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Slovak Cup 2021/2022 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Slovak Cup2021/2022

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Slovakia
GamesGames played : 89
Goals forGoals scored : 307 (3.45 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 194
Red cardsRed cards : 10

Home victories


Neutral ground victories

Away victories

Players age average : 24.77 years
Number of players participating : 1126

Slovak Cup 2021/2022's fixtures and results


May 08, 2022
SlovanFortuna Liga (1)1 2a.e.t.Spartak TrnavaFortuna Liga (1)
  • 50'Alen Mustafic
  • 52'Martin Bukata
  • 90+24'Dyjan
  • One match scorers

    Patrik Blahuthas scored 3 goals during the match Fomat Martin 0-5 Pohronie (24/08/2021)
    Ivan Timoshenkohas scored 3 goals during the match Bánovce nad Bebravou 0-6 Podbrezova (25/08/2021)
    Alexandros Kyziridishas scored 3 goals during the match Trebatice 0-9 Zlate Moravce (22/09/2021)
    Dejan Drazichas scored 3 goals during the match STU Kosice 0-5 Slovan (27/10/2021)
    Lukas Leginushas scored 7 goals during the match Spisska Bela 0-12 Samorin (03/11/2021)


    1 Spartak TrnavaDPodbrezova 2-2 26/10/2021VFK Kosice 1-2 01/03/2022DZilina 0-0 16/03/2022V 3-0 Senica06/04/2022VSenica 0-4 20/04/2022VSlovan 1-2 08/05/2022
    2 SlovanVSTU Kosice 0-5 27/10/2021VRuzomberok 0-2 01/03/2022V 2-0 Zlate Moravce15/03/2022DTrencin 0-0 07/04/2022V 2-1 Trencin19/04/2022L 1-2 Spartak Trnava08/05/2022
    3 TrencinVRaca 0-3 21/09/2021VPríbelce 0-3 27/10/2021V 3-1 Humenné02/03/2022V 2-0 Skalica15/03/2022D 0-0 Slovan07/04/2022LSlovan 2-1 19/04/2022
    4 Zlate MoravceVTovarníky 0-3 24/08/2021VTrebatice 0-9 22/09/2021VSpisské P. 0-7 15/02/2022V 1-0 Puchov01/03/2022LSlovan 2-0 15/03/2022
    - PohronieVFomat Martin 0-5 24/08/2021VNamestovo 0-3 21/09/2021VBanik LPV 0-1 20/10/2021VVranov 1-2 02/03/2022LSenica 3-2 16/03/2022
    6 SenicaVNafta Gbely 0-3 22/09/2021VBesenova 1-5 02/11/2021VSasova 0-3 01/03/2022V 3-2 Pohronie16/03/2022LSpartak Trnava 3-0 06/04/2022L 0-4 Spartak Trnava20/04/2022
    7 ZilinaDJednota Banova 0-0 22/09/2021VMSK 1-2 28/09/2021VDolny Kubin 2-3 02/11/2021V 2-1 Komárno09/03/2022D 0-0 Spartak Trnava16/03/2022
    8 SkalicaVMalacky 0-3 25/08/2021VMSK Senec 1-7 29/09/2021VKezmarok 0-3 19/10/2021DSamorin 1-1 02/03/2022LTrencin 2-0 15/03/2022
    9 RuzomberokVOravské Veselé 0-3 25/08/2021VKysucké Nové Mesto 0-6 15/09/2021V 1-0 Odeva Lipany27/10/2021L 0-2 Slovan01/03/2022
    - HumennéVCana 0-4 25/08/2021VSpartak Medzev 1-3 22/09/2021VSlovan Galanta 1-2 27/10/2021LTrencin 3-1 02/03/2022
