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Kategoria superiore 2024/2025 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Kategoria superiore2024/2025

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Albania
GamesGames played : 140
Goals forGoals scored : 324 (2.31 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 172
Red cardsRed cards : 16

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 28.56 years
Number of players participating : 290
Promoted : Elbasani, Bylis Ballshi
Relegated to lower tier : Erzeni Shijak, Kukesi

Kategoria superiore 2024/2025's fixtures and results

Round 11

October 30, 2024
Skenderbeu Korce0 2Partizan Tirana
Laci2 0Egnatia
KF Tirana3 4Vllaznia Shkoder
October 31, 2024
Dinamo Tirana1 1Bylis Ballshi
Teuta Durres0 0Elbasani

General rankingLast updated on 01/02/2025

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo Egnatia RrogozhineEgnatia422312653218+14
logo Vllaznia ShkoderVllaznia Shkoder402312473829+9
logo Partizan TiranaPartizan Tirana392391222917+12
logo Dinamo TiranaDinamo Tirana392310943625+11
logo ElbasaniElbasani292361162728-1
logo Bylis BallshiBylis Ballshi242366112132-11
logo LaciLaci24235991922-3
logo Teuta DurresTeuta Durres232358102034-14
logo KF TiranaKF Tirana222331372529-4
logo Skenderbeu KorceSkenderbeu Korce202348112033-13

Latest transfers

All transfers

Hot players

Soumaila Bakayokohas scored 2 goals during the last 2 matches

One match scorers

Arsen Lleshihas scored 3 goals during the match Elbasani 3-1 Teuta Durres (11/01/2025)


1 EgnatiaV 2-1 Bylis Ballshi31/01/2025VElbasani 1-2 09/02/2025V 2-0 Partizan Tirana15/02/2025LSkenderbeu Korce 1-0 22/02/2025D 1-1 Teuta Durres02/03/2025V 2-0 Dinamo Tirana05/03/2025
2 Vllaznia ShkoderVTeuta Durres 1-3 31/01/2025V 3-0 Bylis Ballshi09/02/2025DDinamo Tirana 0-0 15/02/2025D 1-1 Elbasani21/02/2025DLaci 2-2 01/03/2025V 2-0 Partizan Tirana05/03/2025
3 Dinamo TiranaD 1-1 Skenderbeu Korce01/02/2025DTeuta Durres 0-0 10/02/2025D 0-0 Vllaznia Shkoder15/02/2025V 2-0 Laci21/02/2025VKF Tirana 1-4 02/03/2025LEgnatia 2-0 05/03/2025
4 KF TiranaD 1-1 Elbasani01/02/2025DPartizan Tirana 1-1 09/02/2025V 1-0 Skenderbeu Korce16/02/2025LTeuta Durres 2-1 22/02/2025L 1-4 Dinamo Tirana02/03/2025V 4-1 Laci06/03/2025
5 Skenderbeu KorceDDinamo Tirana 1-1 01/02/2025L 0-2 Laci10/02/2025LKF Tirana 1-0 16/02/2025V 1-0 Egnatia22/02/2025VBylis Ballshi 0-3 02/03/2025DElbasani 0-0 06/03/2025
6 LaciD 0-0 Partizan Tirana01/02/2025VSkenderbeu Korce 0-2 10/02/2025V 3-0 Teuta Durres16/02/2025LDinamo Tirana 2-0 21/02/2025D 2-2 Vllaznia Shkoder01/03/2025LKF Tirana 4-1 06/03/2025
7 Bylis BallshiLEgnatia 2-1 31/01/2025LVllaznia Shkoder 3-0 09/02/2025D 1-1 Elbasani15/02/2025VPartizan Tirana 2-3 21/02/2025L 0-3 Skenderbeu Korce02/03/2025V 1-0 Teuta Durres06/03/2025
8 ElbasaniDKF Tirana 1-1 01/02/2025L 1-2 Egnatia09/02/2025DBylis Ballshi 1-1 15/02/2025DVllaznia Shkoder 1-1 21/02/2025V 2-0 Partizan Tirana01/03/2025D 0-0 Skenderbeu Korce06/03/2025
9 Teuta DurresL 1-3 Vllaznia Shkoder31/01/2025D 0-0 Dinamo Tirana10/02/2025LLaci 3-0 16/02/2025V 2-1 KF Tirana22/02/2025DEgnatia 1-1 02/03/2025LBylis Ballshi 1-0 06/03/2025
10 Partizan TiranaDLaci 0-0 01/02/2025D 1-1 KF Tirana09/02/2025LEgnatia 2-0 15/02/2025L 2-3 Bylis Ballshi21/02/2025LElbasani 2-0 01/03/2025LVllaznia Shkoder 2-0 05/03/2025

