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Primera División 2023/2024 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Primera División2023/2024

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : El Salvador
GamesGames played : 290
Goals forGoals scored : 752 (2.59 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 344
Red cardsRed cards : 29

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 28.01 years
Number of players participating : 307
Relegated to lower tier : Chalatenango, Atlético Marte

Primera División 2023/2024's fixtures and results

Clausura - Round 19

April 24, 2024
Fuerte SF0 2FAS Santa Ana
  • 63'Rafael Tejada
  • Once Municipal0 0Platense
    Alianza6 1Dragón
  • 65'Marvin Monterrosa
  • 63'Yerson Tobar
  • Isidro Metapan2 0Jocoro
    Limeño2 2Luis Angel Firpo
  • 61'Lizandro Claros
  • 12'Enrique Rivas
  • 60'Mateus Ramos
  • April 25, 2024
    Aguila4 2Santa Tecla
  • 15'Kevin Reyes
  • 73'Carlos Salazar
  • 81'Fredy Espinoza
  • 88'Melvin Cartagena
  • General rankingLast updated on 04/05/2024

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo FAS Santa AnaFAS Santa Ana422212643623+13
    logo Aguila San MiguelAguila412112543621+15
    logo Luis Angel FirpoLuis Angel Firpo372210753626+10
    Fuerte SF342110472621+5
    logo Alianza San SalvadorAlianza322271142820+8
    logo JocoroJocoro32229582928+1
    logo DragónDragón30228684039+1
    logo Isidro MetapanIsidro Metapan29227873028+2
    logo Municipal LimeñoLimeño282284102933-4
    logo Once MunicipalOnce Municipal27227692630-4
    logo Platense MunicipalPlatense122226141944-25
    logo Santa TeclaSanta Tecla112218132042-22

    Hot players

    Guillermo Stradellahas scored 2 goals during the last match
    Miguel Lemushas scored 2 goals during the last match

    One match scorers

    Carlos Salazarhas scored 4 goals during the match Aguila 5-1 Dragón (20/08/2023)
    Duvier Riascoshas scored 3 goals during the match Aguila 4-2 Isidro Metapan (09/09/2023)
    Styven Vásquezhas scored 3 goals during the match Jocoro 1-4 Luis Angel Firpo (01/05/2024)
    Eduardo RIvashas scored 3 goals during the match Santa Tecla 3-4 Jocoro (04/05/2024)


    1 AlianzaVLimeño 1-3 04/05/2024DOnce Municipal 1-1 09/05/2024V 2-0 Once Municipal11/05/2024DFAS Santa Ana 1-1 18/05/2024V 2-1 FAS Santa Ana21/05/2024V 5-0 Limeño25/05/2024
    2 Luis Angel FirpoDLimeño 2-2 24/04/2024V 2-1 Santa Tecla27/04/2024VJocoro 1-4 01/05/2024VPlatense 1-2 04/05/2024LIsidro Metapan 2-0 08/05/2024V 1-0 Isidro Metapan11/05/2024
    3 DragónVFAS Santa Ana 0-2 13/04/2024V 3-2 Fuerte SF21/04/2024LAlianza 6-1 24/04/2024LAguila 3-1 28/04/2024V 3-1 Once Municipal01/05/2024V 3-1 Isidro Metapan04/05/2024
    4 AguilaV 4-2 Santa Tecla25/04/2024V 3-1 Dragón28/04/2024DPlatense 1-1 01/05/2024DFAS Santa Ana 0-0 04/05/2024LFAS Santa Ana 3-1 09/05/2024V 3-1 FAS Santa Ana12/05/2024
    5 Isidro MetapanVSanta Tecla 0-4 01/05/2024LDragón 3-1 04/05/2024V 2-0 Luis Angel Firpo08/05/2024LLuis Angel Firpo 1-0 11/05/2024L 0-2 Limeño15/05/2024VLimeño 0-1 18/05/2024
    6 Fuerte SFV 5-2 Platense14/04/2024LDragón 3-2 21/04/2024L 0-2 FAS Santa Ana24/04/2024LAlianza 3-1 27/04/2024L 1-2 Limeño01/05/2024V 2-0 Once Municipal04/05/2024
    7 FAS Santa AnaDAlianza 0-0 01/05/2024D 0-0 Aguila04/05/2024V 3-1 Aguila09/05/2024LAguila 3-1 12/05/2024D 1-1 Alianza18/05/2024LAlianza 2-1 21/05/2024
    8 LimeñoL 1-3 Alianza04/05/2024VPlatense 0-3 09/05/2024L 0-2 Platense12/05/2024VIsidro Metapan 0-2 15/05/2024L 0-1 Isidro Metapan18/05/2024LAlianza 5-0 25/05/2024
    9 PlatenseDOnce Municipal 0-0 24/04/2024LIsidro Metapan 2-1 27/04/2024D 1-1 Aguila01/05/2024L 1-2 Luis Angel Firpo04/05/2024L 0-3 Limeño09/05/2024VLimeño 0-2 12/05/2024
    10 JocoroLOnce Municipal 1-0 14/04/2024D 0-0 Aguila21/04/2024LIsidro Metapan 2-0 24/04/2024L 0-1 Limeño27/04/2024L 1-4 Luis Angel Firpo01/05/2024VSanta Tecla 3-4 04/05/2024
    11 Once MunicipalD 0-0 Platense24/04/2024D 0-0 FAS Santa Ana28/04/2024LDragón 3-1 01/05/2024LFuerte SF 2-0 04/05/2024D 1-1 Alianza09/05/2024LAlianza 2-0 11/05/2024
    12 Santa TeclaD 1-1 Alianza13/04/2024D 0-0 Once Municipal21/04/2024LAguila 4-2 25/04/2024LLuis Angel Firpo 2-1 27/04/2024L 0-4 Isidro Metapan01/05/2024L 3-4 Jocoro04/05/2024

