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Primus Ligue A 2022/2023 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Primus Ligue A2022/2023

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Burundi
GamesGames played : 240
Goals forGoals scored : 565 (2.35 goals per match )

Home victories


Away victories

Relegated to lower tier : Flambeau de l'Est, Royal de Muramvya, Les Crocos Rumonge

Primus Ligue A 2022/2023's fixtures and results

Round 2

August 20, 2022
MYB5 1Top Junior
Aigle Noir1 0OM Muyinga
August 21, 2022
Vital'O1 1Bujumbura City
Messager Ngozi0 0Rukinzo
Bumamuru4 2BS Dynamik
Flambeau Gitega2 1Inter Star
Kayanza United2 0Tigre Noir
ANO Bujumbura0 2Musongati

General rankingLast updated on 20/05/2023

pts m v d l GF GA diff
logo BumamuruBumamuru683020827121+50
logo Flambeau du CentreFlambeau Gitega673020735527+28
logo Messager NgoziMessager Ngozi563016864419+25
logo Vital'OVital'O543015964230+12
logo Aigle Noir MakambaAigle Noir5330141153425+9
logo RukinzoRukinzo4230119102932-3
logo Kayanza UnitedKayanza United4030117123439-5
logo MusongatiMusongati373081393435-1
logo Olympic Star MuyingaOM Muyinga3730107133035-5
logo Tigre NoirTigre Noir34308101234340
logo Magara Young BoysMYB343097143850-12
logo ANO BujumburaANO Bujumbura303086163048-18
logo Inter Star BujumburaInter Star293078152547-22
logo Bujumbura CityBujumbura City273069153043-13
logo BS DynamikBS Dynamik263068161941-22
logo Top JuniorTop Junior193047191639-23


1 BumamuruVTop Junior 0-1 12/04/2023V 5-0 Inter Star23/04/2023VRukinzo 0-3 30/04/2023V 2-0 Bujumbura City07/05/2023DBS Dynamik 0-0 10/05/2023V 5-0 OM Muyinga20/05/2023
2 Flambeau GitegaD 1-1 Kayanza United12/04/2023V 4-1 MYB22/04/2023VTigre Noir 0-1 30/04/2023V 3-2 Top Junior07/05/2023DInter Star 1-1 10/05/2023V 1-0 Rukinzo20/05/2023
3 ANO BujumburaDRukinzo 1-1 12/04/2023VBujumbura City 2-3 23/04/2023VBS Dynamik 0-2 28/04/2023L 1-3 OM Muyinga07/05/2023VMusongati 1-3 10/05/2023VKayanza United 1-3 20/05/2023
4 Messager NgoziVMYB 0-5 12/04/2023D 1-1 Tigre Noir22/04/2023VTop Junior 0-1 29/04/2023V 1-0 Inter Star07/05/2023LRukinzo 2-1 10/05/2023V 4-1 Bujumbura City20/05/2023
5 Tigre NoirD 0-0 Vital'O12/04/2023DMessager Ngozi 1-1 22/04/2023L 0-1 Flambeau Gitega30/04/2023VMYB 1-3 06/05/2023V 4-1 Kayanza United10/05/2023V 1-0 Top Junior20/05/2023
6 Aigle NoirDInter Star 0-0 11/04/2023L 0-1 Rukinzo23/04/2023VBujumbura City 1-2 29/04/2023D 0-0 BS Dynamik07/05/2023VOM Muyinga 2-3 10/05/2023V 3-2 Musongati20/05/2023
7 RukinzoD 1-1 ANO Bujumbura12/04/2023VAigle Noir 0-1 23/04/2023L 0-3 Bumamuru30/04/2023VVital'O 1-2 07/05/2023V 2-1 Messager Ngozi10/05/2023LFlambeau Gitega 1-0 20/05/2023
8 Vital'ODTigre Noir 0-0 12/04/2023D 0-0 Top Junior22/04/2023VInter Star 0-2 29/04/2023L 1-2 Rukinzo07/05/2023LBujumbura City 1-0 10/05/2023V 1-0 BS Dynamik20/05/2023
9 BS DynamikD 0-0 OM Muyinga12/04/2023V 3-2 Musongati22/04/2023L 0-2 ANO Bujumbura28/04/2023DAigle Noir 0-0 07/05/2023D 0-0 Bumamuru10/05/2023LVital'O 1-0 20/05/2023
10 MYBL 0-5 Messager Ngozi12/04/2023LFlambeau Gitega 4-1 22/04/2023V 1-0 Kayanza United29/04/2023L 1-3 Tigre Noir06/05/2023DTop Junior 0-0 10/05/2023D 1-1 Inter Star20/05/2023
11 MusongatiDBujumbura City 1-1 12/04/2023LBS Dynamik 3-2 22/04/2023DOM Muyinga 0-0 30/04/2023VKayanza United 0-1 06/05/2023L 1-3 ANO Bujumbura10/05/2023LAigle Noir 3-2 20/05/2023
- OM MuyingaDBS Dynamik 0-0 12/04/2023LKayanza United 2-0 23/04/2023D 0-0 Musongati30/04/2023VANO Bujumbura 1-3 07/05/2023L 2-3 Aigle Noir10/05/2023LBumamuru 5-0 20/05/2023
13 Bujumbura CityD 1-1 Musongati12/04/2023L 2-3 ANO Bujumbura23/04/2023L 1-2 Aigle Noir29/04/2023LBumamuru 2-0 07/05/2023V 1-0 Vital'O10/05/2023LMessager Ngozi 4-1 20/05/2023
14 Kayanza UnitedDFlambeau Gitega 1-1 12/04/2023V 2-0 OM Muyinga23/04/2023LMYB 1-0 29/04/2023L 0-1 Musongati06/05/2023LTigre Noir 4-1 10/05/2023L 1-3 ANO Bujumbura20/05/2023
15 Inter StarD 0-0 Aigle Noir11/04/2023LBumamuru 5-0 23/04/2023L 0-2 Vital'O29/04/2023LMessager Ngozi 1-0 07/05/2023D 1-1 Flambeau Gitega10/05/2023DMYB 1-1 20/05/2023
16 Top JuniorL 0-1 Bumamuru12/04/2023DVital'O 0-0 22/04/2023L 0-1 Messager Ngozi29/04/2023LFlambeau Gitega 3-2 07/05/2023D 0-0 MYB10/05/2023LTigre Noir 1-0 20/05/2023

Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 09/02/2025 at 22:34

Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
logo BumamuruBumamuru212225647311111113111112111111
logo Flambeau du CentreFlambeau Gitega997568579966533321222221222222
logo Messager NgoziMessager Ngozi131111255777674655444434444333
logo Vital'OVital'O233774333233322232333343333444
logo Aigle Noir MakambaAigle Noir655332111122245544555555555555
logo RukinzoRukinzo258886896544457778888789977766
logo Kayanza UnitedKayanza United86447968898766466666666666677
logo MusongatiMusongati6246534224558889910101110977788888
logo Olympic Star MuyingaOM Muyinga912131510978468999101111111110910108899999
logo Tigre NoirTigre Noir1210101414141416151314141213131212121213131312121212111110
logo Magara Young BoysMYB97991311131515161412111098877778910101010101011
logo ANO BujumburaANO Bujumbura1214161616161614121515151616161616161616161616151514151412
logo Inter Star BujumburaInter Star2911121515101213141616161512101099911111111111111121213
logo Bujumbura CityBujumbura City8111214910111010131110101111121313131312121213131313141314
logo BS DynamikBS Dynamik91515111112121111101213131415151515151514141514141415131515
logo Top JuniorTop Junior1616131213151312111011121314141414141415151415161616161616

Most frequent scoresLast updated on 09/02/2025 at 22:34

Score Frequence
0 - 0 30 times
1 - 0 50 times
1 - 1 31 times
2 - 0 28 times
2 - 1 39 times
2 - 2 5 times
3 - 0 9 times
3 - 1 13 times
Score Frequence
3 - 2 10 times
3 - 3 1 times
4 - 0 4 times
4 - 1 9 times
4 - 2 4 times
5 - 0 4 times
5 - 1 2 times
7 - 1 1 times

Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 09/02/2025 at 22:34


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