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 19:04

Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536
logo Egnatia RrogozhineEgnatia432214444111111
logo Vllaznia ShkoderVllaznia Shkoder123442333222232
logo Dinamo TiranaDinamo Tirana544331122443323
logo Partizan TiranaPartizan Tirana211123211334444
logo ElbasaniElbasani355555555556555
logo Bylis BallshiBylis Ballshi910101099976678776
logo LaciLaci1098888788765667
logo KF TiranaKF Tirana777777899997998
logo Teuta DurresTeuta Durres666666667889889
logo Skenderbeu KorceSkenderbeu Korce88991010101010101010101010

Goals per quarterLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 19:04

0 - 155
16 - 3012
Best scorer : Erich Berko - 2 Goals
31 - 45+2
46 - 6011
Best scorer : Bekim Balaj - 2 Goals
61 - 7511
Best scorer : Regi Lushkja - 2 Goals
76 - 90+20
Best scorer : Bekim Balaj - 2 Goals

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 19:04

Score Frequence
0 - 0 18 times
1 - 0 18 times
1 - 1 25 times
2 - 0 19 times
2 - 1 25 times
2 - 2 8 times
3 - 0 6 times
Score Frequence
3 - 1 9 times
3 - 2 3 times
4 - 0 5 times
4 - 1 2 times
4 - 3 1 times
5 - 0 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 19:04

General statistics by teamLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 19:04

Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
Teuta Durres 29 8 2 Emiljano Vila (2 goals)
Laci 27 8 2 Arlind Kurti (1 goals)
Egnatia 26 10 8 Regi Lushkja (3 goals)
Skenderbeu Korce 25 6 4 Elvis Premci (1 goals)
Bylis Ballshi 25 9 8 Erich Berko (4 goals)
Elbasani 24 5 6 Arsen Lleshi (3 goals)
KF Tirana 24 6 3 Walid Jarmouni (2 goals)
Partizan Tirana 23 5 5 Arinaldo Rrapaj (2 goals)
Vllaznia Shkoder 22 4 2 Bekim Balaj (4 goals)
Dinamo Tirana 22 7 3 Dejvi Bregu (2 goals)

Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 23/02/2025 at 20:21

Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
Laci 22 Enriko Papa (30 years) Klevi Ajazi (15 years)
Bylis Ballshi 22.7 Amil Yunanov (30 years) Fabjan Perndreca (17 years)
Skenderbeu Korce 22.9 Elvis Premci (30 years) Tayo Razack Abiodun (18 years)
Partizan Tirana 23.4 Alban Hoxha (36 years) Oresti Rifa (16 years)
Vllaznia Shkoder 23.7 Bekim Balaj (32 years) Kevin Dodaj (18 years)
KF Tirana 24 Gledi Mici (32 years) Emiljano Mihana (15 years)
Dinamo Tirana 24.8 Rustem Hoxha (32 years) Rajan Guci (17 years)
Egnatia 25.6 Renato Malota (34 years) Taulant Troshku (18 years)
Elbasani 25.8 Orgest Gava (33 years) Endi Halili (17 years)
Teuta Durres 54.2 Erisjon Balla (1819 years) Ergis Arifi (16 years)

Countries statisticsLast updated on 08/03/2025 at 19:04

Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
Albania 697 148 38
Brazil 77 16 2
Kosovo 62 16 4
Nigeria 45 9 4
Ghana 26 6 1
Germany 17 3 4
Ivory Coast 16 4 3
Senegal 14 3 0
Portugal 13 4 0
Croatia 11 3 0
France 9 2 0
Ecuador 9 1 1
Belgium 9 1 0
Gambia 8 1 0
Azerbaijan 8 1 0
Haiti 8 1 0
England 7 2 0
Egypt 7 1 0
Mali 7 2 0
Cameroon 6 2 0


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