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MTN Super League 2024/2025 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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MTN Super League2024/2025

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Zambia
GamesGames played : 225
Goals forGoals scored : 423 (1.88 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 5

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 27.27 years
Number of players participating : 217
Relegated to lower tier : Konkola Blades, Prison Leopards, Kansanshi Dynamos, Trident FC

MTN Super League 2024/2025's fixtures and results

Round 8

October 19, 2024
MUZA0 1Power Dynamos
Kabwe Warriors1 1Green Buffaloes
Lumwana Radiants0 0Zanaco
Napsa Stars1 0Red Arrows
Nkwazi2 1Mufulira
October 20, 2024
Mutondo Stars2 1Forest Rangers
Atletico Lusaka1 0Green Eagles
ZESCO United1 0Indeni
October 23, 2024
Nkana0 0Nchanga Rangers

General rankingLast updated on 22/12/2024

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo ZESCO UnitedZESCO United32188821811+7
logo NkanaNkana30188642311+12
logo Kabwe WarriorsKabwe Warriors30188642212+10
logo Green EaglesGreen Eagles30187922015+5
logo Red ArrowsRed Arrows30188641813+5
logo Power DynamosPower Dynamos29188552415+9
logo NkwaziNkwazi28187741410+4
logo Green BuffaloesGreen Buffaloes26186842115+6
logo Maestro United ZambiaMUZA25186751617-1
logo Mufulira WanderersMufulira24186661415-1
logo Atletico LusakaAtletico Lusaka24186661422-8
logo Nchanga RangersNchanga Rangers22185761516-1
logo Napsa StarsNapsa Stars20184861314-1
logo Mutondo StarsMutondo Stars20185581521-6
logo ZanacoZanaco171821151720-3
logo Lumwana RadiantsLumwana Radiants1718459920-11
logo Forest RangersForest Rangers16183781824-6
logo IndeniIndeni61813141131-20


1 Power DynamosV 3-1 Indeni18/01/2025DForest Rangers 0-0 25/01/2025V 4-0 Zanaco01/02/2025VGreen Buffaloes 0-2 08/02/2025VAtletico Lusaka 0-2 15/02/2025V 2-0 MUZA23/02/2025
2 ZESCO UnitedV 2-0 Nkana19/01/2025VGreen Eagles 0-1 26/01/2025D 1-1 Nchanga Rangers01/02/2025VMufulira 0-1 09/02/2025V 1-0 Red Arrows15/02/2025DIndeni 0-0 22/02/2025
3 NkwaziDNapsa Stars 1-1 18/01/2025V 2-1 Atletico Lusaka26/01/2025D 1-1 Nkana01/02/2025VGreen Eagles 0-1 08/02/2025V 2-1 Nchanga Rangers15/02/2025LMufulira 2-1 22/02/2025
4 Kabwe WarriorsV 3-0 Mufulira18/01/2025DRed Arrows 1-1 25/01/2025V 3-1 Indeni02/02/2025DForest Rangers 1-1 08/02/2025V 1-0 Zanaco15/02/2025LGreen Buffaloes 1-0 23/02/2025
5 Green BuffaloesL 2-3 Forest Rangers18/01/2025LZanaco 4-1 26/01/2025VAtletico Lusaka 0-1 01/02/2025L 0-2 Power Dynamos08/02/2025VMUZA 0-1 15/02/2025V 1-0 Kabwe Warriors23/02/2025
6 Red ArrowsDMUZA 0-0 18/01/2025D 1-1 Kabwe Warriors25/01/2025VLumwana Radiants 0-1 01/02/2025D 0-0 Mutondo Stars08/02/2025LZESCO United 1-0 15/02/2025V 1-0 Napsa Stars23/02/2025
7 MufuliraLKabwe Warriors 3-0 18/01/2025V 2-0 Lumwana Radiants25/01/2025VMutondo Stars 0-1 02/02/2025L 0-1 ZESCO United09/02/2025LNapsa Stars 1-0 15/02/2025V 2-1 Nkwazi22/02/2025
8 ZanacoVAtletico Lusaka 0-2 18/01/2025V 4-1 Green Buffaloes26/01/2025LPower Dynamos 4-0 01/02/2025L 0-2 MUZA09/02/2025LKabwe Warriors 1-0 15/02/2025V 1-0 Lumwana Radiants23/02/2025
9 Mutondo StarsV 2-1 Green Eagles19/01/2025DNchanga Rangers 1-1 26/01/2025L 0-1 Mufulira02/02/2025DRed Arrows 0-0 08/02/2025V 2-1 Indeni15/02/2025DForest Rangers 0-0 22/02/2025
10 Napsa StarsD 1-1 Nkwazi18/01/2025VNkana 0-1 25/01/2025D 0-0 Green Eagles01/02/2025DNchanga Rangers 0-0 08/02/2025V 1-0 Mufulira15/02/2025LRed Arrows 1-0 23/02/2025
11 Forest RangersVGreen Buffaloes 2-3 18/01/2025D 0-0 Power Dynamos25/01/2025LMUZA 2-0 01/02/2025D 1-1 Kabwe Warriors08/02/2025DLumwana Radiants 1-1 15/02/2025D 0-0 Mutondo Stars22/02/2025
12 NkanaLZESCO United 2-0 19/01/2025L 0-1 Napsa Stars25/01/2025DNkwazi 1-1 01/02/2025V 5-1 Atletico Lusaka08/02/2025V 1-0 Green Eagles16/02/2025LNchanga Rangers 2-0 22/02/2025
13 Lumwana RadiantsV 2-1 Nchanga Rangers18/01/2025LMufulira 2-0 25/01/2025L 0-1 Red Arrows01/02/2025VIndeni 0-1 08/02/2025D 1-1 Forest Rangers15/02/2025LZanaco 1-0 23/02/2025
14 MUZAD 0-0 Red Arrows18/01/2025LIndeni 1-0 25/01/2025V 2-0 Forest Rangers01/02/2025VZanaco 0-2 09/02/2025L 0-1 Green Buffaloes15/02/2025LPower Dynamos 2-0 23/02/2025
15 Nchanga RangersLLumwana Radiants 2-1 18/01/2025D 1-1 Mutondo Stars26/01/2025DZESCO United 1-1 01/02/2025D 0-0 Napsa Stars08/02/2025LNkwazi 2-1 15/02/2025V 2-0 Nkana22/02/2025
16 IndeniLPower Dynamos 3-1 18/01/2025V 1-0 MUZA25/01/2025LKabwe Warriors 3-1 02/02/2025L 0-1 Lumwana Radiants08/02/2025LMutondo Stars 2-1 15/02/2025D 0-0 ZESCO United22/02/2025
17 Atletico LusakaL 0-2 Zanaco18/01/2025LNkwazi 2-1 26/01/2025L 0-1 Green Buffaloes01/02/2025LNkana 5-1 08/02/2025L 0-2 Power Dynamos15/02/2025VGreen Eagles 1-2 22/02/2025
18 Green EaglesLMutondo Stars 2-1 19/01/2025L 0-1 ZESCO United26/01/2025DNapsa Stars 0-0 01/02/2025L 0-1 Nkwazi08/02/2025LNkana 1-0 16/02/2025L 1-2 Atletico Lusaka22/02/2025

