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× Challenge League 2018/2019 : Results, rankings and all statistics
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logo Challenge League Challenge League2018/2019

Tier : 2
Type of clubs : A
Country : Switzerland
GamesGames played : 180
Goals forGoals scored : 534 (2.97 goals per match )
Yellow cardsYellow cards : 769
Red cardsRed cards : 27

Home victories


Away victories

Players age average : 25.53 years
Number of players participating : 278
Promoted : Kriens
Relegated to lower tier : Wohlen
Promoted to higher tier : Neuchâtel Xamax
Relegated from higher tier : Lausanne-Sport Challenge League 2018/2019's fixtures and results

Round 14

November 09, 2018
Winterthur1 3Servette
  • 6'Luka Sliskovic
  • 18'Alex Schalk
  • 49'Alexandre Alphonse
  • 55'Sébastien Wüthrich
  • November 10, 2018
    FC Schaffhouse3 2Chiasso
  • 10'Karim Barry
  • 37'Nejc Mevlja
  • 45'Miguel Castroman
  • 6'Andrea Padula
  • 80'Nicolae Milinceanu
  • November 11, 2018
    Kriens1 1Lausanne-Sport
  • 52'Dario Ulrich
  • 35'Andi Zeqiri
  • Aarau3 0Rapperswil
  • 8'Stefan Maierhofer
  • 15'Stefan Maierhofer
  • 24'Michel Morganella (o.g)
  • Vaduz0 2Wil
  • 8'Nikki Havenaar
  • 40'Magnus Breitenmoser
  • General rankingLast updated on 26/05/2019

    pts m v d l GF GA diff
    logo ServetteServette793624759037+53
    logo AarauAarau6436197106346+17
    logo Lausanne-SportLausanne-Sport6336161556437+27
    logo WinterthurWinterthur5636168125751+6
    logo WilWil42361012143347-14
    logo VaduzVaduz4236119164870-22
    logo FC SchaffhouseFC Schaffhouse3936109174362-19
    logo KriensKriens3636715144658-12
    logo ChiassoChiasso363699184367-24
    logo FC Rapperswil-JonaRapperswil3536105214759-12

    Latest transfers

    All transfers

    One match scorers

    Aldin Turkeshas scored 3 goals during the match Kriens 1-4 Rapperswil (28/07/2018)
    Nico Siegristhas scored 3 goals during the match Chiasso 3-3 Kriens (25/11/2018)
    Alexandre Alphonsehas scored 3 goals during the match Servette 5-1 Chiasso (02/12/2018)
    Andi Zeqirihas scored 3 goals during the match Lausanne-Sport 6-2 Vaduz (26/05/2019)

    Individual rankingsLast updated on 04/03/2025 at 19:13

    Player Goals pen. eff. Min.p. M.p. Start Home Away 1H 2H Team % Last goal
    Nico Siegrist 16 5 173 2773 32 32 3 13 8 8 36% 02/04/2019
    Aldin Turkes 16 1 191 3048 34 34 8 8 6 10 34% 16/05/2019
    Mychell Chagas 14 3 61 847 30 5 5 9 1 13 16% 26/05/2019
    Luka Sliskovic 13 2 154 2005 35 22 7 6 5 8 24% 26/05/2019
    Miguel Castroman 11 2 187 2062 25 23 6 5 8 3 26% 20/04/2019
    Varol Tasar 11 0 235 2583 33 31 6 5 5 6 18% 11/05/2019
    Koro Koné 11 0 136 1496 20 16 6 5 4 7 13% 23/05/2019
    Stefan Maierhofer 11 2 157 1725 26 20 7 4 5 6 18% 26/05/2019
    Zoran Josipovic 11 1 196 2153 30 25 7 4 2 9 26% 26/05/2019
    Sébastien Wüthrich 10 1 210 2104 31 28 5 5 7 3 11% 26/05/2019
    Miroslav Stevanovic 10 0 293 2931 34 33 7 3 6 4 11% 26/05/2019
    Alexandre Alphonse 10 0 140 1395 25 16 8 2 4 6 11% 26/05/2019
    Taulant Seferi 10 1 241 2407 32 27 6 4 2 8 18% 26/05/2019
    Milan Gajic 9 2 234 2108 30 24 7 2 3 6 19% 30/03/2019
    Alex Schalk 9 1 214 1930 27 26 6 3 5 4 10% 27/04/2019


