 1-2 Dep. Español28/05/2011DSarmiento de Junín 0-0 04/06/2011
14 ComunicacionesV 1-0 Sarmiento de Junín30/04/2011DFlandria 0-0 09/05/2011L 1-2 Defensores14/05/2011VAcassuso 1-3 20/05/2011D 0-0 Los Andes28/05/2011LColegiales 3-1 04/06/2011
15 Dep. EspañolLVilla San Carlos 2-0 02/05/2011D 0-0 CS Italiano09/05/2011LDeportivo Morón 2-0 16/05/2011L 0-3 Barracas Central21/05/2011VPlatense 1-2 28/05/2011V 3-0 Temperley04/06/2011
16 DefensoresVEstudiantes BA 0-2 02/05/2011L 0-3 Nueva Chicago07/05/2011VComunicaciones 1-2 14/05/2011L 0-2 Villa San Carlos21/05/2011DCS Italiano 0-0 28/05/2011L 1-2 Deportivo Morón04/06/2011
17 AcassusoVColegiales 0-1 02/05/2011L 1-3 Estudiantes BA10/05/2011LNueva Chicago 2-0 14/05/2011L 1-3 Comunicaciones20/05/2011VVilla San Carlos 0-2 28/05/2011L 1-2 CS Italiano04/06/2011
18 Sarmiento de JunínLComunicaciones 1-0 30/04/2011L 0-2 Villa San Carlos07/05/2011LCS Italiano 1-0 16/05/2011D 1-1 Deportivo Morón21/05/2011VBarracas Central 1-2 28/05/2011D 0-0 Platense04/06/2011
19 San TelmoLCS Italiano 1-0 02/05/2011D 0-0 Deportivo Morón09/05/2011LBarracas Central 2-0 14/05/2011D 2-2 Platense21/05/2011VTemperley 0-2 28/05/2011L 0-1 CD Armenio04/06/2011
20 Los AndesDTristán Suárez 1-1 02/05/2011D 1-1 Colegiales09/05/2011LEstudiantes BA 2-1 16/05/2011L 1-2 Nueva Chicago24/05/2011DComunicaciones 0-0 28/05/2011L 1-3 Villa San Carlos04/06/2011
21 TemperleyV 2-0 CD Armenio02/05/2011LAlmagro 3-0 09/05/2011L 0-3 Brown Adrogue16/05/2011LAtlanta 2-0 21/05/2011L 0-2 San Telmo28/05/2011LDep. Español 3-0 04/06/2011
22 Tristán SuárezD 1-1 Los Andes02/05/2011LCD Armenio 1-0 07/05/2011L 0-1 Colegiales16/05/2011DAlmagro 1-1 22/05/2011L 0-2 Estudiantes BA28/05/2011LBrown Adrogue 2-1 04/06/2011

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 06:59

Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142
logo AtlantaAtlanta379467534332321111111111111111111111111111
logo Estudiantes de Buenos AiresEstudiantes BA322322222123232333222222222333333333333442
logo Defensores de BelgranoDefensores1143111111211113222333344445222222222222223
logo Nueva ChicagoNueva Chicago15109131419201920201920171411874444433334444444454444334
logo Brown de AdroguéBrown Adrogue16222115202217115914911111313138759875677777756545555655
logo Deportivo ArmenioCD Armenio3847910141814168888958111315131211111188101011999766667776
logo Barracas CentralBarracas Central1115151722151010910101191014151615118691010866666565677776567
logo Deportivo MorónDeportivo Morón9141312139116867544445759766899988888789810108998
logo Villa San CarlosVilla San Carlos3109546781213161819191716101410141114131316141615151615161617151413121111119
logo ComunicacionesComunicaciones1621192015212220211815161497761097558655355567898988108810
logo AlmagroAlmagro16109681313131615201412151214181261115109910121211111310111010111111119101011
logo AcassusoAcassuso956105345779101313101015171712141616151315151616171614121210109912121212
logo FlandriaFlandria131719211616211710111112106811116121012151514141313131314111011111212141414141413
logo ColegialesColegiales161516181720151418191817181819191919192020181717181818171715171717151416171615151514
logo PlatensePlatense13181719181718211717121315161612121615171611121212111012129121213131313121313131315
logo Sportivo ItalianoCS Italiano22192216211491215141719202020202020201919191919191919191919191819191919181818181716
logo Tristán SuárezTristán Suárez256911121615111213151617181814131613101314161516149910131314141715151516161617
logo TemperleyTemperley161314147467654467594586875771011141412141515161617161717171818
logo San TelmoSan Telmo31123534345671215171718181818202020202020202020201918181818191919191919
logo Sarmiento de JunínSarmiento de Junín388111288913867556699141617171818171717181818182020202020212121212020
logo Deportivo EspañolDep. Español162018221918192222222222222222222221212121212121212222212121212222222222222222222221
logo Los AndesLos Andes13581011121619212121212121212122222222222222222121222222222121212121202020202122

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 06:59

Score Frequence
0 - 0 65 times
1 - 0 110 times
1 - 1 69 times
2 - 0 65 times
2 - 1 66 times
2 - 2 11 times
3 - 0 31 times
3 - 1 22 times
3 - 2 4 times
Score Frequence
3 - 3 1 times
4 - 0 4 times
4 - 1 7 times
4 - 2 2 times
4 - 3 1 times
5 - 0 1 times
5 - 1 2 times
5 - 3 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 06:59

General statistics by teamLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 05:11

Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
Platense 1 1

Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 26/02/2025 at 04:13

Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
Platense 19.9 Nicolás Roberto Angellotti (19 years) Nicolás Roberto Angellotti (19 years)

Countries statisticsLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 07:00

Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
Argentina 1 1 0


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