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Liga Nacional 2022/2023 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Liga Nacional2022/2023

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Guatemala
GamesGames played : 292
Goals forGoals scored : 719 (2.46 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 639
Red cardsRed cards : 30

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 27.82 years
Number of players participating : 134
Relegated to lower tier : Nueva Concepción, Sololá

Liga Nacional 2022/2023's fixtures and results

Apertura - Round 17

October 29, 2022
CSD Municipal2 3Comunicaciones
  • 37'Jonathan Franco
  • 67'J. C. Martinez
  • 7'Luis Angel Landín
  • 26'J. M. Contreras
  • 81'Alexander Larín
  • Xelaju1 1Mixco
  • 42'Darwin Lom
  • October 30, 2022
    Coban Imperial2 1Malacateco
    Achuapa0 3Antigua GFC
  • 6'Alexander Robinson
  • 30'Cristian Hernandez
  • 43'Lucas Gomez
  • Iztapa0 1Xinabajul
    Santa Lucía1 0Guastatoya

    General rankingLast updated on 04/03/2025

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo Antigua GFCAntigua GFC412212554727+20
    logo Coban ImperialCoban Imperial392211653527+8
    logo Comunicaciones FCComunicaciones392211653325+8
    logo MalacatecoMalacateco342210483026+4
    logo Deportivo MunicipalCSD Municipal33229673122+9
    logo GuastatoyaGuastatoya30227962018+2
    logo XelajuXelaju29227872922+7
    logo AchuapaAchuapa28227782737-10
    logo IztapaIztapa27227693135-4
    logo XinabajulXinabajul262275102329-6
    logo MixcoMixco1622210101735-18
    logo Santa Lucía CotzumalguapaSanta Lucía152236132040-20

    One match scorers

    Dewinder Bradleyhas scored 3 goals during the match Antigua GFC 6-1 Achuapa (01/02/2023)
    Oscar Villahas scored 3 goals during the match Xelaju 6-1 Achuapa (01/04/2023)
    J. M. Contrerashas scored 3 goals during the match Comunicaciones 4-0 Antigua GFC (01/04/2023)
    Matías Rotondihas scored 4 goals during the match CSD Municipal 5-1 Achuapa (08/04/2023)
    Matías Rotondihas scored 4 goals during the match CSD Municipal 4-0 Antigua GFC (29/04/2023)
    Yasniel Matoshas scored 3 goals during the match CSD Municipal 4-0 Iztapa (03/05/2023)


    1 CSD MunicipalVSanta Lucía 0-4 26/04/2023V 4-0 Antigua GFC29/04/2023V 4-0 Iztapa03/05/2023LComunicaciones 1-0 07/05/2023LAntigua GFC 2-1 11/05/2023V 2-1 Antigua GFC14/05/2023
    2 AchuapaDXinabajul 1-1 19/04/2023V 1-0 Santa Lucía23/04/2023DMalacateco 0-0 30/04/2023V 5-3 Iztapa07/05/2023V 2-0 Comunicaciones11/05/2023LComunicaciones 4-1 14/05/2023
    3 XelajuVMixco 0-1 10/05/2023D 1-1 Mixco13/05/2023DGuastatoya 1-1 17/05/2023V 2-1 Guastatoya20/05/2023V 3-0 Antigua GFC24/05/2023LAntigua GFC 2-0 27/05/2023
    4 ComunicacionesDCoban Imperial 1-1 03/05/2023V 1-0 CSD Municipal07/05/2023LAchuapa 2-0 11/05/2023V 4-1 Achuapa14/05/2023DAntigua GFC 0-0 18/05/2023D 1-1 Antigua GFC21/05/2023
    5 Coban ImperialL 0-1 Mixco16/04/2023DXelaju 1-1 19/04/2023L 0-2 CSD Municipal23/04/2023VXinabajul 0-1 30/04/2023D 1-1 Comunicaciones03/05/2023V 2-0 Malacateco07/05/2023
    6 Antigua GFCV 2-1 CSD Municipal11/05/2023LCSD Municipal 2-1 14/05/2023D 0-0 Comunicaciones18/05/2023DComunicaciones 1-1 21/05/2023LXelaju 3-0 24/05/2023V 2-0 Xelaju27/05/2023
    7 XinabajulD 1-1 Achuapa19/04/2023LMalacateco 3-0 22/04/2023L 0-1 Coban Imperial30/04/2023VAntigua GFC 1-3 07/05/2023LGuastatoya 2-0 10/05/2023V 1-0 Guastatoya13/05/2023
    8 GuastatoyaDMixco 1-1 29/04/2023L 0-3 Xelaju07/05/2023V 2-0 Xinabajul10/05/2023LXinabajul 1-0 13/05/2023D 1-1 Xelaju17/05/2023LXelaju 2-1 20/05/2023
    - MalacatecoD 1-1 Xelaju16/04/2023LCSD Municipal 2-1 19/04/2023V 3-0 Xinabajul22/04/2023L 1-2 Antigua GFC26/04/2023D 0-0 Achuapa30/04/2023LCoban Imperial 2-0 07/05/2023
    10 Santa LucíaLComunicaciones 3-1 15/04/2023V 2-1 Guastatoya19/04/2023LAchuapa 1-0 23/04/2023L 0-4 CSD Municipal26/04/2023LIztapa 2-0 30/04/2023D 0-0 Mixco07/05/2023
    11 IztapaLAntigua GFC 5-2 15/04/2023L 1-5 Comunicaciones19/04/2023DGuastatoya 1-1 23/04/2023V 2-0 Santa Lucía30/04/2023LCSD Municipal 4-0 03/05/2023LAchuapa 5-3 07/05/2023
    12 MixcoL 1-2 Antigua GFC19/04/2023LComunicaciones 1-0 22/04/2023D 1-1 Guastatoya29/04/2023DSanta Lucía 0-0 07/05/2023L 0-1 Xelaju10/05/2023DXelaju 1-1 13/05/2023

