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Tweede Divisie 2024/2025 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Tweede Divisie2024/2025

Tier : 3
Type of clubs : A
Country : Netherlands
GamesGames played : 215
Goals forGoals scored : 688 (3.2 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 534
Red cardsRed cards : 44

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 25.86 years
Number of players participating : 503
Promoted : Barendrecht, RKAV Volendam
Relegated to lower tier : FC Lisse, Kozakken Boys

Tweede Divisie 2024/2025's fixtures and results

Round 25

March 08, 2025
GVVVpreviewRKAV Volendam
BarendrechtpreviewDe Treffers
Quick BoyspreviewACV Assen
Rijnsburgse BoyspreviewADO '20
Sp. Rotterdam BpreviewAFC Amsterdam
SpakenburgpreviewKoninklijke HFC
Almere City BpreviewHardenberg

General rankingLast updated on 14/12/2024

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo Quick BoysQuick Boys401712414415+29
logo Rijnsburgse BoysRijnsburgse Boys371711424316+27
logo AFC AmsterdamAFC Amsterdam351711243516+19
logo KatwijkKatwijk32179532819+9
logo SpakenburgSpakenburg31179443818+20
logo GVVVGVVV30179353224+8
logo BarendrechtBarendrecht271783632320
logo HardenbergHardenberg25178182324-1
logo Koninklijke HFCKoninklijke HFC24176652120+1
logo De TreffersDe Treffers22176472838-10
logo Sparta RotterdamSp. Rotterdam B211770103238-6
logo ACV AssenACV Assen19175482025-5
logo RKAV VolendamRKAV Volendam19175482538-13
logo Almere CityAlmere City B16173773134-3
logo Excelsior MaassluisMaassluis13163491129-18
logo NoordwijkNoordwijk12172692536-11
logo ScheveningenScheveningen121733111732-15
logo ADO '20ADO '2081622121243-31

The best XI according to FBDB Index

photo Wesley Zonneveld
Wesley Zonneveld
Age33 years
photo Nick Verhagen
Nick Verhagen
Age29 years
photo Guus van Weerdenburg
Guus van Weerdenburg
Age30 years
photo Gévero Markiet
Gévero Markiet
Age34 years
photo Koen Wesdorp
Koen Wesdorp
Age28 years
photo Splinter de Mooij
Splinter de Mooij
Age24 years
photo Bram de Bruin
Bram de Bruin
Age28 years
photo Nick Broekhuizen
Nick Broekhuizen
Age24 years
photo Ravalino Junte
Ravalino Junte
Age29 years
photo Mark van der Weijden
Mark van der Weijden
Age29 years
photo Patrick Brouwer
Patrick Brouwer
Age24 years

Your best XI

Hot players

Guus Beaumonthas scored 3 goal(s) and made 6 assist(s) during the last 6 matches
Emanuel Pokuhas scored 5 goal(s) and made 2 assist(s) during the last 4 matches
Jeroen Spruijthas scored 4 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 4 matches
Azeddine Southas scored 2 goal(s) and made 2 assist(s) during the last 3 matches
Sebastiaan van Bakelhas made 3 assists during the last 3 matches
Milan Klopperhas scored 3 goals during the last 2 matches
Joyce Nsingihas scored 3 goals during the last 2 matches
Matthijs Jessehas scored 2 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Marouane Bakourhas scored 2 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 3 matches
Thomas Reindershas scored 3 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Boy Spijkermanhas scored 2 goal(s) and made 2 assist(s) during the last 3 matches
Mark van der Weijdenhas scored 2 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 3 matches
Arantis Roephas scored 1 goal(s) and made 2 assist(s) during the last 3 matches
Olivier de Nijshas scored 3 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Ilias Latifhas scored 2 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Dylan Georgehas made 2 assists during the last 2 matches
Gaultiér Overmanhas made 2 assists during the last match
Jorn van Hedelhas made 2 assists during the last 2 matches
Jeffrey Purielhas made 2 assists during the last 2 matches
Sietse Brandsmahas made 2 assists during the last 2 matches
Twan van der Zeeuwhas made 2 assists during the last match
Jaden Pinashas made 2 assists during the last match
Jorn Triephas made 2 assists during the last 2 matches
Pieter Veenstrahas scored 2 goals during the last match
Koen Wesdorphas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches
Finn Janmaathas scored 2 goals during the last match
Serginho Fatimahas scored 2 goals during the last match
Toer Bouwmanhas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches
Marciano Mengerinkhas scored 2 goals during the last match
Quincy Hoevehas scored 2 goals during the last match
Aaron Menelikhas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches
Olaf van der Sandehas scored 2 goals during the last match
Nick Broekhuizenhas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches
Pim Lukassenhas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches
Stezo Knotthas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches
Ayoub Oufkirhas scored 2 goals during the last match
Gersom Klokhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 2 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Joeri Potjeshas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Quiermo Dumayhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Joey Ravensbergenhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 2 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
João Simõeshas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Kevin Rookhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Joep van den Berkhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Dylan Van Wageningenhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Mitchel Willemshas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Jordy Thomassenhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Marley Dorshas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Patrick Brouwerhas scored 2 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches
Willem den Dekkerhas scored 1 goal(s) and made 1 assist(s) during the last 2 matches

