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Faxe Kondi Ligaen 1996/1997 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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Faxe Kondi Ligaen1996/1997

Tier : 1
Type of clubs : A
Country : Denmark
GamesGames played : 198
Goals forGoals scored : 609 (3.08 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 1
Red cardsRed cards : 6

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 26.42 years
Number of players participating : 271
Relegated to lower tier : Naestved, Ikast FS

Faxe Kondi Ligaen 1996/1997's fixtures and results

Round 22

April 11, 1997
Odense0 2Vejle
April 13, 1997
FC Copenhagen1 1Herfolge
Hvidovre2 2Aarhus GF
Silkeborg3 1Lyngby
Aalborg3 1Viborg
AB2 2Bröndby
  • 31'Peter Knudsen
  • 40'Jan Bjur
  • 18'Peter Möller
  • 48'Ebbe Sand
  • General rankingLast updated on 15/06/1997

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo BröndbyBröndby683320856439+25
    logo VejleVejle5433141275738+19
    logo Aarhus GFAarhus GF5233141097551+24
    logo HerfolgeHerfolge5233157114642+4
    logo AalborgAalborg47331211104640+6
    logo SilkeborgSilkeborg4533101585155-4
    logo OdenseOdense4133118145961-2
    logo FC CopenhagenFC Copenhagen41331011123543-8
    logo LyngbyLyngby40331010135061-11
    logo ABAB3633812135662-6
    logo ViborgViborg2933611163158-27
    logo HvidovreHvidovre2633511173959-20

    One match scorers

    Miklos Molnarhas scored 3 goals during the match Lyngby 6-1 AB (28/07/1996)
    Sören Andersenhas scored 5 goals during the match Viborg 0-5 Aalborg (31/07/1996)
    Thomas Thorningerhas scored 3 goals during the match Aarhus GF 6-1 Aalborg (15/09/1996)


    1 BröndbyV 2-0 FC Copenhagen19/05/1997DAalborg 1-1 23/05/1997V 3-1 Hvidovre29/05/1997VAarhus GF 2-3 01/06/1997V 4-0 Viborg11/06/1997VHerfolge 1-2 15/06/1997
    2 SilkeborgV 2-1 Odense19/05/1997LFC Copenhagen 3-0 25/05/1997D 1-1 Aalborg29/05/1997VHvidovre 0-1 01/06/1997V 4-3 Aarhus GF11/06/1997VViborg 0-2 15/06/1997
    3 FC CopenhagenLBröndby 2-0 19/05/1997V 3-0 Silkeborg25/05/1997VAB 0-1 29/05/1997V 1-0 Odense01/06/1997D 1-1 Lyngby11/06/1997VAalborg 0-1 15/06/1997
    4 VejleV 2-0 Aalborg19/05/1997VHvidovre 0-1 25/05/1997D 1-1 Aarhus GF29/05/1997DViborg 1-1 01/06/1997V 4-1 Herfolge11/06/1997DLyngby 1-1 15/06/1997
    5 ABD 2-2 Lyngby19/05/1997VOdense 1-2 25/05/1997L 0-1 FC Copenhagen29/05/1997VAalborg 1-3 01/06/1997V 7-1 Hvidovre11/06/1997LAarhus GF 2-1 15/06/1997
    6 Aarhus GFVViborg 0-4 19/05/1997D 2-2 Herfolge25/05/1997DVejle 1-1 29/05/1997L 2-3 Bröndby01/06/1997LSilkeborg 4-3 11/06/1997V 2-1 AB15/06/1997
    7 HerfolgeV 4-3 Hvidovre19/05/1997DAarhus GF 2-2 25/05/1997V 1-0 Viborg29/05/1997DLyngby 1-1 01/06/1997LVejle 4-1 11/06/1997L 1-2 Bröndby15/06/1997
    8 LyngbyDAB 2-2 19/05/1997D 1-1 Viborg25/05/1997LOdense 4-3 29/05/1997D 1-1 Herfolge01/06/1997DFC Copenhagen 1-1 11/06/1997D 1-1 Vejle15/06/1997
    9 OdenseLSilkeborg 2-1 19/05/1997L 1-2 AB25/05/1997V 4-3 Lyngby29/05/1997LFC Copenhagen 1-0 01/06/1997D 1-1 Aalborg11/06/1997LHvidovre 4-3 15/06/1997
    10 HvidovreLHerfolge 4-3 19/05/1997L 0-1 Vejle25/05/1997LBröndby 3-1 29/05/1997L 0-1 Silkeborg01/06/1997LAB 7-1 11/06/1997V 4-3 Odense15/06/1997
    11 AalborgLVejle 2-0 19/05/1997D 1-1 Bröndby23/05/1997DSilkeborg 1-1 29/05/1997L 1-3 AB01/06/1997DOdense 1-1 11/06/1997L 0-1 FC Copenhagen15/06/1997
    12 ViborgL 0-4 Aarhus GF19/05/1997DLyngby 1-1 25/05/1997LHerfolge 1-0 29/05/1997D 1-1 Vejle01/06/1997LBröndby 4-0 11/06/1997L 0-2 Silkeborg15/06/1997