    - FK KosiceVFil'akovo 0-4 25/08/2021VNovohrad Lucenec 2-5 22/09/2021VRohoznik 0-2 21/11/2021L 1-2 Spartak Trnava01/03/2022
    12 SamorinVBlava JB 0-4 18/08/2021D 0-0 Sered'21/09/2021VSpisska Bela 0-12 03/11/2021D 1-1 Skalica02/03/2022
    13 PodbrezovaVBánovce nad Bebravou 0-6 25/08/2021V 2-1 Dukla BB22/09/2021D 2-2 Spartak Trnava26/10/2021
    14 VranovV 2-1 Slavoj Trebisov25/08/2021DMedzilaborce 0-0 22/09/2021VBela 0-1 27/10/2021L 1-2 Pohronie02/03/2022
    - PuchovVBaník Prievidza 1-3 25/08/2021DCastkovce 1-1 22/09/2021VTesla Stropkov 1-2 12/02/2022LZlate Moravce 1-0 01/03/2022
    - KomárnoVOkolicna nO 0-8 25/08/2021D 0-0 Dunajska Streda22/09/2021V 2-1 Zemplin10/11/2021LZilina 2-1 09/03/2022
    17 Dolny KubinVLikavka 2-5 25/08/2021V 3-2 Tatran LM06/10/2021L 2-3 Zilina02/11/2021
    18 Dunajska StredaVVelke Lovce 0-6 18/08/2021DKomárno 0-0 22/09/2021
    - Sered'VTrstice 0-3 25/08/2021DSamorin 0-0 21/09/2021
    20 ZemplinDTatran Presov 2-2 24/08/2021VSlovan Sabinov 0-4 14/09/2021LKomárno 2-1 10/11/2021
    - Odeva LipanyD 1-1 Bardejov01/09/2021VLok. Kosice 1-2 22/09/2021LRuzomberok 1-0 27/10/2021
    22 Dukla BBVJesenské 0-3 24/08/2021LPodbrezova 2-1 22/09/2021
    - Lok. KosiceV 2-1 Vikartovce25/08/2021L 1-2 Odeva Lipany22/09/2021
    - RacaVNova Dedinka 0-1 25/08/2021L 0-3 Trencin21/09/2021
    - Tatran LMVKrásno nad Kysucou 0-5 25/08/2021LDolny Kubin 3-2 06/10/2021
    - MSKV 2-0 Dubnica25/08/2021L 1-2 Zilina28/09/2021
    - NamestovoVZavazna Poruba 2-4 25/08/2021L 0-3 Pohronie21/09/2021
    - Kysucké Nové MestoVOlympia Bobrov 1-3 25/08/2021L 0-6 Ruzomberok15/09/2021
    - Spartak MedzevV 2-1 Mladost Kalsa25/08/2021L 1-3 Humenné22/09/2021
    - Novohrad LucenecVJUPIE 1-2 25/08/2021L 2-5 FK Kosice22/09/2021

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 00:15

    0 - 1531
    Best scorer : Martin Bukata - 2 Goals
    16 - 3031
    Best scorer : Matej Trusa - 2 Goals
    31 - 45+29
    Best scorer : Karol Mondek - 2 Goals
    46 - 6040
    Best scorer : Milan Jurdik - 2 Goals
    61 - 7536
    76 - 90+42
    Best scorer : Dyjan - 2 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 00:15

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 8 times
    1 - 0 5 times
    1 - 1 4 times
    2 - 0 7 times
    2 - 1 16 times
    2 - 2 3 times
    3 - 0 14 times
    3 - 1 6 times
    3 - 2 4 times
    4 - 0 6 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 2 1 times
    5 - 0 3 times
    5 - 1 1 times
    5 - 2 2 times
    6 - 0 3 times
    7 - 0 2 times
    7 - 1 1 times
    8 - 0 1 times
    9 - 0 1 times
    12 - 0 1 times