One match scorers

Mark van der Weijdenhas scored 3 goals during the match Rijnsburgse Boys 4-0 Maassluis (14/09/2024)
Ravalino Juntehas scored 3 goals during the match Quick Boys 4-0 Barendrecht (16/11/2024)
Sietse Brandsmahas scored 3 goals during the match De Treffers 1-3 Katwijk (14/12/2024)
Rob van der Leijhas scored 3 goals during the match Hardenberg 5-1 Sp. Rotterdam B (25/01/2025)

Individual rankingsLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

Player Goals pen. eff. Min.p. M.p. Start Home Away 1H 2H Team % Last goal
Mark van der Weijden 17 0 105 1778 22 22 8 9 9 8 32% 18/01/2025
Jeroen Spruijt 11 0 164 1806 23 23 4 7 5 6 21% 25/01/2025
Bram de Bruin 11 1 173 1906 23 23 6 5 6 5 30% 08/02/2025
Emanuel Poku 11 0 123 1351 18 15 6 5 4 7 20% 15/02/2025
Patrick Brouwer 11 3 168 1843 22 21 8 3 8 3 21% 22/02/2025
Willem den Dekker 11 2 184 2028 23 23 3 8 6 5 28% 22/02/2025
Sietse Brandsma 10 0 181 1805 22 20 4 6 2 8 28% 18/01/2025
F. van der Linden 10 3 139 1385 21 15 3 7 3 7 21% 08/02/2025
Splinter de Mooij 10 0 196 1955 24 23 7 3 6 4 21% 15/02/2025
David Garden 9 2 149 1339 19 15 4 5 2 7 16% 14/12/2024
Wessel Been 9 0 137 1233 21 13 5 4 5 4 19% 08/02/2025
Nick Broekhuizen 9 0 189 1703 22 22 6 3 5 4 17% 22/02/2025
Genrich Sillé 8 0 267 2136 24 24 6 2 4 4 18% 11/01/2025
Jorn Triep 8 0 193 1544 21 17 3 5 1 7 21% 18/01/2025
Sam van Huffel 8 0 263 2101 24 23 6 2 6 2 17% 15/02/2025


