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Merkantil Bank Liga 2023/2024 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Merkantil Bank Liga2023/2024

Tier : 2
Type of clubs : A
Country : Hungary
GamesGames played : 306
Goals forGoals scored : 753 (2.46 goals per match )

Home victories


Away victories

Relegated to lower tier : Békéscsaba Elore, Szentlörinc SE, Dorog
Promoted to higher tier : MTK Budapest, Diósgyor
Relegated from higher tier : Budapest Honvéd, Vasas

Merkantil Bank Liga 2023/2024's fixtures and results

Round 20

February 11, 2024
Budapest Honvéd1 1Spartacus
Gyor ETO2 1Csákvár
Soroksár2 1BVSC-Zugló
Budafok1 3Gyirmot
MTE 19041 3Vasas
Pecs Mecsek0 3Kazincbarcika
Haladás1 1Kozarmisleny
Szeged-Csanád0 2Ajka
Tiszakécske1 3Siofok

General rankingLast updated on 26/05/2024

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo Nyiregyhaza SpartacusSpartacus793424736927+42
logo Gyor ETOGyor ETO693422396537+28
logo VasasVasas6734191057233+39
logo Szeged-CsanádSzeged-Csanád6034151543523+12
logo KozarmislenyKozarmisleny5234157125545+10
logo GyirmotGyirmot4934121394945+4
logo SoroksárSoroksár4533129123940-1
logo BudafokBudafok4434128143744-7
logo Budapest HonvédBudapest Honvéd44341111123936+3
logo KazincbarcikaKazincbarcika44341111123741-4
logo AjkaAjka4334134173033-3
logo CsákvárCsákvár4334127153945-6
logo BVSC-ZuglóBVSC-Zugló3834108162740-13
logo Szombathelyi HaladásHaladás3834911144252-10
logo Pecs MecsekPecs Mecsek3634812142039-19
logo TiszakécskeTiszakécske3434713143340-7
logo SiofokSiofok313587203664-28
logo MosonmagyaróvárMTE 1904213456232969-40


1 Gyor ETOL 0-1 Szeged-Csanád22/04/2024VMTE 1904 0-5 28/04/2024V 3-1 Pecs Mecsek05/05/2024VKazincbarcika 2-3 12/05/2024V 3-2 Vasas20/05/2024VAjka 0-1 26/05/2024
2 SpartacusV 3-1 Vasas20/04/2024LAjka 1-0 29/04/2024V 3-1 Gyirmot05/05/2024VBVSC-Zugló 1-2 12/05/2024V 2-1 Csákvár19/05/2024VKozarmisleny 0-2 25/05/2024
3 TiszakécskeV 2-0 Kazincbarcika21/04/2024DVasas 1-1 28/04/2024V 2-1 Ajka05/05/2024DGyirmot 1-1 12/05/2024D 1-1 BVSC-Zugló19/05/2024VCsákvár 1-2 26/05/2024
4 BudafokLSoroksár 3-1 21/04/2024V 1-0 Siofok28/04/2024V 1-0 Szeged-Csanád05/05/2024DMTE 1904 1-1 12/05/2024V 2-0 Pecs Mecsek19/05/2024DKazincbarcika 1-1 26/05/2024
5 VasasLSpartacus 3-1 20/04/2024D 1-1 Tiszakécske28/04/2024VBudapest Honvéd 0-3 06/05/2024V 1-0 Haladás13/05/2024LGyor ETO 3-2 20/05/2024V 4-0 Siofok26/05/2024
6 SoroksárV 2-0 Siofok14/04/2024V 3-1 Budafok21/04/2024DSzeged-Csanád 0-0 28/04/2024L 3-4 MTE 190405/05/2024LPecs Mecsek 1-0 11/05/2024V 3-1 Kazincbarcika19/05/2024
7 Szeged-CsanádVGyor ETO 0-1 22/04/2024D 0-0 Soroksár28/04/2024LBudafok 1-0 05/05/2024D 1-1 Siofok12/05/2024V 3-2 MTE 190419/05/2024DPecs Mecsek 1-1 26/05/2024
8 KozarmislenyV 1-0 Ajka21/04/2024VGyirmot 3-5 28/04/2024L 0-2 BVSC-Zugló05/05/2024LCsákvár 3-1 12/05/2024VSiofok 0-3 19/05/2024L 0-2 Spartacus25/05/2024
9 GyirmotVCsákvár 0-2 21/04/2024L 3-5 Kozarmisleny28/04/2024LSpartacus 3-1 05/05/2024D 1-1 Tiszakécske12/05/2024DBudapest Honvéd 2-2 19/05/2024V 2-1 Haladás26/05/2024
10 Budapest HonvédV 4-0 Pecs Mecsek21/04/2024LKazincbarcika 1-0 28/04/2024L 0-3 Vasas06/05/2024VAjka 0-2 12/05/2024D 2-2 Gyirmot19/05/2024DBVSC-Zugló 0-0 26/05/2024
11 BVSC-ZuglóLSiofok 1-0 21/04/2024V 1-0 Csákvár28/04/2024VKozarmisleny 0-2 05/05/2024L 1-2 Spartacus12/05/2024DTiszakécske 1-1 19/05/2024D 0-0 Budapest Honvéd26/05/2024
12 KazincbarcikaLTiszakécske 2-0 21/04/2024V 1-0 Budapest Honvéd28/04/2024VHaladás 1-3 05/05/2024L 2-3 Gyor ETO12/05/2024LSoroksár 3-1 19/05/2024D 1-1 Budafok26/05/2024
13 MTE 1904VHaladás 0-1 21/04/2024L 0-5 Gyor ETO28/04/2024VSoroksár 3-4 05/05/2024D 1-1 Budafok12/05/2024LSzeged-Csanád 3-2 19/05/2024L 1-3 Siofok26/05/2024
14 AjkaLKozarmisleny 1-0 21/04/2024V 1-0 Spartacus29/04/2024LTiszakécske 2-1 05/05/2024L 0-2 Budapest Honvéd12/05/2024VHaladás 1-3 19/05/2024L 0-1 Gyor ETO26/05/2024
15 CsákvárL 0-2 Gyirmot21/04/2024LBVSC-Zugló 1-0 28/04/2024VSiofok 1-2 05/05/2024V 3-1 Kozarmisleny12/05/2024LSpartacus 2-1 19/05/2024L 1-2 Tiszakécske26/05/2024
16 Pecs MecsekLBudapest Honvéd 4-0 21/04/2024D 1-1 Haladás28/04/2024LGyor ETO 3-1 05/05/2024V 1-0 Soroksár11/05/2024LBudafok 2-0 19/05/2024D 1-1 Szeged-Csanád26/05/2024
17 SiofokLBudafok 1-0 28/04/2024L 1-2 Csákvár05/05/2024DSzeged-Csanád 1-1 12/05/2024L 0-3 Kozarmisleny19/05/2024LVasas 4-0 26/05/2024VMTE 1904 1-3 26/05/2024
18 HaladásL 0-1 MTE 190421/04/2024DPecs Mecsek 1-1 28/04/2024L 1-3 Kazincbarcika05/05/2024LVasas 1-0 13/05/2024L 1-3 Ajka19/05/2024LGyirmot 2-1 26/05/2024

