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Régional 3 2024 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Régional 32024

Tier : 3
Type of clubs : A
Country : Mayotte
GamesGames played : 190
Goals forGoals scored : 521 (2.74 goals per match )

Home victories


Away victories

Relegated to lower tier : ASJ Moinatrindri, Racine du Nord, N'Drema Club, Défense Kawéni, Espoir de Chiconi, M'Tsapéré B, Entente Mahabou / TCO, M'Ramadoudou, Jumeaux de M'Zouisia B
Promoted to higher tier : Enfants de Mayotte, Espérance d'Iloni, M'Liha, Sohoa
Relegated from higher tier : Bandraboua, Neige de Malamani, FC Chiconi, FC Labattoir

Régional 3 2024's fixtures and results

Round 22

December 07, 2024
Miracle du SudpreviewUSBT
Kani BepreviewFC Chiconi
NeigepreviewLance Missile
ASCEE NyambadaopreviewKahani
Vahibé COpreviewVSS Hagnoundrou
FC LabattoirpreviewBandraboua
FC de l'OuestpreviewMomoju
Espoir LongonipreviewAlakarabu
HamjagopreviewUSCJ Koungou
MtzamboropreviewUSC Labattoir
Ylang KoungoupreviewShingabwe

General rankingLast updated on 11/03/2025

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo USC LabattoirUSC Labattoir341611143616+20
logo Etincelles HamjagoHamjago29168533524+11
logo Ylang KoungouYlang Koungou28168442013+7
logo USCJ KoungouUSCJ Koungou26167542614+12
FC de l'Ouest26167542620+6
logo ShingabweShingabwe23167362527-2
logo MtzamboroMtzamboro18164661521-6
Espoir Longoni18165381830-12
logo FC LabattoirFC Labattoir17164661817+1
logo BandrabouaBandraboua11154291827-9