    1 AarauVServette 1-2 27/04/2019V 3-0 Lausanne-Sport04/05/2019VFC Schaffhouse 1-2 11/05/2019D 1-1 Kriens15/05/2019VChiasso 0-1 23/05/2019V 1-0 Rapperswil26/05/2019
    2 ServetteL 1-2 Aarau27/04/2019VFC Schaffhouse 0-2 04/05/2019V 3-1 Lausanne-Sport10/05/2019V 5-3 Rapperswil16/05/2019VVaduz 1-5 23/05/2019V 4-1 Kriens26/05/2019
    3 WinterthurLLausanne-Sport 4-1 26/04/2019V 2-0 Wil04/05/2019LVaduz 1-0 11/05/2019V 2-0 Chiasso16/05/2019VRapperswil 1-4 23/05/2019V 3-2 FC Schaffhouse26/05/2019
    4 Lausanne-SportV 4-1 Winterthur26/04/2019LAarau 3-0 04/05/2019LServette 3-1 10/05/2019D 0-0 FC Schaffhouse15/05/2019VKriens 0-2 23/05/2019V 6-2 Vaduz26/05/2019
    5 ChiassoDKriens 0-0 28/04/2019L 1-2 Vaduz04/05/2019V 2-1 Rapperswil11/05/2019LWinterthur 2-0 16/05/2019L 0-1 Aarau23/05/2019VWil 1-2 26/05/2019
    6 FC SchaffhouseVVaduz 0-2 27/04/2019L 0-2 Servette04/05/2019L 1-2 Aarau11/05/2019DLausanne-Sport 0-0 15/05/2019V 2-0 Wil23/05/2019LWinterthur 3-2 26/05/2019
    7 VaduzL 0-2 FC Schaffhouse27/04/2019VChiasso 1-2 04/05/2019V 1-0 Winterthur11/05/2019DWil 1-1 16/05/2019L 1-5 Servette23/05/2019LLausanne-Sport 6-2 26/05/2019
    8 WilD 1-1 Rapperswil28/04/2019LWinterthur 2-0 04/05/2019VKriens 1-2 11/05/2019D 1-1 Vaduz16/05/2019LFC Schaffhouse 2-0 23/05/2019L 1-2 Chiasso26/05/2019
    9 RapperswilDWil 1-1 28/04/2019V 1-0 Kriens03/05/2019LChiasso 2-1 11/05/2019LServette 5-3 16/05/2019L 1-4 Winterthur23/05/2019LAarau 1-0 26/05/2019
    10 KriensD 0-0 Chiasso28/04/2019LRapperswil 1-0 03/05/2019L 1-2 Wil11/05/2019DAarau 1-1 15/05/2019L 0-2 Lausanne-Sport23/05/2019LServette 4-1 26/05/2019

    Ranking matchday by matchdayLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 09:50

    Team \ Rd123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536
    logo ServetteServette32343455541111111111111111111111111
    logo AarauAarau89910101010101010101099866554545434333332222
    logo Lausanne-SportLausanne-Sport53111122222443443322222222222223333
    logo WinterthurWinterthur85235544333234332233333343444444444
    logo WilWil36622211114322224445454555555555555
    logo VaduzVaduz24878887787566677778776766666666666
    logo FC SchaffhouseFC Schaffhouse107556666666755555666667889997799877
    logo KriensKriens587877799788889991097898677778888788
    logo ChiassoChiasso71010999988999101010101098991010998881010101010109
    logo FC Rapperswil-JonaRapperswil11454333455677788810101089101010101099779910