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 23:32

Team \ Rd12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334
logo Nyiregyhaza SpartacusSpartacus1578742322222221111111111111111111
logo Gyor ETOGyor ETO2111211111111112222222222223333322
logo VasasVasas141411121097433443333344333333332222233
logo Szeged-CsanádSzeged-Csanád5334466766555555533454444444444444
logo KozarmislenyKozarmisleny121067633544334444455545555555555555
logo GyirmotGyirmot1115151517171717151411881077786666666766666666
logo SoroksárSoroksár9743578911131011128810111212108777761077781077
logo BudafokBudafok5222124255767911128101112131415151413131313131112108
logo Budapest HonvédBudapest Honvéd31010681089910891112101011119891012129121212810129119
logo KazincbarcikaKazincbarcika148999810111079106796697778881010810129781210
logo AjkaAjka913141113131516171717181817171717171615121110101287898911811
logo CsákvárCsákvár129121315111187867106699710111191111891191012107912
logo BVSC-ZuglóBVSC-Zugló5121314161616151616161513131313131313131415131313141415151414141413
logo Szombathelyi HaladásHaladás14161717141514141312141415151415151514141513991111911111113131314
logo Pecs MecsekPecs Mecsek54553556891212911128106891012141415151514141515151515
logo TiszakécskeTiszakécske36810111212131211131314141514141415171717171717171717171716161616
logo SiofokSiofok18171616121413121415151616161616161617161616161616161616161617171717
logo MosonmagyaróvárMTE 190414181818181818181818181717181818181818181818181818181818181818181818

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 23:32

Score Frequence
0 - 0 22 times
1 - 0 73 times
1 - 1 40 times
2 - 0 40 times
2 - 1 44 times
2 - 2 17 times
3 - 0 13 times
3 - 1 22 times
3 - 2 9 times
3 - 3 2 times
Score Frequence
4 - 0 6 times
4 - 1 3 times
4 - 2 5 times
4 - 3 3 times
5 - 0 1 times
5 - 1 2 times
5 - 3 1 times
6 - 0 1 times
7 - 0 1 times
7 - 1 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 23:32


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