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Atletico Fiuggi - Players, Ranking and Transfers - 22/23
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Atletico Fiuggi 2022/2023

Full nameASD Atletico Terme di Fiuggi
Diminutive Atletico Fiuggi
Dissolution year2022
Stadium Capo ai Prati


Transfers: Out

Players out

01/0701/07/2022photo Nicolas Di Nezza N. Di NezzaPomezia
01/0701/07/2022photo Federico Prosperini F. ProsperiniTrastevere Return from loan
01/0701/07/2022photo Mousa Balla Sowe M. B. SoweHamrun
01/0701/07/2022photo Valerio Tucci Valerio TucciUnknown
01/0701/07/2022photo Sergio Yakubiv Sergio YakubivCrotoneReturn from loan
06/0706/07/2022photo Alessio Lo Duca Alessio Lo DucaV. Francavilla
07/0707/07/2022photo Riccardo Novi Riccardo NoviTolentino
13/0713/07/2022photo Alessandro Montesi A. MontesiUnknown
17/0717/07/2022photo Francesco Rizzitelli F. RizzitelliSiena
18/0718/07/2022photo Alessandro Costa A. CostaR.Monterotondo
26/0726/07/2022photo Ludovico Rocchi Ludovico RocchiPomezia
14/0814/08/2022photo Filippo Tajani Filippo TajaniUnknown
27/0827/08/2022photo Kayro Flores Heatley Flores HeatleyFrascati
28/0828/08/2022photo Alessio Palladini A. PalladiniR.Monterotondo
02/0902/09/2022photo Ahmed Mejri Ahmed MejriIlvamaddalena

Players released

01/0701/07/2022photo Loris Gallinari Loris GallinariFree
01/0701/07/2022photo Guerino Turzo Guerino TurzoFree

Staff members out

01/0701/07/2022photo Marco Ascenzi Marco AscenziTivoliassistant manager

Last 10 years rankingLast updated on 30/01/2025 at 08:27

This ranking is calculated on the total of league games of the country between 2013 and 2023 weighted by the tier of the competition teams played for. The points per match are calculated on the basis of a 3-point victory and a 1-point draw.
192Viareggio 20141.22 pts/m
193Latte Dolce1.31 pts/m
194Ligorna 19221.23 pts/m
195Ponsacco 19201.49 pts/m
196Mezzolara1.19 pts/m
197Atletico Fiuggi1.47 pts/m
198Seravezza Pozzi1.44 pts/m
199Cassino1.44 pts/m
200Team Altamura1.45 pts/m
201Caravaggio1.14 pts/m
202Union Feltre1.43 pts/m
First data collected by on the 23/08/2013. All information before this date, if they exist, might be missing.


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