1 Almere City BVScheveningen 1-4 18/01/2025V 5-1 Quick Boys25/01/2025VNoordwijk 1-4 01/02/2025VDe Treffers 0-3 09/02/2025V 4-1 GVVV15/02/2025VRKAV Volendam 3-4 22/02/2025
2 KatwijkVAFC Amsterdam 1-4 18/01/2025L 0-1 Koninklijke HFC25/01/2025VBarendrecht 1-2 01/02/2025V 2-1 Spakenburg08/02/2025DSp. Rotterdam B 1-1 15/02/2025V 1-0 Rijnsburgse Boys22/02/2025
3 Quick BoysV 3-2 Noordwijk20/01/2025LAlmere City B 5-1 25/01/2025L 0-2 GVVV01/02/2025VRKAV Volendam 0-3 11/02/2025V 4-0 Hardenberg15/02/2025VMaassluis 0-2 22/02/2025
4 AFC AmsterdamL 1-4 Katwijk18/01/2025VADO '20 1-3 26/01/2025D 1-1 De Treffers02/02/2025D 2-2 Koninklijke HFC08/02/2025VBarendrecht 1-3 15/02/2025V 1-0 Spakenburg22/02/2025
5 De TreffersVADO '20 0-3 19/01/2025V 2-0 Noordwijk25/01/2025DAFC Amsterdam 1-1 02/02/2025L 0-3 Almere City B09/02/2025VKoninklijke HFC 0-3 15/02/2025D 2-2 GVVV22/02/2025
6 HardenbergLSpakenburg 2-0 18/01/2025V 5-1 Sp. Rotterdam B25/01/2025DRijnsburgse Boys 0-0 01/02/2025V 1-0 Scheveningen08/02/2025LQuick Boys 4-0 15/02/2025V 2-0 Noordwijk22/02/2025
7 ACV AssenVKoninklijke HFC 0-1 18/01/2025L 0-1 Barendrecht25/01/2025DSpakenburg 1-1 01/02/2025V 3-0 Sp. Rotterdam B08/02/2025LRijnsburgse Boys 2-0 15/02/2025V 1-0 Scheveningen22/02/2025
8 MaassluisV 3-1 Spakenburg25/01/2025LSp. Rotterdam B 2-0 01/02/2025VADO '20 0-4 04/02/2025V 1-0 Rijnsburgse Boys08/02/2025LScheveningen 1-0 15/02/2025L 0-2 Quick Boys22/02/2025
9 BarendrechtV 2-0 Maassluis18/01/2025VACV Assen 0-1 25/01/2025L 1-2 Katwijk01/02/2025DADO '20 1-1 08/02/2025L 1-3 AFC Amsterdam15/02/2025DKoninklijke HFC 0-0 22/02/2025
10 Rijnsburgse BoysV 3-1 GVVV18/01/2025DRKAV Volendam 2-2 25/01/2025D 0-0 Hardenberg01/02/2025LMaassluis 1-0 08/02/2025V 2-0 ACV Assen15/02/2025LKatwijk 1-0 22/02/2025
11 Sp. Rotterdam BL 1-3 RKAV Volendam18/01/2025LHardenberg 5-1 25/01/2025V 2-0 Maassluis01/02/2025LACV Assen 3-0 08/02/2025D 1-1 Katwijk15/02/2025VADO '20 1-4 23/02/2025
12 GVVVLRijnsburgse Boys 3-1 18/01/2025V 4-0 Scheveningen25/01/2025VQuick Boys 0-2 01/02/2025L 1-3 Noordwijk08/02/2025LAlmere City B 4-1 15/02/2025DDe Treffers 2-2 22/02/2025
13 SpakenburgV 2-0 Hardenberg18/01/2025LMaassluis 3-1 25/01/2025D 1-1 ACV Assen01/02/2025LKatwijk 2-1 08/02/2025V 4-2 ADO '2015/02/2025LAFC Amsterdam 1-0 22/02/2025
14 RKAV VolendamVSp. Rotterdam B 1-3 18/01/2025D 2-2 Rijnsburgse Boys25/01/2025VScheveningen 0-2 01/02/2025L 0-3 Quick Boys11/02/2025LNoordwijk 4-2 15/02/2025L 3-4 Almere City B22/02/2025
15 Koninklijke HFCL 0-1 ACV Assen18/01/2025VKatwijk 0-1 25/01/2025D 0-0 ADO '2001/02/2025DAFC Amsterdam 2-2 08/02/2025L 0-3 De Treffers15/02/2025D 0-0 Barendrecht22/02/2025
16 NoordwijkLQuick Boys 3-2 20/01/2025LDe Treffers 2-0 25/01/2025L 1-4 Almere City B01/02/2025VGVVV 1-3 08/02/2025V 4-2 RKAV Volendam15/02/2025LHardenberg 2-0 22/02/2025
17 ScheveningenL 1-4 Almere City B18/01/2025LGVVV 4-0 25/01/2025L 0-2 RKAV Volendam01/02/2025LHardenberg 1-0 08/02/2025V 1-0 Maassluis15/02/2025LACV Assen 1-0 22/02/2025
18 ADO '20L 1-3 AFC Amsterdam26/01/2025DKoninklijke HFC 0-0 01/02/2025L 0-4 Maassluis04/02/2025D 1-1 Barendrecht08/02/2025LSpakenburg 4-2 15/02/2025L 1-4 Sp. Rotterdam B23/02/2025

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

Team \ Rd12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334
logo Quick BoysQuick Boys1864663333111111222111
logo Rijnsburgse BoysRijnsburgse Boys4211331111222222111222
logo KatwijkKatwijk71079998774665544343333
logo AFC AmsterdamAFC Amsterdam10426442445443333534444
logo SpakenburgSpakenburg2645667222334455456655
logo GVVVGVVV5587889988756666665566
logo HardenbergHardenberg127108225667878788888777
logo BarendrechtBarendrecht5153114556587877777888
logo Almere CityAlmere City B1513121110101011101110101111141414131312109
logo De TreffersDe Treffers1817181616161513131313131010101011101011910
logo ACV AssenACV Assen10141513121212121210121213121212101111101211
logo Koninklijke HFCKoninklijke HFC333255689999999999991112
logo Sparta RotterdamSp. Rotterdam B1212910111111101112111112131111131414141413
logo RKAV VolendamRKAV Volendam17181415151513151515141414141313121212131314
logo Excelsior MaassluisMaassluis16161718181817171717151615151515161515151515
logo NoordwijkNoordwijk891112131314161616171516161616151616161616
logo ScheveningenScheveningen8111314141416141414161717171717171717171717
logo ADO '20ADO '2014151617171718181818181818181818181818181818