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 07:30

    Team \ Rd1234567891011121314151617181920212212345678910111213141516171819202122
    logo Alianza San SalvadorAlianza3223223334668554535559674224113443311111111
    logo Luis Angel FirpoLuis Angel Firpo33345444555233254433328361089855331122222222
    logo Municipal LimeñoLimeño979121089889897471091010992211111221112454334343
    logo Aguila San MiguelAguila314133111121111111112799891089109865545543434
    logo FAS Santa AnaFAS Santa Ana975455666454632222215325576344676776777775
    logo Platense MunicipalPlatense10886791010101111111111111111111111111157757432224233455566
    logo Isidro MetapanIsidro Metapan655791111111110101010101071088885463365788789888898687
    logo Once MunicipalOnce Municipal241211222234579889910102679632566557667666858
    logo DragónDragón16681110897798998976667953244367710101010910989999
    logo Santa TeclaSanta Tecla6121111121212121212121212121212121212121291111108910109109989109101010101010
    Fuerte SF611129666543132266677747101011111111121211111111111111111111111111
    logo JocoroJocoro1010108777987768433544612121212121212111112121212121212121212121212

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 07:30

    0 - 1538
    Best scorer : Yair Delgadillo - 2 Goals
    16 - 3048
    Best scorer : Carlos Salazar - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+57
    Best scorer : Carlos Salazar - 6 Goals
    46 - 6056
    Best scorer : Carlos Salazar - 4 Goals
    61 - 7543
    Best scorer : Carlos Salazar - 6 Goals
    76 - 90+58
    Best scorer : Carlos Salazar - 6 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 07:30

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 29 times
    1 - 0 53 times
    1 - 1 32 times
    2 - 0 39 times
    2 - 1 39 times
    2 - 2 12 times
    3 - 0 10 times
    3 - 1 32 times
    3 - 2 16 times
    3 - 3 2 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 0 6 times
    4 - 1 4 times
    4 - 2 6 times
    4 - 3 1 times
    5 - 0 3 times
    5 - 1 3 times
    5 - 2 1 times
    5 - 3 1 times
    6 - 1 1 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 07:30

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 04/03/2025 at 17:14

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Aguila 32 44 21 Carlos Salazar (27 goals)
    Santa Tecla 30 19 9 Gonzalo Tarifa (4 goals)
    Dragón 30 20 10 Manuel Murillo (4 goals)
    Once Municipal 29 22 11 Jhonatan Urrutia (3 goals)
    Platense 28 20 7 Eber Caicedo (5 goals)
    Limeño 28 21 11 Yair Delgadillo (9 goals)
    FAS Santa Ana 27 19 10 Rafael Tejada (4 goals)
    Fuerte SF 27 16 6 Brayan Paz (2 goals)
    Alianza 26 26 10 Michell Mercado (4 goals)
    Jocoro 25 20 5 German Aguila (6 goals)
    Isidro Metapan 24 20 8 Isaac Esquivel (5 goals)
    Luis Angel Firpo 24 19 11 Styven Vásquez (10 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 24/02/2025 at 00:05

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Santa Tecla 23.9 Alejandro Frezzotti (38 years) Samuel Rosales (18 years)
    Luis Angel Firpo 25.2 Marlon Trejo (34 years) Kevin Ascencio (18 years)
    Once Municipal 25.6 Nestor Renderos (34 years) César Melara (18 years)
    Dragón 25.7 Felipe Amaya (34 years) Jonathan Díaz (16 years)
    FAS Santa Ana 26.4 Ibsen Castro (34 years) José Zaldaña (18 years)
    Isidro Metapan 26.7 Milton Molina (33 years) Christopher Guardado (17 years)
    Platense 27.4 Yubini Salamanca (40 years) Amilcar Palacios (20 years)
    Alianza 27.4 Rodolfo Zelaya (34 years) Sergio Sibrían (18 years)
    Limeño 27.6 Luis Angel Landín (37 years) Jefferson Valladares (20 years)
    Jocoro 27.7 Carlos Arévalo (34 years) Hugo Hernández (19 years)
    Fuerte SF 28.3 Edwin Sanchez (32 years) Jairo Guardado (22 years)
    Aguila 28.6 Duvier Riascos (36 years) Walter Pineda (19 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 04/03/2025 at 17:14

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    El Salvador 2661 242 163
    Colombia 266 22 68
    Argentina 83 7 15
    Uruguay 80 3 5
    Mexico 45 6 14
    Brazil 42 5 7
    Honduras 37 2 1
    Paraguay 33 6 4
    Ecuador 28 3 8
    Spain 15 1 2
    United States 14 4 0
    Chile 13 1 4
    Jamaica 10 1 0
    Trinidad and Tobago 9 1 4
    Panama 7 1 0
    Nicaragua 1 1 0
    Slovakia 1 1 0


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