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233
    logo BröndbyBröndby311111111111111111111111111111111
    logo VejleVejle6466991076455777777777555445434322
    logo Aarhus GFAarhus GF422343333333333333334333332223443
    logo HerfolgeHerfolge97910128799744445665555666554342234
    logo AalborgAalborg333222222222222222222222223555555
    logo SilkeborgSilkeborg111210681010111099910999889888888888766
    logo OdenseOdense2810567668677554444443444666666677
    logo FC CopenhagenFC Copenhagen564335455991111119101011109101099999999998
    logo LyngbyLyngby147954544566666556666777777777889
    logo ABAB10958811111212121212121212111112111212121010101111101010101010
    logo ViborgViborg8111211111212811888888888910891111111010111111111111
    logo HvidovreHvidovre710877109117101110101011121210121111111212121212121212121212

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    0 - 1528
    Best scorer : Thomas Thorninger - 4 Goals
    16 - 3017
    Best scorer : Peter Möller - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+35
    Best scorer : Peter Möller - 4 Goals
    46 - 6044
    Best scorer : Peter Möller - 8 Goals
    61 - 7535
    Best scorer : Sören Andersen - 3 Goals
    76 - 90+28
    Best scorer : Peter Möller - 4 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 7 times
    1 - 0 24 times
    1 - 1 37 times
    2 - 0 23 times
    2 - 1 24 times
    2 - 2 16 times
    3 - 0 10 times
    3 - 1 13 times
    3 - 2 11 times
    3 - 3 3 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 0 5 times
    4 - 1 8 times
    4 - 2 2 times
    4 - 3 6 times
    5 - 0 2 times
    5 - 2 1 times
    5 - 3 1 times
    6 - 0 1 times
    6 - 1 3 times
    7 - 1 1 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Hvidovre 27 7 8 Denni Conteh (3 goals)
    FC Copenhagen 27 7 4 Mark Robins (3 goals)
    AB 25 7 8 Peter Knudsen (6 goals)
    Lyngby 25 7 5 Miklos Molnar (6 goals)
    Vejle 24 7 6 Peter Graulund (4 goals)
    Bröndby 23 27 14 Peter Möller (22 goals)
    Aarhus GF 23 6 6 Thomas Thorninger (8 goals)
    Odense 22 5 6 Morten Bisgaard (1 goals)
    Viborg 22 4 1 Sören Frederiksen (1 goals)
    Aalborg 21 5 4 Sören Andersen (7 goals)
    Silkeborg 21 6 9 Jesper Cy Thygesen (2 goals)
    Herfolge 20 5 10 Morten Böhme Nielsen (2 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Lyngby 23.8 Bent Egsmark Christensen (32 years) Dennis Rommedahl (17 years)
    Odense 24.9 Lars Högh (36 years) Lars Jacobsen (16 years)
    Aalborg 25.1 Ib Richard Simonsen (31 years) Thomas Baelum (17 years)
    Viborg 25.2 Stephen Lowe (32 years) Nichlas Hindsberg (20 years)
    FC Copenhagen 25.3 Michael Manniche (36 years) Stefan Hansen (17 years)
    Aarhus GF 25.4 John Sivebaek (34 years) Jes Höjen Nielsen (17 years)
    Bröndby 25.5 Lars Olsen (34 years) Peter Madsen (17 years)
    Vejle 25.8 Finn Christensen (33 years) Peter Graulund (19 years)
    AB 25.8 Peter Larsen (30 years) Mads Spur-Mortensen (21 years)
    Silkeborg 25.8 Keld Bordinggaard (33 years) Martin Laursen (18 years)
    Hvidovre 25.9 Michael Bo Nielsen (33 years) Kenny Thorup (18 years)
    Herfolge 26.2 Peter Poulsen (31 years) Ulrik Drost (18 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 18/02/2025 at 16:35

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Denmark 1285 249 173
    Norway 32 3 4
    Lithuania 18 2 1
    Finland 10 4 0
    North Macedonia 7 2 2
    Croatia 7 2 0
    Faroe Islands 6 1 1
    England 4 2 3
    Belarus 2 1 0
    Togo 2 1 0
    Cameroon 1 1 0
    Morocco 1 1 0
    Montenegro 1 1 0
    Sweden 1 1 0


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