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 22:23

    Team \ Rd1234567891011121314151617181920212212345678910111213141516171819202122
    logo Comunicaciones FCComunicaciones89107781074577111122223511122222333344222111
    logo Deportivo MunicipalCSD Municipal111196232223225791066655956795444445566663332
    logo XelajuXelaju22333533313368108555771035311111111111111223
    logo GuastatoyaGuastatoya6845566464461064479766264444333222222334544
    logo Antigua GFCAntigua GFC34246246565872221111110635671066578888777775
    logo MixcoMixco10121212107891110111111121112121211121112488896781086655555666
    logo XinabajulXinabajul478912111210879109108691091010522223555654433446457
    logo AchuapaAchuapa8678812911986445791081088512121212121212121112109999118888
    logo Coban ImperialCoban Imperial1111111112112333333325111111111011111112111212121212899109
    logo MalacatecoMalacateco63524455798534574444436106567899101111101110121011910
    logo IztapaIztapa121011109978101110989658789919791011810107677778911121211
    logo Santa Lucía CotzumalguapaSanta Lucía45611111011121212121212111211111112111231091078997899101110111012101112

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 22:23

    0 - 1533
    Best scorer : Luis Angel Landín - 3 Goals
    16 - 3037
    Best scorer : Matías Rotondi - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+56
    Best scorer : Dewinder Bradley - 4 Goals
    46 - 6047
    Best scorer : Dewinder Bradley - 6 Goals
    61 - 7557
    Best scorer : Matías Rotondi - 7 Goals
    76 - 90+76
    Best scorer : Azarias Londoño - 7 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 22:23

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 28 times
    1 - 0 65 times
    1 - 1 40 times
    2 - 0 29 times
    2 - 1 37 times
    2 - 2 17 times
    3 - 0 22 times
    3 - 1 16 times
    3 - 2 6 times
    3 - 3 1 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 0 6 times
    4 - 1 11 times
    4 - 2 4 times
    4 - 3 2 times
    5 - 1 2 times
    5 - 2 2 times
    5 - 3 1 times
    6 - 0 1 times
    6 - 1 2 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 05/03/2025 at 22:23

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 18:33

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Comunicaciones 36 50 25 Azarias Londoño (14 goals)
    Antigua GFC 35 47 16 Dewinder Bradley (17 goals)
    CSD Municipal 33 49 16 Matías Rotondi (20 goals)
    Xelaju 33 47 21 Darwin Lom (15 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 22/02/2025 at 17:17

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Antigua GFC 26.6 Julian Priego (34 years) Selvin Sagastume (14 years)
    CSD Municipal 26.7 Ricardo Jerez (35 years) Rudy Muñoz (16 years)
    Xelaju 26.9 José Calderón (36 years) Justin Racancoj (16 years)
    Comunicaciones 27 Carlos Castrillo (36 years) Joshua Trigueño (16 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 04/03/2025 at 17:00

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Guatemala 2236 100 170
    Panama 170 5 18
    Costa Rica 155 4 9
    Argentina 145 5 47
    Cuba 82 2 14
    Uruguay 81 3 3
    Mexico 65 3 20
    Paraguay 63 2 6
    Colombia 58 2 5
    El Salvador 57 2 1
    United States 49 2 1
    Brazil 49 1 9
    Jamaica 21 1 2
    Honduras 18 1 2
    Trinidad and Tobago 6 1 0


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