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 21/02/2025 at 23:45

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Pohronie 36 5 7 Patrik Blahut (4 goals)
    Senica 33 7 9 Milan Jurdik (3 goals)
    Spartak Trnava 28 7 12 Martin Bukata (3 goals)
    Puchov 28 4 4 Daniel Pilny (2 goals)
    FK Kosice 28 4 8 Marcus Mölvadgaard (3 goals)
    Zlate Moravce 28 5 13 Alexandros Kyziridis (3 goals)
    Slovan 27 6 8 Dejan Drazic (3 goals)
    Trencin 27 6 7 Jakub Kadak (2 goals)
    Ruzomberok 25 3 6 Adam Brenkus (2 goals)
    Humenné 25 3 5 Michal Hamulak (2 goals)
    Zemplin 24 3 5 Matej Trusa (3 goals)
    Zilina 24 3 3 Jakub Paur (3 goals)
    Komárno 23 3 3 Peter Varga (1 goals)
    Samorin 22 4 9 Lukas Leginus (7 goals)
    Vranov 20 2 2 Erik Burcak (1 goals)
    Dukla BB 20 2 3 David Depetris (2 goals)
    Dunajska Streda 20 2 6 Yhoan Andzouana (1 goals)
    Podbrezova 19 3 6 Ivan Timoshenko (4 goals)
    Trebatice 19 2 2 Lubos Miklovic (1 goals)
    Skalica 18 4 4 Ondrej Rudzan (3 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 01/03/2025 at 00:15

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Petrzalka 20.2 Jakub Hronec (28 years) Branislav Spacil (17 years)
    Slovan Galanta 20.6 Martin Meciar (27 years) Ronald Kocik (16 years)
    Bánovce nad Bebravou 20.8 Radovan Halas (26 years) Tobias Gulis (17 years)
    Baník Prievidza 21 Filip Hlohovsky (32 years) Filip Mujkos (18 years)
    Zilina 21.2 Jakub Paur (28 years) Mario Sauer (16 years)
    MSK Senec 21.5 Michal Hrivnak (29 years) Richard Matus (17 years)
    Trencin 22 Erik Jendrisek (34 years) Simon Micuda (16 years)
    Novohrad Lucenec 22.1 Andrej Pipiska (32 years) Peter Imre (16 years)
    Senica 22.2 Juraj Piroska (33 years) Adam Bily (16 years)
    Spisské P. 22.3 Jan Vitkaj (30 years) Tomas Bujnovsky (16 years)
    Raca 22.4 Martin Kubala (29 years) Ivan Glushko (18 years)
    Dunajska Streda 22.4 Eric Davis (29 years) Dominik Veselovsky (18 years)
    Ruzomberok 22.6 Jan Maslo (34 years) Viktor Uradnik (16 years)
    Tomasov 22.7 Martin Badura (28 years) Kristian Bertok (17 years)
    Kysucké Nové Mesto 22.7 Milos Kubala (31 years) Samuel Holes (18 years)
    Malacky 22.7 Jaroslav Zvac (35 years) Michal Liptak (18 years)
    Zemplin 22.7 José Casado (32 years) Zoran Zahradnik (15 years)
    Velke Lovce 22.8 Gabriel Svec (39 years) Viktor Krcmar (16 years)
    Spisska Bela 22.8 Branislav Gallik (31 years) Adam Majercak (16 years)
    Tesla Stropkov 22.9 Miroslav Kerestes (31 years) David Viet (16 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 21/02/2025 at 23:45

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Slovakia 1362 904 127
    Czech Republic 74 31 9
    Nigeria 56 18 6
    Serbia 35 16 5
    Greece 29 8 7
    Ghana 22 8 4
    Ukraine 16 16 3
    Brazil 15 10 5
    North Macedonia 14 6 4
    Poland 11 4 1
    Indonesia 10 2 2
    Georgia 9 3 0
    Hungary 8 6 1
    United States 7 2 1
    Cameroon 7 3 1
    Spain 6 4 0
    Cape Verde 6 2 0
    England 6 1 2
    Suriname 6 1 0
    DR Congo 6 2 1


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