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 26/02/2025 at 09:08

Team \ Rd12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334
logo ZESCO UnitedZESCO United11111111211311113212111
logo Power DynamosPower Dynamos77103222143132466554332
logo Kabwe WarriorsKabwe Warriors3332365422223232121223
logo Red ArrowsRed Arrows116128554534745554333464
logo NkanaNkana1311141315131081112584321445545
logo NkwaziNkwazi1089127128696867877666656
logo Green BuffaloesGreen Buffaloes522794336961087888991077
logo Mufulira WanderersMufulira131416912161614141413141011109987788
logo Maestro United ZambiaMUZA16161510141013111011912910910101010899
logo Green EaglesGreen Eagles410114107677545664577891010
logo Napsa StarsNapsa Stars7147161391191516111614141313141111111111
logo Mutondo StarsMutondo Stars1594443710710141113131414121314141212
logo Nchanga RangersNchanga Rangers14868141415571071291212161613131413
logo Atletico LusakaAtletico Lusaka9125141111121313812911121111111212151614
logo Lumwana RadiantsLumwana Radiants17171717171717171717171717171615131717121315
logo Forest RangersForest Rangers25611689121213161316161716151516161516
logo ZanacoZanaco6131315161515161614151415151517171415171717
logo IndeniIndeni18181818181818181818181818181818181818181818

Goals per quarterLast updated on 26/02/2025 at 09:08

0 - 152
16 - 303
31 - 45+3
46 - 601
61 - 754
76 - 90+2

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 26/02/2025 at 09:08

Score Frequence
0 - 0 37 times
1 - 0 57 times
1 - 1 33 times
2 - 0 34 times
2 - 1 29 times
2 - 2 6 times
3 - 0 7 times
Score Frequence
3 - 1 9 times
3 - 2 4 times
3 - 3 1 times
4 - 0 3 times
4 - 1 3 times
5 - 0 1 times
5 - 1 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 26/02/2025 at 09:08

General statistics by teamLast updated on 26/02/2025 at 09:08

Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
Zanaco 29 6 2 Chawanangwa Kaonga (1 goals)
Nkana 25 7 3 Harrison Chisala (2 goals)
Power Dynamos 22 3 2 Fredrick Mulambia (1 goals)
Kabwe Warriors 20 3 2 Sydney Lunda (1 goals)
ZESCO United 20 5 3 Tandi Mwape (1 goals)
Napsa Stars 16 2
Forest Rangers 15 3 1 Kope Mutshimba Mugalu (1 goals)
Red Arrows 14 1 1 Paul Katema (1 goals)
Mufulira 10 1
Indeni 5 1

Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 08/02/2025 at 05:58

Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
Zanaco 24.5 Racha Kola (36 years) Dominic Kanda (19 years)
ZESCO United 25.8 Lindo Mkhonta (32 years) David Simukonda (18 years)
Kabwe Warriors 26.4 Aime Ngokene Eyong (34 years) Tryson Banda (18 years)
Nkana 26.8 Moussa Riguene Lemisa (36 years) Emmanuel Mutale (17 years)
Power Dynamos 26.9 Faustin Bakodila (33 years) Sekanji Siame (17 years)
Red Arrows 27 Saddam Yussuf Phiri (31 years) Derrick Bulaya (20 years)
Napsa Stars 27.7 Keagan Zulu (34 years) Emmanuel Mwanza (17 years)
Indeni 28.2 Martin Phiri (32 years) Jonathan Munalula (22 years)

Countries statisticsLast updated on 25/02/2025 at 17:19

Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
Zambia 292 134 13
DR Congo 41 21 1
Cameroon 17 5 0
Nigeria 11 4 0
Malawi 9 3 1
Kenya 4 1 0
Eswatini 4 1 0
Ghana 3 3 0
Congo 2 1 0
Ivory Coast 2 1 0


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