Latest transfers

All transfers


1 Lance MissileV 2-1 Miracle du Sud20/07/2024VASCEE Nyambadao 0-1 27/07/2024V 2-0 Kani Be24/08/2024V 1-0 VSS Hagnoundrou07/09/2024VFC Chiconi 2-3 21/09/2024VOM 1-3 28/09/2024
2 FC de l'OuestD 2-2 Shingabwe27/07/2024L 0-2 Ylang Koungou24/08/2024VMtzamboro 1-2 31/08/2024V 2-1 FC Labattoir07/09/2024VHamjago 1-2 21/09/2024V 1-0 Espoir Longoni28/09/2024
3 Vahibé COV 1-0 Kani Be20/07/2024V 1-0 OM27/07/2024VFC Chiconi 1-2 24/08/2024LKahani 1-0 07/09/2024V 1-0 USBT21/09/2024DPamandzi 1-1 28/09/2024
4 KahaniDMiracle du Sud 0-0 27/07/2024L 1-3 Neige24/08/2024VKani Be 1-3 31/08/2024V 1-0 Vahibé CO07/09/2024DVSS Hagnoundrou 2-2 21/09/2024V 1-0 FC Chiconi28/09/2024
5 PamandziV 4-2 USBT27/07/2024V 4-0 Miracle du Sud24/08/2024LASCEE Nyambadao 1-0 31/08/2024D 1-1 Neige07/09/2024VKani Be 0-1 21/09/2024D 1-1 Vahibé CO28/09/2024
6 Ylang KoungouV 3-1 USC Labattoir27/07/2024VFC de l'Ouest 0-2 24/08/2024D 2-2 Momoju31/08/2024V 1-0 Mtzamboro08/09/2024LFC Labattoir 2-0 21/09/2024D 0-0 Hamjago28/09/2024
7 USCJ KoungouDFC Labattoir 0-0 27/07/2024V 6-0 Espoir Longoni24/08/2024LAlakarabu 2-1 31/08/2024LMomoju 1-0 15/09/2024V 4-1 Bandraboua21/09/2024VUSC Labattoir 0-1 28/09/2024
8 HamjagoV 4-0 Alakarabu27/07/2024VBandraboua 2-3 24/08/2024L 2-6 USC Labattoir31/08/2024VShingabwe 1-5 07/09/2024L 1-2 FC de l'Ouest21/09/2024DYlang Koungou 0-0 28/09/2024
9 USC LabattoirLYlang Koungou 3-1 27/07/2024D 0-0 FC Labattoir24/08/2024VHamjago 2-6 31/08/2024V 5-0 Espoir Longoni14/09/2024VAlakarabu 1-4 21/09/2024L 0-1 USCJ Koungou28/09/2024
10 NeigeD 1-1 FC Chiconi27/07/2024VKahani 1-3 24/08/2024L 0-1 USBT31/08/2024DPamandzi 1-1 07/09/2024L 0-3 Miracle du Sud21/09/2024VASCEE Nyambadao 1-2 28/09/2024
11 ShingabweDFC de l'Ouest 2-2 27/07/2024V 3-1 Mtzamboro24/08/2024DFC Labattoir 1-1 31/08/2024L 1-5 Hamjago07/09/2024LEspoir Longoni 3-2 21/09/2024V 1-0 Alakarabu28/09/2024
12 ASCEE NyambadaoL 0-1 Lance Missile27/07/2024DUSBT 0-0 24/08/2024V 1-0 Pamandzi31/08/2024VMiracle du Sud 1-2 07/09/2024D 1-1 OM21/09/2024L 1-2 Neige28/09/2024
13 OMLVahibé CO 1-0 27/07/2024V 1-0 VSS Hagnoundrou24/08/2024DMiracle du Sud 1-1 31/08/2024V 1-0 FC Chiconi14/09/2024DASCEE Nyambadao 1-1 21/09/2024L 1-3 Lance Missile28/09/2024
14 FC LabattoirD 0-0 USCJ Koungou27/07/2024DUSC Labattoir 0-0 24/08/2024D 1-1 Shingabwe31/08/2024LFC de l'Ouest 2-1 07/09/2024V 2-0 Ylang Koungou21/09/2024DMtzamboro 1-1 28/09/2024
15 Kani BeV 1-0 VSS Hagnoundrou27/07/2024LLance Missile 2-0 24/08/2024L 1-3 Kahani31/08/2024VUSBT 1-2 07/09/2024L 0-1 Pamandzi21/09/2024DMiracle du Sud 0-0 28/09/2024
16 BandrabouaV 1-0 Ylang Koungou20/07/2024LMtzamboro 1-0 27/07/2024L 2-3 Hamjago24/08/2024VEspoir Longoni 0-3 31/08/2024D 1-1 Alakarabu07/09/2024LUSCJ Koungou 4-1 21/09/2024
17 MomojuLShingabwe 3-1 20/07/2024LEspoir Longoni 3-2 27/07/2024D 1-1 Alakarabu24/08/2024DYlang Koungou 2-2 31/08/2024V 1-0 USCJ Koungou15/09/2024DMtzamboro 1-1 21/09/2024
18 Miracle du SudD 0-0 Kahani27/07/2024LPamandzi 4-0 24/08/2024D 1-1 OM31/08/2024L 1-2 ASCEE Nyambadao07/09/2024VNeige 0-3 21/09/2024D 0-0 Kani Be28/09/2024
19 Espoir LongoniV 3-2 Momoju27/07/2024LUSCJ Koungou 6-0 24/08/2024L 0-3 Bandraboua31/08/2024LUSC Labattoir 5-0 14/09/2024V 3-2 Shingabwe21/09/2024LFC de l'Ouest 1-0 28/09/2024
20 MtzamboroV 1-0 Bandraboua27/07/2024LShingabwe 3-1 24/08/2024L 1-2 FC de l'Ouest31/08/2024LYlang Koungou 1-0 08/09/2024D 1-1 Momoju21/09/2024D 1-1 FC Labattoir28/09/2024
21 AlakarabuLHamjago 4-0 27/07/2024DMomoju 1-1 24/08/2024V 2-1 USCJ Koungou31/08/2024DBandraboua 1-1 07/09/2024L 1-4 USC Labattoir21/09/2024LShingabwe 1-0 28/09/2024
22 VSS HagnoundrouLKani Be 1-0 27/07/2024LOM 1-0 24/08/2024L 2-4 FC Chiconi31/08/2024LLance Missile 1-0 07/09/2024D 2-2 Kahani21/09/2024VUSBT 0-1 28/09/2024
23 USBTLPamandzi 4-2 27/07/2024D 0-0 ASCEE Nyambadao24/08/2024VNeige 0-1 31/08/2024L 1-2 Kani Be07/09/2024LVahibé CO 1-0 21/09/2024L 0-1 VSS Hagnoundrou28/09/2024
24 FC ChiconiDNeige 1-1 27/07/2024L 1-2 Vahibé CO24/08/2024VVSS Hagnoundrou 2-4 31/08/2024LOM 1-0 14/09/2024L 2-3 Lance Missile21/09/2024LKahani 1-0 28/09/2024

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 11/03/2025 at 08:30

Team \ Rd12345678910111213141516171819202122
logo USC LabattoirUSC Labattoir223222111112111
logo Etincelles HamjagoHamjago211111232221222
logo Ylang KoungouYlang Koungou9871064423333333
logo USCJ KoungouUSCJ Koungou9128896754444444
FC de l'Ouest591011107575688665
logo ShingabweShingabwe262533347565556
Espoir Longoni7456710998877887
logo MtzamboroMtzamboro956345786756778
logo FC LabattoirFC Labattoir1787118669999999
logo BandrabouaBandraboua1211119812121212121212111212

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 11/03/2025 at 08:30

Score Frequence
0 - 0 12 times
1 - 0 43 times
1 - 1 22 times
2 - 0 16 times
2 - 1 21 times
2 - 2 11 times
3 - 0 14 times
3 - 1 16 times
3 - 2 6 times
3 - 3 3 times
Score Frequence
4 - 0 6 times
4 - 1 8 times
4 - 2 3 times
5 - 0 2 times
5 - 1 2 times
5 - 3 2 times
6 - 0 1 times
6 - 1 1 times
6 - 2 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 11/03/2025 at 08:30


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