    Goals per quarterLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 09:50

    0 - 1570
    Best scorer : Stefan Maierhofer - 3 Goals
    16 - 3067
    Best scorer : Nico Siegrist - 4 Goals
    31 - 45+88
    Best scorer : Sébastien Wüthrich - 3 Goals
    46 - 6087
    Best scorer : Aldin Turkes - 7 Goals
    61 - 7597
    Best scorer : Mychell Chagas - 6 Goals
    76 - 90+125
    Best scorer : Mychell Chagas - 7 Goals

    Most frequent scoresLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 09:50

    Score Frequence
    0 - 0 8 times
    1 - 0 20 times
    1 - 1 26 times
    2 - 0 29 times
    2 - 1 28 times
    2 - 2 11 times
    3 - 0 8 times
    3 - 1 13 times
    3 - 2 13 times
    3 - 3 3 times
    Score Frequence
    4 - 0 3 times
    4 - 1 8 times
    4 - 2 1 times
    5 - 0 1 times
    5 - 1 4 times
    5 - 2 1 times
    5 - 3 1 times
    6 - 1 1 times
    6 - 2 1 times

    Goals scored per matchdayLast updated on 10/03/2025 at 09:50

    General statistics by teamLast updated on 04/03/2025 at 19:13

    Team Participants Different First XI Different Scorers Best scorer
    Rapperswil 35 31 15 Aldin Turkes (16 goals)
    Chiasso 32 32 15 Zoran Josipovic (11 goals)
    Lausanne-Sport 30 28 20 Maxime Dominguez (7 goals)
    Vaduz 29 34 13 Milan Gajic (9 goals)
    Servette 28 29 18 Mychell Chagas (14 goals)
    Kriens 27 33 13 Nico Siegrist (16 goals)
    Aarau 27 27 14 Stefan Maierhofer (11 goals)
    FC Schaffhouse 26 34 14 Miguel Castroman (11 goals)
    Winterthur 25 28 13 Luka Sliskovic (13 goals)
    Wil 24 34 13 Sergio Cortelezzi (6 goals)

    Teams ages statisticsLast updated on 21/02/2025 at 19:34

    Team Average age Oldest player Youngest player
    Chiasso 22.5 Gabriele Perico (33 years) Michel Oberlin (18 years)
    Winterthur 23.7 Davide Callà (33 years) Enrique Wild (18 years)
    Kriens 23.8 Skumbim Sulejmani (31 years) Dario Ulrich (19 years)
    Wil 24 Silvio (32 years) Ismajl Beka (18 years)
    Rapperswil 24.3 Stéphane Nater (33 years) Janis Truniger (16 years)
    Lausanne-Sport 24.8 Gonçalo Brandão (31 years) Dan Ndoye (17 years)
    FC Schaffhouse 25 Paulinho (35 years) Calvin Heim (17 years)
    Aarau 25.1 Stefan Maierhofer (35 years) Mickael Almeida (18 years)
    Vaduz 25.7 Tomislav Puljic (34 years) Noah Frick (16 years)
    Servette 26.1 Alexandre Alphonse (35 years) Alexis Antunes (17 years)

    Countries statisticsLast updated on 04/03/2025 at 19:13

    Country Number of games played Number of players Number of goals scored
    Switzerland 3004 163 257
    France 197 10 8
    Germany 179 8 14
    Italy 166 9 16
    Kosovo 165 11 10
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 122 5 28
    Albania 120 4 14
    Brazil 117 6 19
    Liechtenstein 112 8 5
    Croatia 106 5 5
    Austria 75 4 14
    Serbia 75 3 9
    Senegal 72 3 4
    DR Congo 55 4 0
    Uruguay 53 3 10
    Ivory Coast 52 2 16
    Portugal 51 3 5
    North Macedonia 50 2 7
    Turkey 50 2 15
    Spain 39 3 2


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