Goals per quarterLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

0 - 1574
Best scorer : Riley Reemnet - 3 Goals
16 - 3094
Best scorer : Sam van Huffel - 4 Goals
31 - 45+102
Best scorer : Splinter de Mooij - 5 Goals
46 - 60111
Best scorer : F. van der Linden - 4 Goals
61 - 75119
Best scorer : Tim Waterink - 4 Goals
76 - 90+173
Best scorer : Dani van der Moot - 5 Goals

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

Score Frequence
0 - 0 10 times
1 - 0 28 times
1 - 1 18 times
2 - 0 27 times
2 - 1 32 times
2 - 2 11 times
3 - 0 12 times
3 - 1 20 times
3 - 2 6 times
3 - 3 5 times
Score Frequence
4 - 0 9 times
4 - 1 11 times
4 - 2 7 times
4 - 3 2 times
5 - 0 4 times
5 - 1 6 times
5 - 2 3 times
5 - 3 2 times
6 - 1 2 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

General statistics by teamLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
Sp. Rotterdam B 36 23 15 Jorn Triep (8 goals)
Maassluis 29 19 10 Devin Plank (4 goals)
Almere City B 28 23 14 Emanuel Poku (11 goals)
ACV Assen 27 18 13 Max Hamelink (5 goals)
Koninklijke HFC 27 19 12 Gerry Vlak (3 goals)
Noordwijk 27 17 11 Emiel Wendt (6 goals)
Barendrecht 27 19 10 Bram de Bruin (11 goals)
ADO '20 26 21 11 Jilani Helder (5 goals)
Spakenburg 25 18 14 Floris van der Linden (10 goals)
RKAV Volendam 25 19 14 Azeddine Sout (7 goals)
Scheveningen 25 20 10 Barry Rog (4 goals)
AFC Amsterdam 24 13 14 Splinter de Mooij (10 goals)
Hardenberg 23 19 11 Rob van der Leij (5 goals)
De Treffers 23 16 12 Willem den Dekker (11 goals)
Quick Boys 22 15 12 Patrick Brouwer (11 goals)
Rijnsburgse Boys 22 11 13 Mark van der Weijden (17 goals)
GVVV 20 14 12 Genrich Sillé (8 goals)
Katwijk 20 17 14 Sietse Brandsma (10 goals)

Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 23/02/2025 at 20:31

Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
Sp. Rotterdam B 19.2 Youri Schoonderwaldt (23 years) Marlon Silva Neves (15 years)
Almere City B 20.3 Stijn Keller (23 years) Senna Szokol (17 years)
Maassluis 23.2 Darren Maatsen (32 years) Tafi Linger (17 years)
RKAV Volendam 24.2 Danny Tol (29 years) Wouter Kwakman (18 years)
ADO '20 24.3 Jonathan Richard (32 years) Tom Carbaat (18 years)
ACV Assen 24.5 Arnoud Bentum (30 years) Wouter Hoeks (19 years)
Quick Boys 24.6 Paul Van Der Helm (30 years) Milan Zonneveld (20 years)
Barendrecht 25 Joey Jongman (33 years) Maxim Kooiman (19 years)
GVVV 25 Danny de Leeuw (34 years) Giel Slijkhuis (19 years)
Koninklijke HFC 25.3 Gerard van Rossum (46 years) Roman Schoonhoven (17 years)
Spakenburg 25.3 Koos Werkman (33 years) Kevin van Dieren (18 years)
Katwijk 25.6 Jean-Paul van Leeuwen (30 years) Finn Janmaat (20 years)
De Treffers 25.7 Guus Joppen (34 years) Teun Heijmans (19 years)
Rijnsburgse Boys 26.2 Roderick Gielisse (33 years) Gio van Ommeren (18 years)
Hardenberg 26.5 Gersom Klok (33 years) Finn Berends (19 years)
Noordwijk 26.8 Romero Antonioli (33 years) Bas Schol (22 years)
Scheveningen 27.1 Tim Peters (38 years) Gabriël Martina (18 years)
AFC Amsterdam 27.4 Djuric Ascencion (41 years) Milan Engelander (17 years)

Countries statisticsLast updated on 03/03/2025 at 18:43

Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
Netherlands 6006 424 642
Cape Verde 29 2 0
Aruba 29 4 1
Belgium 29 2 1
Bonaire 23 2 4
Morocco 20 1 3
Somalia 20 1 2
Guinea-Bissau 20 1 2
Sierra Leone 19 1 0
Poland 18 1 0
Suriname 14 2 0
Japan 9 1 0
Curaçao 9 2 1
Portugal 7 1 1
Germany 6 1 0
Austria 5 1 0
Liberia 5 1 1
Ghana 5 1 0
Uruguay 3 1 0
Iraq 2 1 0


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